Commander’s Christmas Party Nixed; Projects Mikey Weinstein on Screen at Mandatory Unit Gathering, Calls Him an “Anti-Christian Terrorist”

“He started loudly yelling about what had gone down with the new name change and other inclusive changes for ‘his’ Christmas event and the new emphasis on inclusion and diversity. He said that the ‘globalist War on Christmas’ had no place in his unit and that ‘Christmas is for everybody anyway.’ He then said that he knew that many in our unit were as equally pissed off as he was. And that they should direct and vent their rage against ‘that anti-Christian terrorist Mikey Weinstein and the anti-Christian MRFF.’ He then had the screen projector show a picture of Mikey with his 800 phone number at the MRFF plainly visible. Our Commander then additionally advised all attendees to contact their Members of Congress as Congress was ‘just this far away’ (he held up his left thumb and left forefinger to indicate a very short distance) from finally accomplishing the banning of MRFF from even existing anymore. He even told everyone that this was his personal Christmas wish for this year.”
— Email from two MRFF reps in this commander’s unit who, on belief of 47 other unit members, forced him to change his uber-religious, exclusively Christian “Christmas Extravaganza Party” to an inclusive event for all
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- February 5, 2025 | 14 comments
- February 5, 2025 | No comments
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Well… isn’t THAT commander… well, he is who he is.
Globalist war on Christmas? Isn’t that code for ‘Jews will not replace us’? How Gao’uld of him (not using the term Nazi anymore to describe those espousing Nazi-esque beliefs. If you want to know why – ask; otherwise, lets continue).
Regarding the party – commander gives the game away. He’s not in it for winning souls. He’s all about the notches on his belt so when he dies and (assumedly) meets his maker in heaven he can say “see what I did?”. I’m fairly certain he’s read the Christian bible so how exactly did he get the message that notches in his spiritual belt is a good thing? I read the book and that was not my takeaway.
And a hearty Well Done!!! MRFF Reps and a sincere thank you for performing your duty.
You could have said nothing. I am well aware of the risks you took.
Seriously, if the commander wanted to control the outcome of the Holiday party meeting he should have been at the table. But then again, Christian nationalists have always reminded me of toddlers needing a nap and a binky. Maybe he didn’t trust himself not to blow up at you as the events turned serious. And he’s who the upper ups thought was a good idea to be a commander of service personnel who may have to die in service of their country?
DO BETTER DOD. (yes, I yelled at them. They are on my naughty list at the moment)
I wonder if the commanders actions and words are actionable. I mean, he clearly took an oath to defend the Christian holy book not the Constitution, threatened a veteran by posting their picture and phone number, and requested those under his command to write letters to their congress critters defending his decisions and actions.
I believe the guy stepped out of bounds but I’m not a lawyer.
The commander didn’t catch the full picture! Mikey is at war with the entire Christian faith, not just Christmas. And in a sense he is a terrorist because of his use of every means necessary to force others to cower to his wishes. AND TO HIS SUPPORTERS- check out the only people who get salaries from your donations and support!
Hey Wiener for Christ,
The part about the only people getting salaries from your donations and support, you must be talking about the church!
I’m with you there brother. Good catch on your part! Selling Jesus is one of the most profitable businesses you can be in! Completely tax free. Completely non-reportable! Just doesn’t get any better!
You see Jesse Duplantis’ new $54 million dollar jet? One of four? WOW! What a fantastic ride! Jesse said the magic man in the sky told him he needed a new jet. In fairness, it does get him a little closer to God at 35,000 feet. And it gets him to new locales quickly for new franchise ground breaking!
Creflo Dollar told his ministry God wanted him to have a new Gulfstream. Done! Too easy! Donations!
Kenneth Copeland also got a note from God saying he also needed a new Gulfstream.
God prefers Gulfstream.
Yeah, those donations, you know, get out the shears, we got us some fleecing to do!
Paula White, Joel Osteen, Rod Parsley, Joyce Meyer, all with donations bought private jets. There’s a lot of them, it’s a big list!
Ever see their mansions? Damn! God sho nuff do love him sum donations to the church!
But…..poor Christians! So persecuted! Awww. Don’t you feel sorry for them?
Especially the ones in uniform that have to go to their Commander’s prayer vigils. On a Friday night no less! What a young trooper’s dream. “I could be out getting laid tonight but the Christian in me says I’d rather go sing ‘Jesus Loves Me’ at my Commander’s house! We even get to hold hands!” Awww, warriors are so cute when they hold hands!
Churches (non-profits) in the US take in around $74.5 Billion dollars a year. That number goes up by an order of magnitude to $378 Billion when you add in hospitals and the ancillary church-run businesses.
That’s a pretty good return on selling Jesus!
But back to Mikey. He makes people cower? Not all the time though. Only when he’s holding up the Constitution to military leaders!
Those proselytizing in the military have forgotten their oaths and should be removed from service! It’s disruptive to the good order and discipline of the service. It detracts from unit morale and the ability to fight as a team!
I want military members to be able to deliver ordnance down range, not recite the Sermon On The Mount!
You know what’s unique about my donations to the MRFF? It’s my fucking money! I’d damn sure rather give my money to the MRFF than to a church to ensure that young troops aren’t bullied by religious nut jobs and that oaths to a secular Constitution are honored! So fuck off!
Support The MRFF!
“that anti-Christian terrorist Mikey Weinstein”
Should be
“That anti Christian-terrorist Mikey Weinstein”
Wow, the projection on these two!
So, upholding the Constitution and Veterans Administration Regulations makes MRFF and Mikey anti Christian-terrorists? did I get that right Lb?
Kids, you’ve been misinformed, bamboozled, fooled even.
The only thing we do here is defend the Constitution of these United States of America.
And poke at trolls. I like the poking parts. Y’all are very fun to watch as you repeat your talking points. Well, it’s fun until you each independently say the same freaking thing. That’s kinda Children of the Corn, but the rest is hi-larious.
Grey One: you’re right. Warrior and Lb clearly lack the ability or the will to take a look at who is on the MRFF Board and who most of the organization’s clients are: Christians. The real agenda of Warrior and Lb is obviously to mask their lack of respect for religious freedom for all with nonsense claims about attacks on Christians and Christianity. Intelligent people who know what the MRFF and Mikey Weinstein actually do, and who they are, will understand that the trolls are lying.
Grey One and Jeff,
I think that you might be reading Lb’s post wrong. I think what the person was pointing out is the Mikey is not a terrorist against Christians (“anti-Christian terrorist”), but rather against Christian terrorists (“anti Christian-terrorist”).
I will admit that I may be wrong, but that is the way that I read it.
Ah… that makes sense. Thanks for your clarification. I was waiting on coffee so I lumped them together.
You could be right Mark. Thanks for speaking up. If that’s the case, I retract my inclusion of Lb in my comment.
Who the heck is that commander’s superior? And is the appropriate remedy reprimand, demotion, or dishonerable discharge?
I believe a blatant disregard of the constitution and military regs to go out of his way to violate the civil rights of those under his command is an abuse of power and a violation of his oath and a show of disrespect severe enough to call for a dishonorable discharge. However, the more likely outcome is the most favorable to him, and the one least likely to stop this outrageous behavior by him and by others in the future, going by the weak, token reaction we’ve seen over and over in these types of cases.