Make a Donation
Your completely tax-deductible donation will allow us to continue our fight in the courts and in the media to protect the constitutionally-guaranteed right of religious freedom for our U.S. servicemembers.
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit entity. Our Federal Nonprofit ID # is 20-3967302.
For assistance with donations, acknowledgment letters, or exploring additional ways to support MRFF’s mission, please call or email MRFF’s Administrative Director, Kat Tydeman at 1-800-736-5109 ext. 3 or [email protected]
MRFF values your privacy; your personal information will never be shared outside the Foundation.
Why Donate?
Your donation will be used to protect and defend the First Amendment rights of the brave servicemen and servicewomen who give their lives to protect us.
MRFF relies on your donations because we never charge any of our clients to protect their constitutionally-guaranteed right to religious freedom in the United States military.
Donate by Mail
If you select “Mail a Check Donation” on the donation form after choosing an amount and clicking continue, MRFF will be notified of your intent to donate and you will receive detailed instructions via email.
Or, you can simply mail checks to:
Military Religious Freedom Foundation
ATTN: Support MRFF
13170-B Central Avenue, SE Suite 255
Albuquerque, NM 87123
Help Build the Wall
Donate at least $25 and post a digital brick in the wall separating church and state in our U.S. Military