MRFF's Inbox

August 17, 2008


After viewing the Rick Warren Horror Show last night is it any wonder why Focus On The Family, New Life Church, Campus Crusade for Christ Military Mission, Officer's Christian Fellowship , Christian Military Fellowship International and other Dominion Christian Organizations, along with their minions in the armed forces and government operate with virtual immunity?

Our two assumptive presidential candidates, attempting to "out Christian" each other, gave us a chilling glimpse into a future America teetering on the brink of Theocracy and firmly in the pockets of the Dominion Christian power brokers who so control most facets of government or operate under its aegis; an America to which Gays, Lesbians, Agnostics, Atheists, non-Christian and even moderate Christian practitioners need not apply. Never has the American Constitution been so plainly and ruthlessly savaged as in last night's bastardization of American politics. Are these two running for president or Pope?

Whatever small remedies to this retrograde movement have been forthcoming from the Bush administration have barely even met the "lip service" standard. Aided and abetted by deeply imbedded Dominionist extremists, stealthily and efficiently installed over the years in every position of power in government by George Bush and a Justice Department comprised of attorneys and department heads hired by religious test, the majority of whom were inexperienced recent graduates of Dominionist leader Pat Robertson's Regent University Law School, the Federal Government has become a virtual Christian church in which Christian Soldiers do, indeed "march as to war."

Is there any doubt, that lacking any valid criteria, all others having been debunked early on, our president, George Bush, along with a Dominionist shadow government and the acquiescence of a meek Congress, stacked Judiciary and bullied Executive Branch in the grip of toxic religious belief, committed a generation of young American men and women to the horrors of modern Christian Crusade in the Mid East , an homage to Christian Domination which exceeds in its scope the blood bath of the previous crusades and even the call for Jihad by Islamic terrorists?

These visions of an imperial Christian America perpetuated by more religion-crafted leaders, their crosses and icons emblazoned on banners flown from the parapets of a government subjugated to the dogma of archaic religious belief and the intellectually vacant mumbling's of an entire nation apparently enthralled by this addiction will most certainly supplant the visions of sugar plums which normally dance in our childrens' reveries.

Our troubled democracy is on a collision course with Armageddon. Not the Biblical Armageddon but the Armageddon made a self-fulfilling prophecy by those who would facilitate its occurrence; an Armageddon in which destruction in the fires of heaven is replaced by destruction in the Atomic Fires of Man and in which our Armed Forces, eventually populated by what their Christian masters describe as ""government paid Missionaries for Christ," are participant.

The end times will not consist of a Rapture in which the faithful are taken immediately into the arms of their savior and a cadre of Christian Soldiers left to deal with the problem of convert or die doctrine. It will be an Armageddon in which Jesus Christ has been marginalized in favor of the grotesque caricature of itself Christianity has become. Oh, the Christian Soldiers will be there alright but those counting on the Rapture will find a much different eventuality. They will be conscripted to assist in the world-wide extermination of non-Christians to have things ready for the Saviors return, a case in which the word "Savior" seems somehow a misnomer.

We now see, fully and without even a modicum of doubt that the attraction to the power of the US Presidency is a heady wine, an addictive force to which even the well grounded have succumbed and willing to assign their fealty to the growing number of corporeal Lords of Christian Supremacy.

Unless American citizens, heretofore content with marching lemming-like off the cliff of Christian Dominance, can be brought back from that awful precipice and undertake a new paradigm in which religion assumes its rightful but supporting role in the grand scheme of things, I fear we will have lost our beautiful country, indeed this beautiful world, to the dark forces of religion for what small portion of this Earth is left unscathed by the modern destructive instruments of Dominion Christianity and Extreme Islam will be handily mopped up by someone like them.

MRFF Supporter
Highly Decorated Former Military Combat Pilot
(Name withheld per our request)



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