VIDEO – Wingnut Rep. John Fleming Quotes Mikey Weinstein on House Floor AGAIN

Published On: July 5, 2013|Categories: Top News, Video|Comments Off on VIDEO – Wingnut Rep. John Fleming Quotes Mikey Weinstein on House Floor AGAIN|

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by Chris Rodda, MRFF Senior Research Director:

Next Tuesday, Congressmen John Fleming (R-LA) and Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), joined by the FRC’s Jerry Boykin, CARL’s Ron Crews, and some other assorted wingnuts, will be holding a big press conference to urge the passage of Fleming’s and Huelskamp’s so-called “religious freedom” amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act. I’ve written about both of these amendments, albeit satirically, so if you’re not familiar with them, you can catch up by reading my previous posts on the Fleming amendment and the Huelskamp amendment.

Both Fleming and Huelskamp, while not being able to name an individual by name in their actual amendments, have made it no secret that they think their amendments are necessary to stop one big boogeyman — the one and only spawn of Satan himself, Mikey Weinstein. Here’s Congressman Fleming displaying how scared the wingnuts are of Mikey on the House floor on June 28:

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