February 19, 2016 – MRFF Action Leads to End of Chaplain’s Unwanted Proselytizing Using Official Email Communications

Published On: February 22, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on February 19, 2016 – MRFF Action Leads to End of Chaplain’s Unwanted Proselytizing Using Official Email Communications|

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MRFF was contacted by several active duty clients concerned with the practice of their Brigade Chaplain sending unsolicited Christian proselytizing messages in their daily communications via official U.S. Army email servers.  After contacting MRFF seeking advice on how to best deal with this issue, these clients received advice from a very senior ranking active duty MRFF representative on how to address and stop this practice under current regulations.  However, the Chaplain was unwilling to accept the regulatory compliance advice and cease the unsolicited religious proselytizing messages.  When informed of the Chaplain’s unwillingness to comply with the appropriate religious neutrality regulations, MRFF President/Founder Mikey Weinstein assisted the MRFF clients in making a direct objection to the Chaplain and the Chaplain’s command.  This direct intervention on behalf of the MRFF clients immediately lead to the end of the Chaplain’s unsolicited proselytizing emails and a requirement that soldiers ‘opt-in’ to receive these messages.

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