Letter in this morning’s Gazette.

Published On: December 7, 2011|Categories: MRFF's Inbox|0 Comments|

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Speak up for your beliefs

Mikey Weinstein gets his way at the Air Force Academy. This is no surprise to me. To refresh your mind, he is the one who wants to get rid of Christianity at the AFA. (Although he will deny it.)
I contacted various departments at the Academy, and was very disappointed in the answers I got. According to them, they can’t discriminate against any religion. I suppose if a Satanic religion wanted equal time, they would get it.

There is a pagan shrine on Academy grounds, and I was informed that the chaplains helped build it, since one religion is as good as another. Forget about their mandate, “Go out into the world and preach the Gospel.” Forget the warnings St. Paul gave us about false religions and where would we be if he said, “I personally believe in the Resurrection of Christ, but I don’t want to impose my beliefs on others?”

I was told by some chaplains that they are only following orders and they were concerned about their promotions. I was even told by one that they could not give out that information. However, I did talk to one chaplain (God bless him) who said he was there to preach the Gospel no matter what. I would like to think that we have more chaplains like this one.

I don’t mean to sound so cynical because we do have good people out there who are willing to stand up for their beliefs. Please, speak up for your beliefs so the Mikey Weinsteins of the world will be silent, and call the AFA and ask some tough questions to our esteemed leaders. Don’t take my word for it.

(name withheld)

Dear (name withheld),

You epitomize the evils of religion run amok. You are, in fact, one who has lost her identity as a human being and is attempting to ride to glory on the backs of non-Christians and non-believers. Dominion Christianity is an ugly substitute for the kind and humane religion of Jesus Christ. You have been reading your own press clippings and must prepare for a massive fall due to the false pride you have vested in your belief system.

Mikey Weinstein heads an organization which helps to guarantee religious freedom for all our young men and women in the armed forces. And to the shame of Dominionist Christians such as yourself, he has had to protect these young people from the scourge of coercive and command centered Christian proselytizing.

You would do well to reassess what Christianity is really about and to join those who practice the faith as Jesus would have it practiced.

Richard Baker

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