THE WASHINGTON TIMES – Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, Islam critic, disinvited from Army prayer breakfast

Published On: June 3, 2016|Categories: Top News|2 Comments|

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  1. Doug Burdette June 3, 2016 at 1:10 pm

    You may not agree with Lt. Gen.. Boykin but this is a voluntary attendance event. Your complaint seems to have been in the past that religion is being forced on soldiers. This is not being forced on anyone and now you have infringed upon the rights of those who were voluntarily gathering for a prayer breakfast. I guess that is okay though because it is someone else. This is hypocrisy is amazing to me. My son serves our country and deserves to have God be a part of that. Leave this stuff alone and find something legitimate to fight against or better yet find some joy and take a day off.

  2. Connie June 3, 2016 at 5:29 pm

    Why do I believe facts will change the letter writers mind? Why do I continue to be amazed at the misunderstanding of everyone? The MRFF doesn’t start anything but they certainly finish it using the sword of the constitution and the sheild of anonymity to protect soldiers caught in the religious crossfire.

    Boykin is a disgrace to the USA, just as crazed as the commentator Rev Bob in his belief that his God ruled over all. We are not a nation based on Christian Values – none of which have been clearly stated by the way. We are a melting pot of many nations and many faiths. It is only through the secular power of the constitution and bill of rights will we, as Americans, win the war the theocrats wage against us.

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