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Published On: June 22, 2012|Categories: News|1 Comment|

“It just seems that every time Mikey Weinstein sends an e-mail over to the Pentagon that they just cater to his every whim,”
– Col. Ron Crews (U.S. Army-RET.),
Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty

MRFF absolutely does NOT condone the expressions of anti-gay bigotry contained in this article. We simply feature this story to show how low the fundamentalist Christian right-wing will sink in their campaign to force their own hateful agenda on our servicemen and women.

Selected Article Excerpts:

  • gays in military 2The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty says it’s a sad state of affairs when the U.S. military decides Bibles are out but “gay pride” is in.The publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention reported last week that its Bibles will no longer display the official insignia of U.S. military branches. The Pentagon had originally granted permission in 2003, but withdrew that last year because of a complaint and legal threat from anti-Christian crusader Mikey Weinstein and his Military Religious Freedom Foundation.
  • “It just seems that every time Mikey Weinstein sends an e-mail over to the Pentagon that they just cater to his every whim,” Crews says. “This one individual has that much influence in the Pentagon. They just cave in.”

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One Comment

  1. Carl Collicott May 2, 2013 at 2:02 am

    The Department of Defense is chartered, and not part of our government, and has no authority over the military. See below
    [Federal Register Volume 75, Number 21 (Tuesday, February 2, 2010)]
    [Pages I-VII]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []

    Defense Department
    See Navy Department
    *Charter Modification:
    Federal Advisory Committee; Advisory Panel on Department of Defense
    Capabilities for Support of Civil Authorities After Certain
    Incidents, 5287
    Charter Renewal:
    Federal Advisory Committee; Western Hemisphere Institute for
    Security Cooperation Board of Visitors, 5287-5288
    The real entity is the Commodity Credit Corporation, for a full expose see G. Edward Griffin’s The Creature from Jekyll Island
    National Military Establishment changed to Department of Defense by act Aug. 10, 1949.

    The Department of War was designated the Department of the Army and the title of the Secretary of War was changed to Secretary of the Army by section 205(a) of act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, 61 Stat. 501. Section 205(a) of act July 26, 1947, was repealed by section 53 of act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 641. Section 1 of act Aug. 10, 1956, enacted “Title 10, Armed Forces” which in sections 3011 to 3013 continued the military Department of the Army under the administrative supervision of a Secretary of the Army.

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