MRFF Op-Ed by Advisory Board Member Larry Wilkerson: Good Lord! Who Are These People?

Published On: March 24, 2021|Categories: News|2 Comments|

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  1. Grey One Talks Sass March 24, 2021 at 10:26 am

    Christian Nationalists are doing what they said they would do since the plan was revealed decades ago. Somewhere in their religion addled brain they are convinced now is the time for their End Times Review and Variety Show. Taking over the Military is but one mountain in the grand scheme to get their party started.
    Their religious zeal is revealed in the eyes. There is no communication. They KNOW, even though the deity of the Christian Bible states in no uncertain terms no human will know the date or time of Christ’s return.
    As for the Deity themselves one might even say God’s plan is ineffable. (H/T Good Omens)
    Concerning the idea of conscription – here’s a thought or two….
    Offer Universal Basic Income for all citizens over 18. To address TANSTAFL (Their Ain’t No Such Thing as a Free Lunch) each citizen enrolls in a Corp (civilian but military adjunct) similar to the Job Corps of old performing jobs necessary to the community. Work is assigned based on ability, dexterity, passion, and need. After a predetermined amount of time served in the Corp each citizen is guaranteed the basic necessities of life, no recertification ever needed.
    I know one argument against my idea already – this will lead to big government but Government in and of itself is not evil. It is a only tool such as a garden rake, hoe, or trowel. It is the intent of the person wielding that tool which determines the value of the labor.
    With the crisis facing humans (climate change) it behooves We The People to use all the resources available. To do otherwise is to waste Good.

  2. Dave Kisor March 24, 2021 at 4:40 pm

    I agree with conscription. The primary defense used against it states it’s unconstitutional, as “it is against life, liberty and the pursuit if happiness.” For those who have never read the Constitution, you won’t find that line there in either an article or amendment. You will find it in the Declaration of Independence, a completely separate document.
    Robert Heinlein predicted a religious takeover in 1939 and wrote about it in “Revolt in 2100.” We should have been prepared for this, if it hadn’t been for the ‘it couldn’t happen here mentality’.

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