MRFF Assists Clients in Quickly Ending Hyper-Sectarian Religious Proselytizing at Mandatory Military Formation

Published On: August 2, 2022|Categories: Achievements|Comments Off on MRFF Assists Clients in Quickly Ending Hyper-Sectarian Religious Proselytizing at Mandatory Military Formation|

August 2, 2022

MRFF President & Founder Mikey Weinstein was contacted by 16 active duty military members for assistance in responding to the ongoing practice of blatant sectarian religious proselytizing by their first-line military commander and his wife at “Christmas in July/August Parties”.  After repeated failed attempts to address this issue via established official EO (Equal Opportunity) complaint procedures, these 16 MRFF clients made up of 10 Christians along with Jewish, Muslim and non-faith agnostics contacted Mikey with a long list of the Christian proselytizing violations that occurred at these Christmas “parties”. 

One client’s email described their commander’s ongoing actions as well as the rapid corrective response achieved after MRFF’s involvement in the matter:

From: (Active Duty Military/MRFF Client’s E-mail Address Withheld)
Subject: “Christmas in August” mandatory event stopped by the MRFF
Date: August 2, 2022 at 3:59:45 PM MDT
To: Information Weinstein <[email protected]>

The 16 military members who the MRFF represented here at (military installation name withheld) want to thank our (military installation name withheld) MRFF Rep and Mikey Weinstein for stopping what was to be a mandatory military formation later this month at our (unit’s name withheld) Commander’s private on-installation residence for what he called a “Christmas in August” celebration.

In the past few years (name and rank of unit commander withheld) who is our first-line military commander and his wife put on lavish “Christmas in July” parties at his home. The whole unit was “invited” but if you didn’t go you were immediately placed on his shit-list forever. These “Christmas in July” parties were far less “party” and far more Christian indoctrination services.

They including active duty (military branch name withheld) chaplains leading worship and the singing of solemn Christmas songs and carols. There were also “altar calls” at every “Christmas in July” event and if you don’t know what they are google it. Children were provided kid-focused bible study books and pamphlets and the active duty subordinates to our commander got an earful of his partisan Christian worldview and his adoring love of Donald Trump and all things MAGA.

This year we all thought we’d dodged the bullet when our commander went on leave with his wife and many children for most of July and no “invitation” had been sent.  But we were wrong as he decided to just do the same f….ed up thing in August.  This year as in past years he made it clear that the monthly unit status and standardization briefing would only occur at his “Christmas in August” party. Those briefings are totally mandatory and are always otherwise scheduled for the first working duty day Monday of each month.

We could give a long list of the Christian proselytizing violations that occurred at these Christmas “parties” but it would be too long for this e-mail. We actually did give such an itemized list to Mikey Weinstein and our installation MRFF Rep.

Mikey called our commander’s boss’ boss at the number we provided him and all of the sudden the “Christmas in August” event at our (unit’s name withheld) Commander’s home was cancelled within 48 hours. We don’t know what Mikey said but whatever he said it worked pretty much immediately.

We also don’t yet know how or even if our commander will take revenge for us going outside of the (military branch name withheld) to the MRFF for help. In the past we had even tried official EO complaints but nothing ever came of them. So there was nowhere else to go but to the MRFF and the MRFF came through!

So anyone reading this knows the score of the 16 active duty (military branch name withheld) service personnel signing this e-mail of thanks to the MRFF 10 of us are Christians and the rest are Jewish, Muslim and non-faith agnostics and the like.  (names, ranks, position titles, assigned unit and installation all withheld)

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