MRFF Again Condemns the Annual Government-Sanctioned Desecration of Non-Christian Veterans’ Graves by “Wreaths Across America” — With New Video from Mikey Weinstein

Published On: December 14, 2022|Categories: Featured News|18 Comments|
Three photos showing Wreaths Across America Christmas wreaths on Jewish atheist and muslim graves

It’s that time of the year again — the time when MRFF is besieged with communications from family members of deceased veterans deeply worried that their loved ones’ graves will be most unwelcomely decorated for Christmas. 

Yes, December 17 is the third Saturday in December, the day designated by a Senate resolution introduced by Maine’s senators each year as “National Wreaths Across America Day” — the day that the Maine “non-profit” Wreaths Across America indiscriminately carpet bombs the graves in veterans cemeteries across the country with Christmas wreaths, whether the families of the veterans interred in those cemeteries want an unquestionably Christian symbol on their loved one’s grave or not. 

Click to read and watch (2:04) video

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  1. MikeyLovesWreaths December 14, 2022 at 7:30 pm

    Another year, another lost battle for MRFF. Embrace the wreaths, they are inevitable. You can’t stop it.

  2. Rev CZ December 14, 2022 at 9:44 pm

    This is a losing battle for MRFF, no matter how much they whine and pout they cannot change anything. With the mega donors that Wreaths Across America has plus with the help of many trucking companies to transport the wreaths across the country it would take an act of God, forgive the pun to stop Wreaths Across America from doing what God has lead them to do. When you go up against God, it is always a losing battle.

  3. Grey One Talks Sass December 15, 2022 at 5:31 am

    An analogy to non consensual intercourse (lie back and ‘enjoy’ it) and a refusal to respect the beliefs of fellow citizens are the best words the opposition can bring to the game?

    I don’t see a deity leading anyone in the Wreath issue. I do see greed for coin, for influence, and a pathological need to force others to believe as they do.

    Humans have been at this point in history so many times and usually the national religionists have won the day. The sacking of Library at Alexandria, the crashing of the Muslim world by conservative clerics, history is filled with the same story; humanity rises up to do better only to be stopped by a petty and jealous priest class.

    The biggest lie told by religion is needing another aside from oneself to speak to their deity.

    This cycle I’m hoping for better outcomes. After all, when we know better we do better.

  4. Johnette December 15, 2022 at 8:08 am

    Wreaths are not a symbol of Christianity. Never have been, never will be.

  5. Grey One Talks Sass December 15, 2022 at 11:16 am

    It has been said “ Wreaths are not a symbol of Christianity. Never have been, never will be.”

    A wreath in and of itself is not a symbol of Christianity, this is a fact. Too many cultures over history have claimed the symbol for their own use.

    That said, the organization Wreathes Across America only has volunteers place their product on graves of veterans during the Christmas season, decorated in the colors of Christmas, a Christian holiday.

    Please, tell me again how what I’m seeing isn’t what I’m seeing.

  6. MRFFSeniorAdmin December 15, 2022 at 1:59 pm

    Wow, I didn’t know Christmas owned the rights to the few primary colors in existence. Please tell us which primary colors Christmas has the exclusive rights to. Please also tell us which colors belong to the Jewish faith so that I can avoid offending you with colors in the future.

  7. Tom O December 15, 2022 at 9:07 pm

    This whole thing is a big money-grubbing scam. Excerpts from:

    Wreaths Across America was created by Morrill Worcester, the owner of the Worcester Wreath Co., and Morrill Worcester’s wife, Karen Worcester, is the executive director of Wreaths Across America! In other words, the Worcester’s for-profit Christmas wreath company created a non-profit organization that has a need for millions of Christmas wreaths every year, then their non-profit gave the contract for these millions of Christmas wreaths to none other than their own for-profit company.
    Worcester’s non-profit Wreaths Across America took in nearly $25 million in donations in 2019 and then paid nearly $17 million of that to their for-profit wreath company to produce the wreaths.
    In 2018, an article from Nonprofit Quarterly magazine, titled “Wreaths Across America: Is a Nonprofit Built on Conflict of Interest Still a Nonprofit?,” revealed more details, such as that not long after the Worcester Wreath Co. lost its decades-old contract with L.L. Bean, which had provided 90% of its business, the Worcester’s non-profit Wreaths Across America expanded, and as of 2018 was providing between 75 and 80 percent of the Worcester Wreath Co.’s revenue. More locally, The Portland Press Herald reported, also in 2018, in an article titled “As Wreaths Across America has grown, so has scrutiny about its practices,” that “In five years the company has nearly tripled its business from the nonprofit.” The article also noted that “CharityWatch listed Wreaths Across America among three ‘outrageous’ examples of nonprofits operating with clear conflicts of interest.”

  8. Tom O December 15, 2022 at 9:10 pm

    “Please tell us which primary colors Christmas has the exclusive rights to.” red and green
    “Please also tell us which colors belong to the Jewish faith” blue and white

  9. Katie December 15, 2022 at 10:56 pm

    WAA has no intention of honoring the wishes of other-than Christian veterans. Company culture includes – blaming others and taking no responsibility. Then giving some vague answer that doesn’t answer the actual question – just need to check their responses in news articles to prove that. If they cared, they would institute a policy where non-Christian families would need to opt-in to get a wreath – otherwise skipping those graves. Wouldn’t be that difficult to coordinate that with national cemeteries. They would contact the Jewish War Veterans, and other groups, and work with them to come up with a solution amenable to all – if they had any respect for those veterans and their families. They would find a way to include all veterans without – as they say, going against their culture. As if placing a Christmas wreath goes against the Jewish culture or the Muslim culture – try again, goes against their religious beliefs. Having worked with these people – they either aren’t smart enough to understand that a process needs to be developed – or, they don’t care because of the volume of donations. Probably both. Doubt it would even matter – if donors found out they weren’t put into a 3 for 2 sponsorship if they didn’t know to ask – where for every two wreaths purchased they would get another thrown in; effectively making the wreaths $10. Why not just cut the donation to $10 so more wreaths could be purchased? Wait – would reduce their profits – and what a profit they are making on these wreaths – they wholesale at $7.50. Shame on them for pulling on the heartstrings of Americans and veterans. Let’s hope the IRS might take a look.

  10. Katie December 15, 2022 at 11:00 pm

    Having said all that, above – calling a Christmas wreath a Christian gang symbol is about as offensive as placing a wreath on a Jewish or Muslim grave. Direct your ire at WAA – not every Christian.

  11. Lauren Cantatore-Causey December 16, 2022 at 7:45 am

    I am not Christian but I fail to see how wreaths are a Christian symbol. They, like Christmas trees and Yule logs are actually symbols of the pagan faith. Please educate me.

  12. Grey One Talks Sass December 16, 2022 at 8:25 am

    Lauren Cantatore-Causey,

    Like most Pagan holidays celebrated by the majority of a populace, Christians preempted the wreath and tree as “their” symbol of “their” holiday.

    This isn’t hidden knowledge so why come here to be educated? I’d add a snarky comment but I’m reminded this is the season to be extra kind.

    Katie – not all Christians are jerks about this issue but every Nationalist Christian certainly holds the issue as the front line of their culture war. My mom is a Christian but neither her nor the church she attends are Nationalist Christians. What’s the difference?

    Christians follow the teachings of their savior, Jesus and if a citizen of the USA acknowledge everyone has the right to worship as they feel is best. Nationalist Christians demand everyone worship the Jesus they created in their own image. No other religion or faith deserves the rights that Nationalist Christians claim for themselves.

    Thank you for attending my lecture.

  13. Grey One Talks Sass December 17, 2022 at 3:14 am

    Katie, I read through the article, it was a letter writer who called the wreath a Christian gang sign, not the MRFF.

    Imagine the offense you felt and multiply it by seven and you will understand the emotion behind the letter writers words.

    Where I live there are more Evangelical and Fundamentalist Christians than not and all assume because I’m Pagan that I’ve never been exposed to the Christian holy book (silly assumption as I read all the holy books in my search for my truth).

    To those who just have to proselytize I explain the Christian Bible has repeatedly been used as a weapon against me and mine for centuries, therefore it’s not the force for good they think it is.

    Using the phrase Christian gang sign showed remarkable restraint in my opinion.

  14. Katie December 17, 2022 at 4:47 am

    Grey one talks sass is an ass. Caught in a delusional morass. Thinks Christians have rights to force others beliefs through a plot to place over-priced wreaths. And, it’s neither she not neither her. Merry Christmas! And, Happy Hanukkah! And, any other religious observances this time of year.

  15. Grey One Talks Sass December 17, 2022 at 7:44 am

    Thank you grammar Katie for finding the grammatical error I made. Had I been on my computer and not my phone I would have found it, of that I am certain.

    Also certain is the Katie who called me an ass is not the same as the one who posted twice in a row above. How do I know?

    Call it a gut feeling. Evidence may reveal I’m wrong in which case I will alter my assessment.

    But I don’t believe I’m incorrect.

  16. John Fletcher December 17, 2022 at 3:26 pm

    Happy Wreath Laying Day!

  17. John Fletcher December 18, 2022 at 4:47 pm

    It was great to see Justice Clarence Thomas quietly laying wreaths on our fallen soldiers graves which he has done for the last so many years.

  18. WreathforMikeyLoserStein December 23, 2022 at 7:40 am

    You are nobody to condemn the practice. You are insignificant. You may condemn all you want, but guess what… Its going to continue.

    Happy Wreath Day!

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