Major media coverage of MRFF’s victory in getting U.S. Merchant Marine Academy to cover up giant Jesus painting

Published On: January 26, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|3 Comments|

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  1. karen mata January 26, 2023 at 2:01 pm

    I graduated from a federal service academy in 1976. I was selected as one of the five scholars from my graduating class.

    We had a mixture of all races and religions which included several Jewish students and many, many Jewish professors.

    I never saw or heard of any jewish student taunted over their religion. I also never saw or heard of any student taunted over their race or religion, and would find it hard to believe that it could ever happen at any of the five academies.

    Even if that thought crossed a student’s mind he would also realize that it could lead to his dismissal.

  2. karen mata January 26, 2023 at 2:46 pm

    Let me also add this, Mr. Weinstein.

    I am normally a very respectful individual. Religion of course is a hot button issue, and in the heat of this breaking story I was out of bounds and apologize now that some time has passed and I’ve had a chance to reflect on it.

    As to my feelings for the Jewish people I believe I have made my feelings extremely clear. As mentioned, I also dated an incredible Jewish girl for a very long time.

    We’re all on the same team.

  3. X January 26, 2023 at 6:00 pm

    Dear Mr. Mata,

    Every cadet, every midshipman and every member of the military service has the right to have a political opinion. They also have a right to observe religion in the way they choose in private, and also, to the extent the law and military regulations permit, in public. Military and civil service regulations are crystal clear about what religious symbols are permitted and when they are permitted.

    It appears you want to have a political discussion and vent about what bothers you with this country. Many of us on the other side are interested strictly in doing //what we swore to do when we took our oaths to become commissioned officers//; namely, to “support and defend the Constitution.” This includes supporting and defending the (No) Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

    I believe the USMMA situation with the enormous Jesus mural comes down to this: If a midshipman, military officer or civil servant does not wish to comply with military and civil service regulations, then please resign at the earliest opportunity.

    A deal’s a deal.

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