An active duty military officer and MRFF client who was facing a legal ordeal for acting on their religious beliefs writes in a beautiful e-mail that MRFF’s “unwavering support gave us the fortitude to weather the worst of this storm”

Published On: May 30, 2024|Categories: MRFF's Inbox, Top News|Comments Off on An active duty military officer and MRFF client who was facing a legal ordeal for acting on their religious beliefs writes in a beautiful e-mail that MRFF’s “unwavering support gave us the fortitude to weather the worst of this storm”|
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From: (Active Duty Military Officer/MRFF Client’s E-mail Address Withheld)
Subject: Great Support from the MRFF
Date: May 30, 2024 at 1:21:44 PM MDT
To: Mikey Weinstein <[email protected]>

Mikey and the MRFF,

The last couple years were difficult for my family and I, as I faced serious accusations and legal action for acting on my deeply held religious beliefs. Throughout this ordeal, Mikey and the MRFF were always there for us regardless of the time of day or night, to offer a word of encouragement or advice, place us in touch with an expert from their vast network of supporters or just a friendly confident ear to listen. Their unwavering support gave us the fortitude to weather the worst of this storm. If you are concerned about your career being impacted by getting the support of the MRFF, do not worry. Now, after 28 years of enlisted and commissioned service, I have been selected for promotion to field grade and given my first choice of a top Key Development assignment. Thank you, Mikey and the MRFF for all you have done and continue to do for us!

(Active Duty Military Officer/MRFF Client’s Name, Rank, Military Branch, Military Installation, MOS/AFSC all Withheld)

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