Detractor hate mail: “Hey little short and small Mikey …”
On Jul 15, 2024, at 9:00 AM, (name withheld) wrote:
Hey little short and small Mikey with a little tiny penis, you and other nut jobs like you in your ridiculous democrap party have now guaranteed that Donald J. Trump will be your next president and you will do as you are told boy!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Judge Tosses Documents Case Against Trump; Jack Smith Appointment Unconstitutional
Response from Mikey Weinstein, Founder and President of MRFF
From: Mikey Weinstein
Subject: Re: MRFF Demands Air Force Gate Guards Immediately Cease “Have a Blessed Day” Coded Christian Salutation
Date: July 15, 2024 at 9:09:37 AM MDT
To: (name withheld)
…all good here, little incel……America will reject MAGA and tRump on Nov 5th!!!….the good guys who support the Constitution will prevail!!!… go get your GED to finally make your parents a little proud and get out of your mommy’s basement with your hot pockets and laptop!! :). :)
On Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 11:24:01 AM EDT, (name withheld) wrote:
Mikey Whineystein was forcibly relocated to Gaza, captured and baked into Jew Bread. The End. hahahahahahaha
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lolololol This was funny. Mickey mouse was so worked up and couldn’t wait to hit the send button that he made a rare typo. I can see him now furiously pounding away at the keyboard. Even gave a double smiley face! I bet this was a 10 second anger reply. Too funny. Trump is going to coast right into office btw.
Calls it hate mail and then proceeds to send hate mail back. Way to take the high road little feather mickey mouse. Youre a fucking joke.
All the teaching stories I read throughout the years pushed the idea to not count your chickens before they’ve hatched. They also focused a lot on being careful of specific punishments wished upon one’s opponent as what was gleefully envisioned for others more often than not happened to the wisher.
These are the lessons buzzing about my brain as I read all the MAGA trolls predictions of what will happen to me and mine when their lard and server retakes the throne, err, presidency.
By the way, how do I know the side I champion isn’t the evil side? Two things – I’m not actively sowing the seeds of my own destruction and I support democracy with all its headaches and benefits.
Also, even though I view MAGA as my opponent I don’t envision their dead mangled bodies being ground into bread. Aside from that being some nasty bread, who thinks like that? Come on! Also, if barbarism is going to be the guiding arc of our time line I need to know. Getting into the mindset of someone who will strike terror into the hearts of one’s enemies takes time. A heads up would be appreciated.
Name Withheld and HaHaHa are apparently too dim-witted to understand that even if Trump is re-elected, he will still be a corrupt, ignorant and vicious narcissist with a severe personality disorder. And Name Withheld and HaHaHa will still be bigoted hypocrites who aren’t mature enough to know how embarrassed they should be by their own behavior. Maybe someday they’ll all stop abusing other people long enough to acknowledge and do something about their own character problems.
Just as corrupt as Biden Jeff, just as corrupt. But with better policies and vision for the country.
Jeff, our resident trolls remind me of the “good” German folk who had no clue hundreds of thousands of humans were gassed and burnt to ashes because bodies – so hard to find enough space to bury them all, amirite?
And there goes the troll casting asparagus (I know it’s aspersions but that’s not what was said) on President Biden, calling him corrupt.
OK – I’ll play. What evidence does the MAGA House have they haven’t read into the record yet? If there is all this proof that you, troll, feel comfortable enough to claim Biden is just as corrupt as Trump, where is it.
And does anyone else have the song ‘One of these things is not like the other’ running through their brain?
By the by, lots of questions on the Trump shooting regarding the absolute failure of the Secret Service, communications, and LEO’s. Wow. I thought the Secret Service had some chops. Guess they are all on strike because they are ‘Trump’s Boys’ now.
You’re right Grey One, yet again. And the claim that Trump has “better policies and vision for the country” couldn’t be more obviously dishonest, given what we have already heard from Trump and the GOP leaders regarding their plans – including Project 2025, all 900+ pages of which are available for all to read. They can get away with lies in Russia and on their social media sites, but we’re not buying their nonsense because we know the truth and care about the country’s future. They care only about their bank accounts and their bigotry.
Funny how MAGATS always go to dick size when they get triggered, their own insecurities on full display, “got me a big set of rubber balls hanging off my trailer hitch!”
“We are anonymous Russian trolls” their calling card as they lick Trump’s fat white ass!
Trump wants them to lick some Hindu ass as he “browns out” his MAGAT base, the Republican Hindu convention pissing off his minimum wage base.
They love them some Hitler too! “Real Men Wear Diapers” another calling card for the Trump faithful as Trump sells them China-made trinkets and shoes! Too funny watching them spend that fast food money on identity trinkets and working overtime to hide their gayness.
You are what you are. No one judging but you! Trump’s cucks, always ready to push a diaper out of the way and lick some fat white orange ass!
Their Dear Leader a poster boy for dementia, some serious cognitive decline, the base walking out of rallies, on their cell phones while he babbles on about Hannibal Lector, slurred speech and incoherent noises emanating from his MAGAT pie hole
They know it’s over. They see the Orange Man for what he really is, a nursing home dementia ward candidate – if he can stay out of jail, sentencing coming in September.
At least two years jail time on the horizon and it’ll be a State jail! Probably have to pad the cell for the prick, Trump on his own playing with his pee pee slapping at imaginary flies!
Lock his ass up!
MAGATS – Racing to the bottom!
Get on the Trump submersible! You can lick his ass for him as he takes you to new depths! Once you get past the smell, you got it licked!