We won ass clown

Published On: November 9, 2024|Categories: MRFF's Inbox|4 Comments|

From: (name withheld)
Date: November 9, 2024 at 7:47:59 AM MST
To: Mikey Weinstein
Subject: We won ass clown

Hey ask clown Mikey we won now go move to fucking Gaza and try your stupid bullshit there sony boy. Unburden us from you by leaving as soon as possible worthless cocksucker.

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  1. Tom O November 9, 2024 at 2:59 pm

    The majority of Germans were happy with their new leader in 1933. They soon started feeling differently.

  2. Gunther November 9, 2024 at 8:23 pm

    Yeah, and you had the American CEOs who wanted to overthrow FDR using the various American war veteran organizations to do it. Luckily, USMC Smedley Butler was asked by them to lead the veterans, and Butler turned around and exposed the plot. Sadly, no legal action was taken against the coup leaders and the whole matter was buried for decades and was never mention in the history books.

  3. Tom O November 10, 2024 at 8:39 am

    They weren’t going to “overthrow” FDR. They planned to force him to appoint Butler as “assistant president” and keep FDR as a figurehead. See
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot for more detail.

  4. Synergy December 10, 2024 at 2:54 pm

    The comment “We won ass clown.”

    I agree, you did win the biggest ass clown in the history of the Republic!

    MAGA teeth already gnashing as reality sets in, Jan 20th just around the corner.

    Still waiting for the Orange Man to stop the war in the Ukraine. Said he’d get it done in 24 hours – before he takes office.

    Kind of like his great health care plan he promised every two weeks during his last reign of error, now just a concept of a plan.

    Gonna build a wall? Only 1,960 miles to go! That oughta stop fentanyl coming into ports of entry!

    Biggest deportation in history on the horizon if you believe his words.

    Gonna fire 50,000 civil servants and replace them with MAGA faithful. Yeah, that’ll do it!

    Was gonna say I know some white folks that’ll pick your lettuce but, I don’t!

    Getting rid of the Department of Education – give that money to private schools. You know, the schools your kids will never go to, just another hand out to the wealthy!

    Yeah, I agree. You got the biggest ass clown in history!

    MAGA tears – comes in fealty cans!

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