Nativity display at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC)
From: (MRFF Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Client’s e-mail address withheld)
Subject: Nativity display at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC)
Date: December 17, 2024 at 11:46:32 AM MST
To: <[email protected]>, “‘Mikey Weinstein'” <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>
Mr. Weinstein,
Thank you for your many efforts to protect the Constitutional guarantee of religious freedom for all members of the United States Armed Forces.
I took these pictures of a Christian Nativity scene last week on Wednesday, 11 December 2024, while at the America Building in the Walter Reed hospital complex for medical treatment. My husband is a U.S. Army veteran and we go to this hospital complex for health care. The Walter Reed National Military Medical Center provides medical care for active duty and retired members of the United States military and their families. It is run by the Navy.
I was astonished, and deeply disturbed, by this display and its implied endorsement of the Christian faith at a United States government facility. This apparent violation of the Establishment Clause is particularly egregious during this time of rising Christian Nationalism.
For the record: I hereby transfer all right, title and interest to these photos to the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.
(MRFF Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Client’s name, address, and phone numbers withheld)

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