Nativity display removal from military site
On Dec 23, 2024, at 3:38 AM, (name withheld) wrote:
Dear Michael
Please confirm you would have worked as hard to remove this, had it been a. a satanic display, b. a display by members of the Islamic community. If not, why. Thanks for your response.
(name withheld)
Response from MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein
On Mon, 23 Dec 2024, 11:00 Michael L Weinstein, wrote:
Absolutely confirm that we would’ve worked just as hard to have any other religious display removed… You see it is all about the time, place and manner of the display… Having the display put over by one of the two chapels is a satisfactory compromise… I hope this fulfills your request?…
Mikey Weinstein… Founder and president, Military Religious Freedom Foundation… Happy holidays and happy new year…
Dear Michael. Thank you for your response. The nativity is there because it is the time of Christmas. You wouldn’t have a Nativity display at any other time of year. It is gratifying to hear you would worked just as hard to remove a satanic display, the epitome of hatred and despair, the antithesis of all the Christ child represents. Patients at the hospital have now been deprived of the visible sign of hope, joy and charity that Christ brings to all people. Kind regards (name withheld)
Response from MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein
From: Michael L Weinstein
Date: December 23, 2024 at 4:20:21 AM MST
To: (name withheld)
Subject:Re: Nativity display removal from military site
I’m sorry, but you are completely wrong… You see WALTER Reid national military Medical Center is a government facility… In America we don’t count heads before enforcing the first amendment which includes the specific separation between church and state… We are representing 41 Military families at Walter Reed… now listen very very carefully… Are you actually listening?… 27 of them Are Christian families!!!!!… They realize how wrong this is at a government facility… Your aspersions being vomited on a different faith or even non-faith traditionare not surprising… That is called Christian exceptionalism and supremacy and dominance… I’m sorry you are blinded to the very nature of our secular nonsectarian republic… Had that been a private hospital? It would’ve been fine to have the scene there of the nativity… I wish you better education to provide you clarity in the future… So long now
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I can’t imagine anyone going to the hospital for The Sermon on the Mount before a medical procedure or treatment.
But maybe I’ve lost touch and just don’t realize that Christian’s, before medical consultation or treatment, have to be reminded that the outcome of their treatment hinges on their deference to a Jewish God savior?
While I don’t use military medical facilities, maybe it’s a thing and I just don’t realize it. Not!
Profession of faith is to medicine as holy water is to the efficacy of treatment!
Wow, that letter writer really thought they were all that and a bag of chips.
They wrote: “Patients at the hospital have now been deprived of the visible sign of hope, joy and charity that Christ brings to all people”
Really? All patients? Because for me when I see a Christian display where it shouldn’t be all I see is over a thousand years of oppression. I see indigenous peoples destroyed. I see those of other faiths tortured until they convert. I don’t see Jesus’s words or his intent, all I see is males forcing one half of the population into darkness, of women dying because of their intelligence.
Christian nationalists (NatC’s) push their religion in places it should not be. Christians who follow the words of their Lord and Savior do not.
Because the letter writer cast aspersions on The Satanic Temple (as opposed to Satanists) here are their seven Fundamental Tenets, just for the record.
I: One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
II: The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
III: One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
IV: The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one’s own.
V: Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.
VI: People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one’s best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
VII: Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
Thank you for reading my brief educational rant about the differences in how a religion handles living in a secular nation.