MRFF’s Mikey Weinstein Interviewed on “Background Briefing” with Ian Masters: MAGA’s “Affirmative Action for White Losers, Drunks and Incompetents”

Published On: January 27, 2025|Categories: Featured News|5 Comments|
Mikey Weinstein

“Background Briefing” is a news analysis public radio program with host Ian Masters, a BBC-trained broadcast journalist who has covered national security affairs for over 30 years.

“Background Briefing” offers an educational approach to providing information in an era of “fake news.” The show makes its home at KPFK in Los Angeles. It is syndicated nationally on the Pacifica Radio Network, with over 200 affiliate stations, and is available 24/7 at

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  1. Synergy January 27, 2025 at 1:21 pm

    Brilliant words from Mr. Weinstein, a true Patriot and defender of the Constitution, our secular military, and American values.

    The frat boys have taken over the country under Richie Rich, literally, the New Nazis, the 3rd Reich incarnate.

    The juxtaposition of Hitler’s Germany with Putin’s take over of the United States, a puppet orange cretin dismantling a republic, subjugation of the masses, the blinders Christian Nationalism as the preferred garment of choice to ensure compliance and fealty.

    Enjoy your Golden Showers MAGA, genuflection mandated, the Musk salute the embodiment of your servility!

  2. Synergy January 27, 2025 at 5:05 pm

    Losers, Drunks, and Incompetence (LDI).

    Could make a song outa that one! Country western of course. Play it backwards and you get the country back?

    Kind of catchy.

    MAGA LDI – with orange attributes!

  3. Synergy January 27, 2025 at 6:28 pm

    Funny how the Orange Man’s ICE deportations taking place in Democrat cities!

    Funny how the Republican meat packing States haven’t had any “round ups.” Slaughter houses only hire migrant workers, you know, very cheap labor.

    Donnie boy making a show for the cameras, as predicted, his retribution tour on full display. Even has Dr. Phill out with Tom Homan for the photo op rounding up a landscaper!

    Hey, where’s Joe Rogan, Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, and the Hulkster? Kid Rock and Teddy Boy could play some mariachi music while the Hulkster tackles them? Let Phill do the psycho analysis, you know, blow by blow?

    All for show. They’ll round up a few for the cameras but the MAGA States, no worries, y’all aren’t gonna have to give up your maids!

    Tom Homan asking for $86,000 Million dollars to start! No worries, China will buy some of those T-bills. National debt? Pfff, who cares. Your kids will pay for it – their problem!

    “Losers, Drunks, and Incompetence,
    Running the whole damn show,
    The Orange Man says no mercy today,
    Them brown people all got to go!”

    I knew there was a song in there!

  4. Grey One talks sass January 28, 2025 at 6:40 am

    Excellent interview Mikey and thank you for a new media outlet to balance the rest of the voices I follow.

    Per the show many males are turned away because they can’t pass the physical. Wow. Did not know that.

    Question though – the White Supremacy militia members are sort of in shape. Why aren’t the Proud Boys… wait, no gangs recruited and Proud Boys fits the definition of gang. Bet that rule is tossed before the end of the year. Do they understand that joining the military makes it all that easier to get them eliminated? First rule of dictatorship is to kill the troops who fought for you – they fought and won once, what’s to say they won’t do it again?

    Excellent song Synergy. I am grateful for your talents.

    Today I was reminded of this axiom: Everything Trump Touches Dies.

    I’m looking forward to how the Nationalist Christians, MAGA’s, and Tech Bro Billionaires handle The Curse. Probably don’t even believe in curses (dun dun dooooonnnnnn) until it comes for THEM! (lightning, crashes, horses rearing).

  5. Synergy January 28, 2025 at 1:37 pm

    Biden’s and the Dems Chips and Science Act put $280,000 Million dollars into re-growing semi conductor mfg in the U.S.

    Already bearing fruit, fabrication facilities growing in the U.S. with designs on technological capabilities not yet seen in the U.S. making us, basically, not competitive on the world stage (ref: China’s DeepSeek R1).

    This is one Biden initiative Trump won’t repeal. He’ll take credit for it, of course, but he won’t repeal it. It’s too important.

    Unfortunately, it might be too little too late! You don’t have to look further than tech stock sell-offs given China’s new open source AI platform, using older chip technology (due to sanctions), at a fraction of the cost with an on-par with OpenAI et. Al. competitiveness.

    The back end tax incentives may be more important than the initial outlay in terms of promoting mfg here in the U.S.

    I’ve said all that to say that the “Drill Baby Drill” and “round up the brown people” mentality of those running the show are recipes for a failed State on the global scale. By failed, I mean no longer competitive. Without the lead, hegemony (that we seem to cherish), is reduced, we go the way of the British Empire, still there but certainly not an empire, relegated to policies that further exacerbate their decline (BREXIT).

    American isolationism (America First), are the calling cards of an “Amerexit,” a further decline in America’s jobs, standard of living, health, and future, the darlings on the right (high school drop-out Lauren Boebert comes to mind), singing to the mountain tops her isolationism tune titled, “Our Titanic Voyage!”

    The Southern Border “issues” are shiny objects, distractions, just like all the Executive Orders signed that repeal everything under the Sun but don’t amount to a hill of beans in your lives. Political theater – all of it! Don’t believe me? Look at grocery prices, interest rates, home mortgages, rents …

    The Chips and Science Act didn’t go far enough! The country needs a “moon-shot” moment in terms of technological development, not “Drill Baby Drill!” We already produce, since 2019, more oil than we consume! So, Drill Baby Drill” is going to … produce more? While China runs away from us technologically, working to reduce their dependency on oil (along with the rest of the world)? Like me running against Hussein Bolt!

    China already producing its own semi-conductor chips and they will, in the not too distant future, produce their own EUV lithographic machines down to 3nm and beyond (AI enhancement). They’ve cracked the code and will soon have manufacturing independence in chip manufacturing, no longer relegated to what the world gives them! They’ve figured out how to compete with OpenAI using older technology at a fraction of the cost. They’ll do it again with chips.

    I’m not shilling for China, I’m shilling for the U.S.! We’ve lost the plot!

    The Ten Commandments in schools plays out well in State houses where complete incompetence rules (quite frankly, dumbasses), because that’s all they’ve got. They’re incapable of governing, so they flash shiny objects and tell you what to think! If half their constituents thought for themselves, they’d be out of a job. Keeping their jobs is their main focus, not you!

    Abortion an issue? God aborts more babies by far (miscarriage)! Since we can’t legislate against God, how ‘bout legislating for health care that will reduce miscarriages? Shiny objects! Just a thought!

    We’re running the ball the wrong way! About to score for the other Team!

    They’re about to make Trump’s first term tax cuts permanent, which you got very little of, while they double the defense budget, already over $1 Trillion per year. Just say no!

    Information is not data, it’s a propaganda tool (see Edward Bernays and women smoking). Learn to fact check, takes a couple of seconds. If it doesn’t have a direct impact on your life and well being, just say no! And know that it’s ALWAYS ABOUT MONEY – YOUR MONEY!

    Takes all of two minutes to write to a representative. It’s not a spectator sport. Learn to say no evaluated against direct impact to you! If it doesn’t help you, tell them to eff off! Their “special interest” item may not, and probably isn’t, aligned with your needs!

    Regardless of party, we all live here! You may not like those you work with, but you have to work with them!

    Off my soapbox! Back to work!

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