Stop Lying!

Published On: April 12, 2011|Categories: MRFF's Inbox|0 Comments|

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Hi You Liars,

i just saw you article about Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and the other ex-Terrorist and I found it false. I saw many of those lectures on you tube, even the one from the columbia university which ur article is also talking about and it is simply false what you accuse those 3 men of! Anybody can see it on youtube, inclusive Q&A!
Should u not correct ur false article, should u not tell the ppl that when walid talked about christianity on the air force academy that he was simply answering a question?
Since u advocation the freedom of religion, or rather advocate antireligion, should you also denounce the fort hood killings, I have not seen anyhing of that kind and when hassan shouted “allahu akbar” he was being religious at the army, but yet you say nothing about that, you got better things to do and that is personal attacks on christians, false accusations and so on.
the thing is, soon or later the truth ALWAYS leaks through and I really really hope that you will be brought to justice and that you will be judged with ZERO tolerance.

If you just were an atheists group who would be at least consistant, I still would not like your work, but I would not call you names such as thugs, low lifes, Liars, or criminals, but since you are indeed inconsistant and messure with 2 different scales, I call you all that and I wish I could speak into your face pesonally, but maybe I will sometime in the future.

so, shove you lies up your filthy asses.
(name withheld)

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