MRFF REACHES MILESTONE! Over 40,000 Active Duty, Veteran, and Civilian DoD Clients

Published On: January 7, 2015|Categories: News|Comments Off on MRFF REACHES MILESTONE! Over 40,000 Active Duty, Veteran, and Civilian DoD Clients|

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MRFF has been serving active duty, reserve, and veteran members of the U.S. Armed Forces (along with employees of the Dept. of Defense) since 2005 by vigorously defending their decision to fight back against the discriminatory and unconstitutional religious environment that exists for far too many within the U.S. Armed Forces.  MRFF is now representing well over 40,000 active duty Sailors, Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Cadets, Midshipmen, National Guard and Reserve personnel, Coast Guard men and women and Veterans.  Approximately 96% of these MRFF clients are practicing Christians. About 3/4 of that 96% are Protestants from a plethora of denominations, while the remaining 1/4 are Roman Catholic. MRFF also represents a little over 13.5% of all Muslim Americans in the U.S. Armed Forces, as well as 863 LGBTQ clients. Approximately 4% of the 40,000-plus clients represented by MRFF are Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Native American Spiritualist, Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, and numerous other minority faith traditions.

Due to the real potential for and persistent nature of religiously inspired unconstitutional retribution against MRFF’s clients, MRFF’s ongoing association with and representation of its clients extends long after the initial incident(s) for which the client sought out MRFF’s assistance.  MRFF remains committed to continuing the crucial Constitutional battles on behalf of all U.S. Military Service members who are unjustly maligned, marginalized, and mistreated on account of their chosen religious faith, or lack thereof.

Our ongoing leadership in this most vital cause has only been made possible by YOUR support!

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