Propaganda Bonanza For ISIS: Air Force General Defies Law By Witnessing for Jesus in Full Uniform  on Worldwide TV and Internet

Published On: May 14, 2015|Categories: News|353 Comments|

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Thursday, May 13, 2015

General Mark A. Welsh III
Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
1670 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1670

Re: USAF Major General Craig S. Olson

General Mark A. Welsh III,

This demand letter is sent to you on behalf of countless members of the United States Air Force who are utterly disgusted and shocked by the brazenly illicit and wholly unconstitutional, fundamentalist Christian proselytizing recently perpetrated, on international television (“GOD TV”), and streaming all over the internet and in full military uniform, by USAF Major General Craig S. Olson on Thursday, May 7, 2015 during a VERY public speech for a private Christian organization (The “National Day of Prayer Task Force”: NDPTF) headed up by Focus on the Family founder, Dr. James Dobson’s, wife Shirley Dobson.

Olson’s highly publicized, sectarian speech is nothing less than a brutal disgrace to the very uniform he was wearing and the solemn oath he took to support and defend the United States Constitution. This public address was his, and the USAF’s, “contribution” to this scathingly sectarian 2015 version of the NDPTF’s annual shame spectacle and display of Christian supremacy and exceptionalism held in the Cannon House Office Building on Capitol Hill from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm EDT on that date.

As you well know, Major General Olson is the “Program Executive Officer for C3I and Networks” at Hanscom AFB, Mass. where, as that installation’s highest ranking officer, he commands 2,200 subordinate Air Force personnel and is in charge of nearly $11,000,000,000.00 of American taxpayer funds.

General Welsh, as the old saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Thus, please take a good, hard look at this link below and tell me that you’re just not sick to damn death seeing an active duty Air Force General Officer boastfully proselytizing and freely witnessing his personal brand of his own fundamentalist flavor of his evangelical Christian faith to literally a worldwide television audience and, concomitantly, streaming over the World Wide Web on “GOD TV”:

You know, Mark, just a very few days ago, another one of your Major Generals blatantly disgraced the uniform by describing a picture of alleged intoxicated USAF personnel as appearing to him to be “drunker than 10,000 Indians.” Thankfully THAT flag officer stepped down almost immediately. Even more thankfully, despite the obvious unbridled bigotry, racism and prejudice clearly illustrated by his hideous remark slamming Native Americans, the national security implications of HIS statement, at least, are literally DWARFED by the same national security risk analysis given Major General Olson’s screed of fundamentalist Christian triumphalism as broadcast around-the-world on “GOD TV” and the Web. Indeed, I should NOT at ALL have to explain for you and your senior Air Force staff the obvious clear and present danger to our nation’s critical national security safety created by the tragic juxtaposition and unlawful conflation of Major General Olson’s senior military command position with his twenty minute “sermon” of fundamentalist Christian extremism delivered over worldwide TV and internet, with insipid “Stepford Wife”, smiling face, nonverbal punctuation, in full Air Force service dress uniform. Do I?

Can you even IMAGINE the essentially limitless propaganda bonanza this speech by Olson has ALREADY likely provided the sinister likes of ISIS/ISIL, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the Taliban and a horde of other terrorist organizations that universally depend on painting the United States military as “Crusaders” for a virtual galaxy of nefarious reasons?

Oh, Mark, by the way, please take another good look at the controlling, new USAF regulation which is DIRECTLY on point here; Air Force Instruction 1-1, Section 2.12:

2.12. Balance of Free Exercise of Religion and Establishment Clause. Leaders at all levels must balance constitutional protections for their own free exercise of religion, including individual expressions of religious beliefs, and the constitutional prohibition against governmental establishment of religion. They must ensure their words and actions cannot reasonably be construed to be officially endorsing or disapproving of, or extending preferential treatment for any faith, belief, or absence of belief. (emphasis added)

In light of your very own Air Force regulation, irrefutably on point with the matter herein, and the violation of which is proscribed as a potential FELONY under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, do you honestly NOT see any incredibly serious problems here with Olson’s statements, Mark? Please also note the controlling holding of the seminal 1974 Supreme Court case of Parker vs. Levy (417 U.S. 733), penned by Chief Justice William Rehnquist, significantly limiting the Constitutional rights of active duty military members (such as Major General Olson) vs. the same rights enjoyed by their American civilian counterparts.

Additionally, Major General Olson has violated the No Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights as well as having constructively created a banned “religious test” in specific contravention of Clause 3, Article VI of the body of the United States Constitution.

He is also providing an unlawful endorsement and selective benefit to a non-Federal entity (the NDPTF, which is a private organization), in violation of both the Joint Ethics Regulation (DoD 5500.7-R) prohibition on endorsement of non-Federal entities and DoD Instruction 5410.19, which prohibits the providing of a selective benefit or preferential treatment to any private organization, as well as violating a slew of other DoD directives, instructions, and regulations.

Consequently, on behalf of itself and its over 41,000 active duty and veteran armed forces clients, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) hereby demands that Major General Craig S. Olson be immediately, aggressively and very visibly brought to justice for his unforgivable crimes and transgressions via trial by General Courts Martial and that any and all others who assisted him with his NDPTF speech of fundamentalist Christian supremacy be likewise investigated and punished to the full extent of military law.

For further background please see the following links:

Military participation in the NDP is an even greater national security threat than ever, with the event being broadcast around the world on GOD TV and also being streamed on the internet. 

National Day of Prayer 2014 Postmortem — U.S. Military Endorses Calling its Commander-in-Chief the ‘Abortion President’

The exact same military participation took place back in 2010 (band, color guard, speaker, etc.), and the exact same regulations were violated today. 



Michael L. “Mikey” Weinstein, Esq.

Founder and President

Military Religious Freedom Foundation


The Honorable Ashton Carter, United States Secretary of Defense

The Honorable Deborah Lee James, Secretary of the Air Force

General Martin E. Dempsey – Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

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  1. Jason May 17, 2015 at 8:38 am

    I hope you find yourself praying to the God you all hate so much! Preach on General!!!!!

  2. Robert W Boatwright May 17, 2015 at 8:38 am

    This man has defended the very rights you wish to take away. Jesus is his Lord and saviour and mine also!

  3. mike May 17, 2015 at 8:40 am

    Your ignorance in response to the general voicing his belief is the exact same rights that have been given to you to disbelieve and vocalize it as with the rights of the Muslims
    try being a little less hypocritical and ignorant of the way our country is if you in fact are not happy I am sure I and several million others would be happy to pay for your flights to some other foreign country that gives you no rights

  4. John May 17, 2015 at 8:40 am

    You people are fools, really you can’t thank god? Well THANK YOU GOD!!!!! What does it matter if he thanks god oh ya he is in the military and can’t do that right, well news flash the is a christian nation and you fools have no part in it so take your crying little asses out of here and go live in some muslim nation.

  5. David May 17, 2015 at 8:40 am

    I am an atheist and I find the actions of your group appalling. You represent all that is wrong with this country right now when you refuse to believe others have the freedom to worship when and where they choose.

    A war is coming in the US and you Libtards will be on the losing end of it.

  6. Gregory A Boeshans May 17, 2015 at 8:45 am

    As a former Navy enlisted man and a Christian, believer in Freedom, religious and otherwise; it sickens me to read about people like you taking issue with a good man promoting good (after all, Jesus was a good man upon whom most Christians base their belief system). If a human being makes a speech claiming that he owes his success to something or someone else other than his own doing, why would anyone take a stance so staunchly against him and everything he believes in? Could it be that you and others like you are afraid, jealous, or worried that someone might try to model themselves inline with such success? To accuse Major General Olson of a crime worthy of court marshal is absolutely ludicrous in my opinion.

    This man is not calling or trying to force others to believe what he believes, he is humbly crediting a supreme being he believes in, for his successes. The guaranty of religious freedom should be his protection, not his undoing.

    I challenge you to spend your short time on this earth bringing real criminals to justice and to let alone those who are doing and promoting inherently good things and accomplishments.


    Gregory A. Boeshans

  7. Peter Tornel May 17, 2015 at 8:45 am

    Thank God for Craig S. Olson, his service to our nation, and his comments about his belief in God.

    Our constitutional rights come from God, not man. And those who want to take away our rights are attacking the core connection between God and America.

    This is nothing new, but it is more dangerous today since our president endorses this leftist, communist program of attack.

    Your group should be ashamed of itself and come clean by displaying the hammer and sickle instead of the American flag.

    God Bless America!

  8. Duncan May 17, 2015 at 8:48 am

    You are as mad and fascistic and as reactionary as those fucking Islamists. Wind your neck in you soft cunts. Stop your fucking snivelling. You’re as soppy as a box of wet frogs.

  9. Rex May 17, 2015 at 8:50 am

    Freedom “of” religion, not “from” religion you hypocritical pos. Men of faith and honor like this General fight for your very right to speak, organize, worship, no matter your race, religion or sexual orientation. The very fact that you’re attacking this man for his faith tells me you were nothing but a loser in life. Oh, by the way, God died for your sins. These sins too. So thank God and this General for your right to be a pos.

  10. Mike May 17, 2015 at 8:51 am

    Countless members who are utterly disgusted? Really, countless? My guess might be a couple dozen.

    We support Craig S. Olsen 100%.

    Maybe you should spend your energy is doing something positive for this country.

    God Bless America!!

  11. mikey_you_are_trash May 17, 2015 at 8:56 am

    Dear ‘Mikey’ Weinstein,

    You are trash. Your organization is trash. You are a spineless weasel, and you should be thankful that men and women like this general fight for your freedom.

    Did I mention that you are trash?

    You could stop being trash at any time, but I’m going to guess that you prefer your dumpster thought processes to the alternative.

    Take care, trash. You could always do everyone a favor and take yourself out.. since you are trash.

  12. Joseph Figarelli May 17, 2015 at 8:57 am


  13. jeff May 17, 2015 at 8:57 am

    Nobody is good but God. I’m praying you will find out how hard it is to kick against the pricks and change your bigoted mission, much like Saul.

  14. Thomas May 17, 2015 at 8:58 am

    97% of the people in the US, according to a recent poll, believe in God. Why should the MISGUIDED 3% think that they have any right to force their NON-BELIEF on us? Get over your high and mighty attitude and realize that WE have rights too. I’d tell you to go to Hell, but, of course, you don’t believe in that either!

  15. Dave May 17, 2015 at 9:00 am

    Are you people seriously kidding me?
    This Air Force General was making a speech at a National Day of Prayer Task Force!! A private ceremony!
    Instead of complaing about his “crimes” (again, are you kidding me? CRIMES!) What you should be doing
    is THANKING him, and the millions of other brave men and women (of which my son, my dad and myself are included) for giving you people the freedom to complain and act like such idiots. We paid the price for your freedom to worry about other people’s lifes.
    Get over yourself and quit trying to justify your existence by making other peoples life hell!

  16. arron May 17, 2015 at 9:02 am

    I bet you people don’t spread this bullshit face to face with anyone because I know if you come to my door after the greeting and hearing what you have to say your going to be dodging .45 rounds all the way back to your vehicle you make me sick to my stomach

  17. Dale May 17, 2015 at 9:03 am

    Using the power of the federal government to silence an individual who simply is staying what he believes is a clear violation of the very amendment you claim to support, Mikey. You would silence this man’s speech, and restrict his freedom to practice purely based on the fact that he, like most service members wears his uniform as formal dress. Thank God major General Olson has the courage to stand and be counted among the Believers.

  18. James May 17, 2015 at 9:06 am

    What part of National Prayer Breakfast do you not understand.
    I am a Vietnam vet and 20 year retiree – disgusted that I gave so much so you could warp and abuse the free speech ethic.
    We as Christians are entitled to the same freedoms as you – and to hide this hypocrisy in the flag I served under is disgusting to me and all of my brothers in arms.

  19. Pyrate May 17, 2015 at 9:06 am

    You people are a bunch of islamic fundamentalists hiding behind your so called badge, and like ISIS you should be wiped off the face of the planet.



  20. I. Am. SIckofuloudmouths May 17, 2015 at 9:07 am

    It doesn’t matter if theses people believe in hell or not, for they will find out one exists when they meet the Mker that they refuse to acknowledge and persecute others for Believing and expressing their beliefs under the Bill of Rights.

    Have anice journey to hell and think about your transgressions for all eternity.

  21. Ian Burleson May 17, 2015 at 9:10 am

    mr. Weinstein:
    Do us all a favor and shut up. That’s a right too many of your ilk fail consistently to exercise.

  22. Wayne May 17, 2015 at 9:12 am

    What a sad and pathetic little man you must be. I bet you would never go after a Muslim praising Allah in a speech! Why? Because your a weak coward and they would likely murder you, unlike Christians.
    Its why u go after Christians… u coward.

  23. Rick May 17, 2015 at 9:13 am

    Looks like everyone who posted a comment is for General Olson. Soooo…this begs the question…. where are the countless members who are offended??? I am retired Air Force. I am also a believer in Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savoir. I support the general 110%!!! This country needs more men such as General Olson. Remember, this country was founded on the bases of religious freedom! You cannot change that, no matter how hard you try.

  24. Jeffrey May 17, 2015 at 9:14 am

    As an atheist and skeptic I have to say this is really reaching. I have seen multiple event where Obama is praying and sometimes its a sectarian message. Are you going to ask for the President to be impeached? After all, Obama is the commander-in-chief of US armed forces and references to one god, gods, heavenly father, or ANY religion whatsoever is a violation of my sensibilities as an atheist.

  25. Julius May 17, 2015 at 9:15 am

    Forget the Religious side of this, let’s talk abut the Human side of it.

    You aren’t fit to lick the bottom of the General’s muddy, trench encrusted boots.

    Before you scaled another good American, try to quit hating yourself.

  26. [email protected] May 17, 2015 at 9:20 am

    Bravo for anyone having the courage to voice their convictions. This harms no one, except the angry people trying to stamp out religion across the globe. Oh, and good luck with that.

    Bill Mudge
    Glen Ellyn, IL

  27. Jerry THOMPSON May 17, 2015 at 9:21 am

    I’m surprised because by the looks of the last name of the person signing the letter he comes from one of the 12 tribes of Judah. His family must have done something to him to turn him off from his creator. Anger and rage can cause people to lash out in negative and very hateful was to others who trigger those feelings. Mikey Weinstien needs prayers

  28. doug May 17, 2015 at 9:22 am

    Your a bunch of losers

  29. DJR May 17, 2015 at 9:22 am

    My first thought of the atheistic satan attack against a man who offered up his life on a regular basis to assure your freedom and existance was hate. You and ISIS have the same heart, differing only in indoctrination. Death to truth at any cost, that way you won’t have to avoid the lie that is reflected in your mirror. You are such a sad wounded soul. I HAVE PRAYED FOR GOD/ JESUS CHRIST THE ONE AND ONLY SON OF GOD TO OPEN YOUR EYES AND DRAW YOU TO SALVATOIN, OR… ALLOW THE SHOES THAT YOU HAVE CRAFTED FOR THE GENERAL TO BE THE ONLY ONES YOU EVER WEAR.

  30. AMERICA May 17, 2015 at 9:24 am


  31. Mike May 17, 2015 at 9:29 am

    If the Generals credits his performance and success because of God, GREAT!!!!! Your organization has the right to its beliefs, however not the right to impose its on others. We here you but your methodology is flawed.

  32. michael belt May 17, 2015 at 9:29 am

    Thanks to our constitution this has a right to its opinion and so do I. They suck.

  33. Michael Baker May 17, 2015 at 9:34 am

    You people are utterly despicable.

  34. Doug May 17, 2015 at 9:38 am

    Way to go General Olson! Thank you for standing up for what is right! The freedom to believe, trust, worship, and have faith in GOD, is what our country was founded on. I am sure that our forefathers would have a fit if they knew that they fought and died for this country and have it turn to this! Everything is getting way out of hand. Morals and values are becoming less and less prevalent in our country. But, what the anti GOD people don’t know is, this is all prophecied in the bible. They are taking part in GOD’S prophecy. It’s going to happen. Dear GOD, please come soon!

  35. John May 17, 2015 at 9:40 am

    Understand Weinstein’s feelings and rationale. Used to feel that way until I met the Lord Jesus Christ. He loves you too Michael, and even now, His Spirit is trying to reach your heart. Allow Him to come in, and you too will never be the same.

    All that will live Godly in Jesus Christ shall suffer persecution.

  36. Marcus Wynn May 17, 2015 at 9:41 am

    “Mickey” Weinstein appears to be another angry, secular, self-hating Jew. I abhor how he projects his own inner misery on decent people. Mickey Weinstein is the epitome of intolerance and the framers of the Constitution, many of them people of faith, never intended Weinstein’s twisted version of oppression. Weinstein illustrates how atheists are among the more unpleasant among us. Oh – and least you think I’m attacking Weinstein as a Jew – I’m also Jewish. Weinstein – shame on you. You are plain vanilla wicked and a huge hypocrite.

  37. Cjc May 17, 2015 at 9:46 am

    It seems as I cut through all your crazy legal ranting, you are actually angry that this man who has devoted his life to preserving our freedoms in this country, is free to profess his faith in GOD our Heavenly Father. You say he created fodder for ISIS, giving them more power to persecute Christians, but WHAT exactly is your group doing?????? You are persecuting a Christian for his beliefs. Your group is trying to take away American Freedoms. Unless he was demanding that his troops convert to Christianity, then he did no wrong. You try to make it sound as if you are protecting Airmen from evil. May God open your eyes and your heart. Stop persecuting Christians.

  38. Peter May 17, 2015 at 9:47 am

    Despicable organizations like this have a voice because we give them one. The sooner we start ignoring them, the sooner they’ll disappear.

  39. James Cox May 17, 2015 at 9:50 am

    This lawyer should be disbarred for stirring up such hate. He is the typical scumbag lawyer who is lower on the totem like than child molesters and drug dealers.

  40. FRANK HAMRICK May 17, 2015 at 9:50 am

    Your letter of ‘demand’ lacks discernment and reveals a deep-seated, perverted view of our constitutional rights, and therefore, of the constitution itself. Your organization represents “freedom FROM religion” whether it intends to or not.
    If your demands were not so damaging, I would take your letter as a joke, for it lacks reason, rationality, and sensibility. I pray there are few who have been so wrongly propagandized. THINK!

  41. Sheila Walls May 17, 2015 at 9:55 am

    This is ridiculous…

  42. Gordon Bland May 17, 2015 at 9:57 am

    Mr. Weinstein, why don’t you leave the military alone. These folks have rights just like you do under the Constitution and they can choose the way they want to believe. The people that they talk to don’t have to accept what they say, however, they and you would be wise to accept JESUS The CHRIST as their Savior and Redeemer. Sadly you have such an angry look in your photo. Too bad you are not a happy fellow.

  43. Ur racist May 17, 2015 at 9:58 am

    Move to Syria you worthless piece of shit. You are the problem with America I hope your children suffer when your pathetic world comes crashing down.

  44. Randy May 17, 2015 at 9:58 am

    What a crock of shit. Countless number? Publish a list of names with contact info for verification. Man served so you have the right to be idiot, liberal assholes.

  45. arron May 17, 2015 at 9:58 am

    They are pulling comments I believe so I guess they want to silence some voices on here that oppose their twisted heathen views

  46. Believer in Christ May 17, 2015 at 10:00 am

    God loves you. Though you may turn your back on Him, he’s still there waiting patiently to take your hand. Cry out to the Lord, and He will show you mercy.

  47. Laura May 17, 2015 at 10:03 am

    Hey Mickey – Jesus loves you although I am struggling after reading this craziness. You obviously hate Christ. You’re not the first. ISIS and all these extremist do too.

  48. Dar May 17, 2015 at 10:03 am

    Mickey Weinstien?? Who is he? no one I care to know for sure. The Gen has every right to address a group and provide them with his guidance and experience as he see fit. I salute Gen. Olson in keeping with his faith and following our lord Jesus in his career. Maybe Mickey should be charged with hate crime.

  49. Steve Rhodes May 17, 2015 at 10:06 am

    One day soon I hope an Air Force drone launches a Hellcat Missile “Accidentally” at whatever hole in the ground you crawl back into every night. You “Demand”?? Who gives you the right to think your entitled to “Demand” anything?!?!

  50. Dana May 17, 2015 at 10:07 am

    not religious in any way here, and cannot believe people like you want to dictate to others about their faith.

    grow up and put your energies into helping others for crying out loud.


  51. Matt May 17, 2015 at 10:08 am

    You are clearly an angry person(s). I can’t imagine getting so upset as to use the type of language and phrasing you did about someone speaking about their personal experiences. I’ll help you out here and let you in on something. When someone responds as you did, it smacks of insecurity. You can quote material & try and use the breaching of articles to support your verve but everyone who does not share your opinion knows immediately it is based on insecurity. A person secure with their belief in a particular matter doesn’t feel the need for extreme expression. No, the secure person is able to dispassionately approach the matter and doesn’t come across as you did-frightened.

  52. Robert May 17, 2015 at 10:11 am

    You people, and yes I am grouping you as one, are all the same. Who cares if the man talks about God. Is that a problem for him to speak about how he feels. He did not say that everyone should feel that way. Let me ask you one question, if he talked about his Muslim would you be reacting the same way ? I doubt it. Get a life and worry about something more important.

  53. George Goldberg May 17, 2015 at 10:13 am

    May God Bless you, Mikey.

  54. Joe May 17, 2015 at 10:15 am

    Whmmm – sounds like “Mikey” didn’t get his binky this morning. “Mikey” needs to grow up, read up, and then hopefully understand that the 1st Amendment gives each of us the right to express their opinion and ideas (even angry, immature little “Mikey” Esq. too :)). Hopefully all can see that “Mikey” just needs his nap, then everything will be better! That’s just about as serious as I can get about “Mikey’s” little tirade.

  55. dave May 17, 2015 at 10:16 am

    Praise God for General Olsen, he spoke the Truth of the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ. Mikey, you are either For Christ or Against Him.Irregardless of your stance, “Every knee will bow to the Lord Jesus Christ.” No matter what you try to do to Gen. Olsen, God is protecting him and elevating him. I pray for your salvation, I urge you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior before it is too late.

  56. GodsNotDead May 17, 2015 at 10:18 am

    Matthew 10:33 (ASV) But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father who is in heaven.

  57. Ron Nassif May 17, 2015 at 10:20 am

    I am proud of this leader whom for whatever reason uses his God to serve his country. I hope at least some of you have served your country in some capacity. If you have not, your opinion is worth nothing to me or any other REAL American. It still is a good day because at the end I will be standing and you will be silenced.

  58. Ted May 17, 2015 at 10:21 am

    I wish God had placed you as a 20 year old in 1942 Germany. You would have been paying each and every day as the SS butts you with a rifle stock- So you could appreciate your own country saving you. You are not American- in your heart your a traitor.

  59. Phil May 17, 2015 at 10:21 am

    I hope you rot in hell….BTW, who the f**k are you to think you speak for me

  60. Willie Sims May 17, 2015 at 10:22 am

    You arrogant waste of life. If you don’t like what the general said, change the channel. Apparently, “MRFF” is something you put together so that you could con money from people and not have to get a real job. You do NOT represent 41,000 military members. EVERYONE has the right of freedom of religion. GET A JOB.

  61. Gregg May 17, 2015 at 10:23 am

    Our country faces serious issues, war, terrorism, poverty, crime, climate change etc and the fight you picked is a United States General discussing God on prayer day.

    You are a coward!

  62. Beth May 17, 2015 at 10:25 am

    Why are you so concerned? It was on NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER. You people make me sick to my stomach. Was he trying to say you MUST believe in God? No he was speaking on his reflection. Get a life and stop imposing on mine!

  63. Rick N McCoy May 17, 2015 at 10:30 am

    God Bless that General! We need more military leaders like him. One Nation Under God! Who wants a military, void of Jesus Christ to defend our freedoms? I don’t, I served in the USAF 1975 to 1981. I would proudly serve again with this General, not for people like you though.

  64. Michael Cansdale May 17, 2015 at 10:36 am

    You all should focus your anti american hate on something else. You liberal athiest make me sick to my stomach. Judgement day you will wish you did not act this way. Pure unamerican SCUM!

  65. Ray May 17, 2015 at 10:37 am

    This is still America the General has freedom of speech freedom of religion even though our current political leaders are trying to stamp it out. Praise God for someone in his position for standing for what he believes in. We should all follow his example.

  66. Gary Bert May 17, 2015 at 10:39 am

    I am not sure who you people are but this is outragious. As a former member of the Air Force (1976 to 1980) I take your letter as being completely uncalled for and very self centered. If you do not like what he or anyone has to say then don’t listen. Come by some time, I will give you a lot of words you will not like then you can write a letter about me. Why don’t you and your group go play on Obama’s team with ISIS where you belong.

  67. Raul May 17, 2015 at 10:39 am

    Noting your group’s hypocritical stance on freedom of speech. This one will come back to bite you

  68. rich ledbetter May 17, 2015 at 10:42 am

    I have court martialed your communist organization already. Very pathetic

  69. Jarred Bridgeman May 17, 2015 at 10:46 am

    I am not a military person, however I am a man of faith. I can never relate to someone who has been in a war, I cannot possibly know what it is like to be pinned down, people around every corner trying to kill me. Even though I cannot relate, I know given tough situations, I always rely on my faith. For you to “demand” anything is rediculous. This country was founded on the Christian belief. Last I checked, it still says “In God We Trust” on our money. I can only assume you will “demand” that ne removed also. Seems you have denied God. I find it hard to believe you are so cold hearted to force this man to deny God as well. You have no power sir. I “demand” that you profess your faith in God. Wait, you don’t want to? How is that any different than the demand you make? Please take a look at you so called demands and leave well enough alone. If you don’t believe, that is your business, but keep you opinion…and that is all it really is, out of this brave soldier’s life.

  70. mike May 17, 2015 at 10:51 am

    You people disgust me with this stuff. Did the man say “christian” god or just god? That could be any devine power. You people need to use your time better and quit wasting everyone elses… ASSHOLES you are

  71. Poppa John May 17, 2015 at 10:52 am

    God Bless USAF Major General Craig S. Olson. We need more of these God fearing men in the Military. Jesus died for us & our sins, the General is right to praise God. This USAF SAC Airman 54-58 say GOD BLESS THE USAF, In Jesus name, we fight for the right ti say His name. God Bless America

  72. Ron May 17, 2015 at 10:54 am

    Its time for Christians to declare the same type of offensive against your group that you have waged against them. Why dont you go play with ISIS and offend Mohammed the same way you offend Christians? We already know that answer coward.

  73. Sean Yolish May 17, 2015 at 10:55 am

    This group and all of the other groups seeking to punish people for their personal moral convictions, whether based upon an organized and recognized religion or otherwise are representative of hate groups you espouse to abhor. In reality, you are all nothing more than those who represented themselves in 1930’s – 1940’s Germans, 1990’s Balkan States, and today’s current Taliban, Al Queda, ISIS, and other related religious cleansing groups. You all should be ashamed. The U.S. was founded upon the basis of religious freedom and expression, any censuring of which violates these basic and fundamental principles. You don’t have to like what the other person says, in most cases have a choice of not listening, but to squelch anyone’s voice is criminal.

  74. Janet May 17, 2015 at 10:57 am

    I doubt that there are as many people that are against what the General said as you think there are. We need Jesus Christ in our armed forces more now than ever! You’ll find out yourself some day, for “Every knee shall bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!”

  75. John K. Mohan May 17, 2015 at 11:01 am

    Mr. Weinstein,

    You are at odds with part of your own mission statement. One paragraph of your mission statement reads:

    “No member of the military may be compelled to curtail – except in the most limited of military circumstances and when it directly impacts military discipline, morale and the successful completion of a specific military goal – the free exercise of their religious practices or beliefs.”

    Yet you are clearly attempting to curtail Maj. Gen. Craig Olson from freely speaking about his personal religious beliefs. As such, you are attempting to prevent him from exercising his rights under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

    I invite you to publish my e-mail with a response explaining why you feel it is appropriate to deny someone something you claim to support.


    John K. Mohan
    Chicago, Illinois

  76. Jeffrey Kunkleman May 17, 2015 at 11:01 am

    Bravo to the General for being true to himself and a faithful man of God. All of you anti religious bully’s, really need to get a grip on life, and stop infringing on the rights of the many, to make the few feel good about themselves. As a combat vet and retired Army Officer, and above all a Christian, I know where he is coming from.

  77. Joe Pickett May 17, 2015 at 11:04 am

    Your letter sounds like it is right out of a communist country propaganda outlet. The general has every right to speak what he believes, you totalitarians are the ones who would prevent him from doing so. This is what is has fought for, so that we can use our Constitutional rights. We know this is what you would take from us if your were in power. Go back to your North Korean utopia, and see how long you will last.
    Viva Christo!

  78. George May 17, 2015 at 11:08 am

    What a bunch of COWARDS! YOU ARE THE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Find something else to get attention about. COWARDS!!! May the “christian” God BLESS YOUR UNDESERVING ASSES!!!

  79. Stephanie Stafford May 17, 2015 at 11:11 am

    Wait just a damn minute here. Your “group” is called Military Religious Freedom Foundation right? This speech was said on National Prayer Day right?? I guess I’m confused. I’ve read many of the other comments that were posted and I agree 100% with all of them, except for the liberal comment. You are so far to the left you can’t see what’s to the right let alone what’s right in front of you!! It’s groups like you who should be ashamed of yourselves! Court martialing this man who fought viciously for his country and his life!! You know what you can do with your “court martial letter” and stick it where the sun don’t shine!! Smfh….

  80. Andrew Wallace May 17, 2015 at 11:11 am

    just saying. But, proselytizing on God TV? Really? That seems redundant. I mean talk about preaching to the choir. Beyond that. I hope that the military roots out every single Christian in it, and we will let you all fend for yourselves. Can’t wait to see how that goes.

  81. BUD JONES May 17, 2015 at 11:14 am


  82. Wesley May 17, 2015 at 11:14 am

    What a bigoted, despotic anti-freedom, anti-liberty, anti-Christ organization and website you lead and sponsor. You are fighting Jesus Christ, declared to be the Messiah by both signs and wonders, who made the blind to see, the deaf to hear and raised the dead to life, who claimed “I am the Way, the Truth and the Light…” He fulfilled the words of the Prophets who foretold His dying on a cross to establish God’s New Covenant with man, and that He would be buried in a tomb and then on the third day…in fulfillment of Prophecy…the Christ arose from the grave. He is the One, He was seen by all of the Disciples, who witnessed him with their own eyes when ascended into heaven before his Disciples and over 500 witnesses. Jesus, the Savior of Mankind, foretold from ancient times, is who you oppose. You fight against His kingdom. You make yourself the enemy of the Living Son of God, whom God has anointed to be the King of Kings. As Scripture declares, “Whoa unto him who contends with his Maker.” Seek Him while he may still be found. Come to the Waters of Life and drink. God has promised, “When you seek me with all of your heart, you will find me, for I will reveal myself to you.” Seek Him while He may still be found…

  83. Hasselhoff May 17, 2015 at 11:16 am

    I hope your group will come out in support of Mohammed cartoons.
    Here’s a starter:

    Mohammed was a slave trading, murdering, lying, child abusing pimp.

    Now go and educate others about the islamic hate cult.

  84. Sean May 17, 2015 at 11:18 am

    You atheists are truly despicable! I don’t expect, nor care that you believe in God, so why the hell do you care that others do? You liberals are truly a spooky bunch- if it were up to you, everyone who believed in God would be either thrown in prison, or put to death. You nuts have zero tolerance to anyone who dares not think exactly like you. Under a FREE system I have the RIGHT to believe in a higher power….and thank that higher-power if I choose… you have the right to be a liberal nut-job!

  85. Pierre Babasin May 17, 2015 at 11:21 am

    By bringing this extremely silly “lawsuit”, and making a big media stink you are brazenly promoting your particular brand of empty secular humanistic “religion”. No hope, no purpose, no imagination and no point! Every knee will bow and every tongue confess…

  86. Doug Drake May 17, 2015 at 11:22 am

    It is the Military Religious Freedom Foundation who is intolerant and wants to shut down anyone who stands up for their religious freedom. He has every right to speak his faith and wear the uniform at the same time. To suggest otherwise is to say that you cannot be in uniform if you say anything about your faith.

    He isn’t taking pride in himself but acknowledging where he gets his strength. I wish we all could take a lesson from the general. It is amazing what offends these crackheads.

  87. Bradley May 17, 2015 at 11:23 am

    May the Lord open your eyes soon and relieve you of all your hatred and misgivings. It is only because of MEN like USAF Major General Craig S. Olson are you allowed to speak so shamefully of someone that has devoted his life to defending the great CHRISTIAN nation. Unfortunately we do end up with scum sucking bottom feeders like you and your worthless “military religious freedom foundation” getting to stay here and spot your nonsense. “Foundation?? Really?? Calling lead gold doesn’t make it valuable.

  88. Matt May 17, 2015 at 11:25 am

    After first reading this letter I was blown away by the angry hate speech in this letter, But mostly appalled by this attemp to squash religious freedom. So much so I’m left almost speechless. So I will leave it to the one who said it best 2000 years ago while being persecuted and crucified by similar hate filled persecutors to save us all… Luke 23:34 NKJV
    Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

  89. Sara Michon May 17, 2015 at 11:29 am

    If you don’t like Major Olsen has to say, then don’t listen. You have the freedom to turn the channel and not listen to his speech. He’s speech was directed to a specific audience and if you don’t want to be part of that audience then you have the freedom to chose not to be there. This country was founded on freedom of speech and he should be allowed to speak about what he wants. He’s not trying to convert others over to his religion or impose his beliefs on others, he’s just explaining his beliefs and how they effected his life. The audience he is speaking to is already of belief so there is no converting going on there. Freedom of speech is freedom of speech plain and simple. What you are asking to be done is to oppress some’s freedom, which is the exact opposite of the title of your organization “Military Religious Freedom”. How can you call yourself that when you are doing is trying to oppress someone’s freedom to speak. I say there is nothing pertaining freedom in your organization. You are trying to force others to believe what you believe, by the way, is what you are saying the Major is doing. I say that’s the pot calling the kettle black. Why don’t you take a closer look at yourself.

  90. Adam Gollias May 17, 2015 at 11:30 am

    Hilter started with your mentality against Jews. May you find peace in your heart of stone.

  91. Wm Beasley May 17, 2015 at 11:31 am

    I know there is a God, and you folks really need to roast in Hell.
    U.S. Army 1968-75Viet Nam Vet

  92. Millner May 17, 2015 at 11:35 am

    I am so grateful that there are people like the General that not only defend us on a daily basis but lead us and my sons that are in the military. As far as this this organization is concerned (MRFF)…what a waste of your talents, I believe you are probably extremely smart people that could be spending time doing so much more valuable tasks. This pursuit is such a waste of your time. Today I morn for the loss of your contribution to us all.

  93. rob May 17, 2015 at 11:46 am

    I’m an army LTC and I can say that God has guided my career as well. The creator of the universe loves me and guides me daily. Praise God!

  94. Mark May 17, 2015 at 11:46 am

    As a concerned citizen to your organization. I hope respondents write to the FBI to place you and your org on a watch list. You certainly sound like a person and organization which is capable of going postal against military personnel whom are Christians. ISIL believes in a similar way to your organization- pushing jihadists movements.

  95. Rob Arrouet May 17, 2015 at 11:46 am

    Your “freedom from religion” will be duly noted on Judgement Day. My family sacrificed greatly to the cause of the USAF and this nation, when both were formidable advocates on the side of God almighty. Today I am ashamed of your freely expressed speedh and will mourn for those whose interests you claim to represent and I shall weep ffor these in my Christian, God fearing family who gave everything to protect your right to be wrong and vocal about it. GOOD LUCK TRYING TO BE VICTORIOUS AGAINST YOUR ALMIGHTY CREATOR. fools

  96. Buddy Lambert May 17, 2015 at 11:48 am

    Vietnam vet 68-69. My praise and adoration to the General. Praise GOD for leaders as him. Oh and go to hell you stupid group

  97. Michael May 17, 2015 at 11:49 am

    You people are sick! I take great comfort in knowing you and your kind will spend 1,000 years in hell for your crimes against God and the human race.

  98. Richard Webb May 17, 2015 at 11:51 am

    If you can’t understand the first amendment and its guarantee of free exercise, it would suggest you go join the Moslems that hate your Semitic guts. This country has great pastors fighting for the freedom of Israel and your athiest dumb ass.

  99. Timothy Charles Gobbel May 17, 2015 at 11:53 am

    Mikey, you’re such a hypocrite.

  100. kindheart1956 May 17, 2015 at 11:57 am

    How dare you claim you speak for thousands, lets see those name. I for one as a Viet Nam Vet of the US Navy am glad that God is leading those responsible and that they have a personal relationship with Christ. If you do not have either of these you can not pass Go and you will go straight to Hell on your death. Most interesting of all, there is not one comment that I could find supporting your statement here. You obviously represent only yourself! FIND JESUS and live.

  101. Buzz Joerdens May 17, 2015 at 11:59 am


    You need to be stuck in the oven. You are a waste of human skin. Hope you get an inoperable pancreatic cancer tumor.

  102. Mrs. W May 17, 2015 at 12:04 pm

    His testimony is His own.
    It is no one else’s place to say what guided him.
    Do people feel so insecure about themselves that they have nothing better to do than come against those who know the Living God???

    Most all our Education Institutions and Universities were started by Bible believing Christians
    Most hospitals and social services, historically speaking were begun by Bible believing Christians
    By the GRACE of God this country has been Blessed and has prospered. . . . .but rebellion to God and pride will bring this nation to judgement

  103. Dr William Svoboda May 17, 2015 at 12:04 pm

    I agree with kindheart1956, you don’t speak for me or any I have come across in over 40 years of service. You are doing a dis service to our country trying to be super PC.

  104. Dan May 17, 2015 at 12:07 pm

    You and this group should be lashed in public for attacking this soldier that has wrote a check for his life to protect your freedoms that you don’t deserve or respect. But hide behind ink and paper to ruin someones life. I hope i run into you on the street. COWARDS

  105. AJ May 17, 2015 at 12:09 pm

    You don’t speak for us, you satanic joke. We you ever in the service? Guess what, if you were you were in to defend a country based on the principals of those establish by God almighty and his Son Jesus Christ. FACT! Don’t like it, then GTFO of “my” country. You married? I feel bad for your wife. You’re a coward. The General won’t be scratched by this horseshit.

  106. Bob Bodker May 17, 2015 at 12:10 pm

    You are cordially invited to go f yourself. If you don’t like the speech this man gave, praising God, thats your perogative. However, to label him the way you did is criminal. If I were you I wouldn’t even call myself an American- see if ISIS has any use for your pathetic ass.

  107. Mike carpenter May 17, 2015 at 12:10 pm

    how are idiots like this created i am sure they dont have to go to college for it in fact i am sure the didnt finish high school

    If you dont like it here why not immigrate to syria or some other godless nation

  108. john walt May 17, 2015 at 12:16 pm

    The mail logic problem you have is that you believe that that a non-belief has absolute rights over those who believe. Not only is that an oxymoron, it s not supported in the constitution.

  109. Greg May 17, 2015 at 12:16 pm

    IRS reviews 1023 and 1040 towards Military Religious

  110. R Gibson May 17, 2015 at 12:17 pm

    I guess that means George Washington was unfit to command…You should read some of his letters …Gasp you would be totally disgusted…lol

  111. philip May 17, 2015 at 12:20 pm

    I am not religious, but you sound lkike the crazy Muslims that we have been fighting.

  112. CW4 ( Ret) Jim Killebrew Jr. May 17, 2015 at 12:23 pm

    Your misguided anti-Christian agenda shows your ignorance of the freedom of speech guaranteed in the founding documents in Constitution of the United States is clear. Also you do not speak for 95% of our nation’s military. If you wish to remain godless or continue to worship liberalism that is your right. I support the Gen.

    CW4 (Ret) Jim Killebrew Jr
    US Army.

  113. Ron May 17, 2015 at 12:23 pm

    It’s idiots like you who are bringing this great country down. If you don’t like it here please feel free to go join ISIS. You will fit right in

  114. Liam May 17, 2015 at 12:26 pm

    You bunch of losers. Free speech only applies to you??? You think that only you have the right to say what i allowed or not? PATHETIC bunch or MORONS. What is it to you that a MAN or WOMAN professes that they believe in GOD?? Does it cause you pain?? does it make you want to climb back under the rock that you came out from under?? Well GOOD because I BELIEVE IN GOD AND JESUS CHRIST AND I an a VETERAN WHO says KISS ASS. oh thank you for allowing me to have an opinion. NOT!

  115. Mark May 17, 2015 at 12:26 pm

    I would donate , but money has the word God , so you would think that it would be utterly disgusted and shocked .

  116. Bill Harrigan May 17, 2015 at 12:27 pm

    God Bless Gen. Craig Olsen!!…and shame on you, Michael Weinstein for trying to cast a negative dispersion on the General for his belief in God and Christianity in the military. If anyone should be on trial it should be you for attempting to remove his first amendment rights in professing his faith!!

  117. Ben May 17, 2015 at 12:28 pm


    I stumbled across this article which led me to your website, and after poking around a bit I can clearly tell that something in your life has turned you against Christians and Christianity as a whole. I am very sorry for whatever happened, it was likely done irresponsibly by someone claiming to be a Christian who was not acting very much like Jesus instructed them to act. I hope you once again find the hope, joy, and love that God offers, and that the anger within you that fuels this website’s goal (i.e. freedom from Christianity disguised as freedom from religion) is quelled.

    As a side note, I’ve worked indirectly with MG Olsen for a few years now, he is a human being just like you and I, has never directly proselytized in any meeting, and does not deserve this type of attention (the same as I wouldn’t wish it on you).


  118. Nicole May 17, 2015 at 12:29 pm

    You owe the General an apology! It is not a crime to share one’s faith.

  119. Will May 17, 2015 at 12:39 pm

    I don’t know what country Mr. Weinstein and his followers are from but hopefully they will take you all back and the sooner the better. Thank you General Olson for your service to America.

  120. Tony May 17, 2015 at 12:40 pm

    I am a disabled veteran and I am honored to read what the general said in his speech. He is a very humble man. This website that is trying to degrade him is way out of line. I want this website to apologize to the general. We fight and die to be free. The general’s words are true and from his heart!

  121. Fred May 17, 2015 at 12:49 pm

    Maybe you can find a home at the Westboro Baptist Church. Or are you already part of ISIS? Or CAIR. Without Christianity we would have list many of the wars we won. Schwartzkoft very publicly professed his faith during Desert Storm and we routed the Iraqis in a hundred hours.

  122. CW2 (Ret) Henry Geib May 17, 2015 at 12:51 pm

    You people have got to be some of the saddest pieces of crap that I have ever read about. There is nothing wrong with what the General said, what is wrong is the fact you are attempting to push your beliefs on every American soldier. Soldiers have been praying to God for guidance long before your organization ever came about. Just look at some of the soldiers that fought the revolution, those that fought in the civil war, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War 91 and of course our latest episode into Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you really think our soldiers haven’t prayed to God in each of those wars for guidance?

    It is people and organizations like yours that are making this country seem like the arm pit of the world, not to mention the laughing stock of the world. I pray come the day when Christ walks this earth again he takes judgement out on every one of you that have chosen to side with the like of Satan. Hope Christ just sends all of you to Hell!! Good luck in hell, see if you can get Satan to take pity on your sorry butts. Good luck with that!!!

  123. Scott May 17, 2015 at 12:56 pm

    Speaking as an atheist, you guys are a bigger whack job than the General. Religious freedom is exactly that, Freedom. Your hypocritical group is the antithesis of freedom. Your so sad and hateful.

  124. June Martin May 17, 2015 at 1:00 pm

    How dare you! As someone from a long line of military members, I am utterly appalled by you and your cronies! Major General Olson has just as much right to exercise his religious beliefs as you do to not exercise yours! And what, may I ask, do you think the national day of prayer is about?

    I will tell you one thing and that is simply this, Christians and conservatives are beyond sick and tired of people telling us what we can and can’t do!

    I applaud Major General Olson and I wish there were more like him!

    May I suggest you and your members get a life and focus on something that is a little more important!!!

  125. Matt May 17, 2015 at 1:03 pm

    This .org is a Charlatan working the system. IRS needs to watch him closely towards his exempt status.

  126. Mark May 17, 2015 at 1:05 pm

    Thank God for these officers not afraid to praise or worship Him from idiots like Mikey

  127. Dawn May 17, 2015 at 1:05 pm

    Mr. Weinstein, the fact that you watched the National Day of Prayer Breakfast just to find someone to hate and cause trouble for, is sad and pathetic. If you are so desperate to hate someone why not choose the enemies of this country like ISIS. Oh, I forgot you are an enemy of this country. You need to move to some anti-Christian country like Iran, North Korea, or Russia where you will be hated for being who you are. Then maybe you will learn the meaning of the words Freedom, and liberty; and maybe you will begin to appreciate this country which allows you to hate anyone and everyone you want. Why are all athiests such angry, miserable people. It is very sad. You may not want to believe in GOD but GOD believes in you, and He still loves you.

  128. John Badhorn May 17, 2015 at 1:08 pm

    you people are scum. Is this how you want you life remembered? For being a pathetic group who attacks individuals because they profess their faith? The People of this country will fight back and not allow all to be soulless angry vermin who lacks faith in anything. All you have done by your demands is strengthened the resolve of good people to fight you. File a lawsuit, that’s all you have faith in. It is my belief that if everyone you angered by your letter gave one dollar we could bankrupt your organization and all like it.

  129. Dave Skeel May 17, 2015 at 1:10 pm

    It is really amazing that you spend so much of life’s energy denying our loving but all powerful God Who wants all men to be saved. Even someone as hateful as you Mike. Think about that Michael. God loves His enemies and finds no enjoyment in punishment, like you seemingly do. You appear to revel in the prospect of ruining this man. But it is you Mike who will eventually be “brought to justice for his unforgivable crimes and transgressions” just like you demand for Major General Olsen. The Bible describes people just like you Mike in the last age. You are called an enemy of God. Whether you believe or not, God exists and you will be judged. So bless you Mike and may the Lord open your heart to the truth. The Apostle Paul said of our Lord Jesus: For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. Wake up Mike and get the evil attitude out of your life. Romans 13:4 May God bless and forgive you your transgressions.

  130. Cotten Fields May 17, 2015 at 1:11 pm

    I went back and reread the first amendment and as far as I can tell this general isn’t the United States congress.

  131. Paul Meyers May 17, 2015 at 1:13 pm

    The profound professionalism of this letter is truly astounding. The eloquence of phases turned, such as “and tell me that you’re just not sick to damn death seeing” and “the national security implications of HIS statement, at least, are literally DWARFED by the same national security risk analysis given Major General Olson’s screed of fundamentalist Christian triumphalism” are breathtaking. I can only conclude, given that Mikey implies he has a legal degree (note the “Esg” at the end of his signature line) that is was from a correspondence school, if he has one at all.

    Mikey, hint, it reads freedom of religion, not from religion

  132. Frank Romo May 17, 2015 at 1:15 pm

    Hey Mikey, go pound salt, you are a worthless POS for taking this General to task. You’re not worthy of carrying this man’s boots, you probably couldn’t pass the physical to get in the service, so you became a lawyer, nice going…

  133. Mary May 17, 2015 at 1:22 pm

    You are highly mistaken. Major General Olsen is not a disgrace. Rather yourself and those who are members of your organization are the disgrace. Only an idiot would object to someone speaking of his faith on the National Day of Prayer and a Christian event. Hello! Are you stupid? Some other tidbits of information that you may want to chew on are these:

    1. This country was founded on CHRISTIANITY!
    2. Major General Olsen hasn’t been around long enough to have ‘founded’ Christianity and he is not a government establishing that religion!
    3. The same amendment that you are quoting in trying to gain your superiority over the rights of others is the same amendment that gives Major General Olsen the right to exercise his faith!
    4. Christians are getting a little bit tired of being told that we can’t practice our faith because of haters and ‘politically correct’ people trying to control us.

    Back off!

  134. kenny May 17, 2015 at 1:23 pm

    your site and group are scum of the earth,,, you are a bunch of commie traitors

  135. Jeanne May 17, 2015 at 1:23 pm

    Revelation 21 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her bridegroom. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be among them. And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.” And he said to me, “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, I will give to the one who thirsts, from the spring of the water of life without cost. He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be my people. But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire, which is the second death.” I hope that you have a change of heart. There is no reason to fear a lake of fire. God doesn’t want people who fear Him, but those who love him and other people just as He does. He wants all to come to the true knowledge of who He is. Wouldn’t you prefer to believe, and be saved from sin and death? This isn’t just about recognizing Christianity as a viable religion. Christianity has been alive and well for eons. You are persecuting all Christians for their belief, in your scathing letter to One man. This is against the law. If you want freedom, then understand that freedom belongs to all men. Not just you.

  136. dumvet May 17, 2015 at 1:32 pm

    You people are idiots!

  137. HostingAllStar May 17, 2015 at 1:33 pm

    Amazing! Do you think you have opened a can of worms by making a stand against this General?

    Not that I suspect to ever get a reply but what he done is commendable not to be condemned.

    So what you hate God, So what you hate Jesus. But tell me on what grounds do you have to hate either one?

    That you have to take it out on other who exercise their right for Freedom of Religion.

    In that room that he was talking too I highly doubt there was anyone their against their will. And since I watched his speech I’m 100% certain he was speaking to a body of believers not you. So it never applied to you in the first place why would you care?

    So good luck with your mascaraed he will have more support than you will ever get.

  138. LaRona May 17, 2015 at 1:42 pm

    This is ridiculous. It is clear the General was expressing personal
    personal belief and not speaking on behalf of the USAF.
    And he was speaking to primarily Christians. However, you are claiming to represent the USAF and clearly are breaking the rule you claim you are trying to uphold by militantly and maliciously trying to “officially endorse… or extending preferential treatment for… absence of belief. (emphasis added)). Hello?

  139. Thomas Acton May 17, 2015 at 1:51 pm

    You Limp DiCk Pussies All Suck fags

  140. Scott May 17, 2015 at 1:55 pm

    You guys are ABSURD IDIOTS. Sorry- But Freedom OF religion is NOT Freedom FROM religion. You had better learn something- and FAST- The MAJORITY of people in this nation are NOT Godless Atheists, and YOU do NOT speak for us! GET BENT. Once this nation started turning its back on God, because of scum like you, GOD STARTED TURNING HIS BACK ON US…

    Stop punishing people for HAVING the faith YOU so sorely lack, and most likely NEED. We may not all attend church even as little as annually, BUT WE BELIEVE- that is OUR RIGHT. He was NOT forcing his command to do ANYTHING. GOD BLESS AMERICA, and GOD BLESS OUR MILITARY.

  141. Jeff Bassett May 17, 2015 at 1:56 pm

    Wow, what a liberal progressive communist bag of crap you threw at that honorable USAF general.
    Seriously, you have no concept of the history, constitutional rights and freedoms of speech to compose such a horrid rebuttal to a person who believe in all his heart that our rights are God given, not government, and the sacrifices to fight for such in his career to protect the freedom MOST citizens value.
    Your scum to attack such a great person. Take your values to some other progressive liberal communist country and trying living your dream there, so one day maybe you can understand the values that are the true foundation of this Republic.
    God Bless that General.

  142. Farmer May 17, 2015 at 2:01 pm

    I think it is unconscionable and rude that a former junior officer refer to the ranking Air Force General by his first name.

  143. Melissa May 17, 2015 at 2:13 pm

    Since when is wrong to speak about your own beliefs? I commend this General for speaking about his own beliefs. If you folks don’t like or believes the way that he does so what, grow up. He’s not asking you believe in what he does and he’s not forcing anything on you. You have a right to your religious beliefs or non beliefs and so does this General. You sir are acting like a child demanding that a person be charged with a crime for speaking about their own beliefs on god, who are you that you think that you can tell someone else how to believe,think, and feel on the subject of religion. Grow up!!!!!!

  144. w rhodes dowdy May 17, 2015 at 2:14 pm

    You communist ducks. You are all a waste of skin!!!

  145. Joseph H Miller iii May 17, 2015 at 2:15 pm

    Mikey “wiener”-stien, you are a coward! You are a truly pathetic excuse of a man.

  146. R Love May 17, 2015 at 2:21 pm

    You need to life. Yare not doing anything for freedom of religion But In time I hope you find God. IF not enjoy eternity hell.

  147. Sam May 17, 2015 at 2:27 pm

    You are one unAmerican person. Because this man is in the military and distinguished himself by serving his country to protect your’s and mine freedoms does not mean he is not allowed to worship, it means he is allowed to worship his faith. I just don’t see what you have a problem with, we are all allowed to have our personal beliefs and each person, in the military or not, is free to choose.
    You are one of the problems in the world, not part of any solution.

  148. Ed May 17, 2015 at 2:36 pm

    A bunch of eunuchs. Nitwit attorneys… Good Luck with That! Lmao…. What a bunch of hippie cowards. GOD BLESS AMERICA! Let’s all go to a save the tree rally holding signs made of dead trees. You left wing scum are ridiculous hahahahahaha what a comedy show u are… God hates Liberals and Pu$$ies

  149. Freedom May 17, 2015 at 2:36 pm

    Mikey, I’ll be praying for you. I’ll pray that the bitterness that so obviously drives this letter subsides, and that the love of God takes up residence in your heart. This man, exercising his freedom, did no harm to you. The tone of your letter, and its bluster, make you sound like a weak schollyard bully. If mere words can generate such anger, you are a fragile boy. I’ll pray you become a man of strength.

  150. Scott Stoppelman May 17, 2015 at 2:38 pm

    For you morons to take issue with an Air Force General for talking about GOD on a NATIONAL PRAYER DAY EVENT is beyond the pale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell is the matter with you people?!?!?!?!? I am an ATHEIST and I don’t care a damn if this man or any other man wants to talk about their God, its his right!! Free speech!!! But you in the so called Civil Liberties business are the most close minded bunch of assholes I have ever heard of! You are all about free speech as long as its speech you like. To call for his court martial and say the things you said about his “crimes”!!! Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a real life and lay off the folks!!!!

  151. Cindy May 17, 2015 at 2:43 pm

    So Civil Liberties only apply to those who do not believe in God? This general and every other American in the military or outside the military has the RIGHT to speak of their faith, he did NOT demand anyone convert or try to push anyone to believing in God. Grow up! Your total fear of even hearing about God is quite ridiculous!

  152. Eric May 17, 2015 at 2:50 pm

    What kind of a fucking idiot would have a problem with somebody expressing his religious freedoms.

  153. Lester May 17, 2015 at 2:57 pm

    Have you forgotten that part of the First Amendment that says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF?” This gentleman has every right to express his beliefs.

  154. Rebecca Roberts May 17, 2015 at 2:57 pm

    You people are pinheads. Freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM. He had every right to speak in the manner he did on – THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER!! You are simply doing this to gain attention and raise $$. Stop that. It’s juvenile.

  155. Stephen Lubin May 17, 2015 at 3:23 pm

    I am not a religious person myself but you f-ing pieces of crap can go to a place you don’t believe in; Hell. This air force general is a good man who has to provide his services within a military over-run by Obama’s anti-God policies. You and all the other radical atheists out there can go F yourselves. Your actions are enough to make me a religious man but I am too profane to be a good one like this General obviously is. So take your petition. roll it up, and stick it as far up your asses as you can.

  156. Rick May 17, 2015 at 3:39 pm

    Hopefully ISIS can grab ahold of Mikey and cut his fukin head off.
    Worthless piece of shit.

  157. Brian May 17, 2015 at 3:40 pm

    And you wanna know what’s wrong with our country? Wow

  158. Ernest Molina May 17, 2015 at 4:00 pm

    i have to say. While I agree freedom of religion is key and I myself am sick of people trying to force religion on others. This letter. This call is wholly unacceptable. As a veteran myself I see nothing wrong here. Gen Olson was at a prayer rally and crediting God for his success. Not trying to force it on other service members. Not trying to force it on the Air Force overall. This is a prime example of building a mountain out of an ant hill. A lack of respect for ones freedom to speak his mind on a matter. Now had he tried to speak on behalf of the Air Force or say something to the extent he would try to convert others fine. But he didn’t. This is silly and I have lost much respect for this organization now. We need to respect each other’s views without complaining outside of the scope of what people say or try to twist it.

  159. Shawn May 17, 2015 at 4:13 pm

    I am personally sick of others shoving their atheistic worldview down my throat and removing the freedom of speech. As a former Navy corpsman, I was blessed to serve One Nation Under God. I was blessed to serve a country whose currency says, “In God We Trust.” I was blessed to serve along with other men and women of faith who prayed for our protection and prayed for family members back home. I was encouraged that they felt our prayers and were strengthened by them. I found that there are no atheists in a foxhole. And that in moments of duress, prayer provides hope and encouragement. In the final moments of life, people find comfort in the message of Salvation through Jesus Christ. But, you idiots choose to silence those who would provide hope. Shame on you. You would have hated George Washington, our first commander and chief. You would have hated Abraham Lincoln, and fought like hell to silence his faith. We need more men and women of faith in the military.

  160. David Williams May 17, 2015 at 4:20 pm

    How DARE you. There is a special place in hell for you and those like you. We who serve and have served did so to protect the freedoms enjoyed by everyone, not just a few who want to “opt out” from having or demonstrating their belief in God. As such, we demand you cease and desist from your delusional rants or face the wrath of countless believers who WILL NOT be silenced by your filthy spew. God is great and HE will judge you harshly for having the gall to demand anything or judge anyone when it comes to HIS holy name. May you change your beliefs and be forgiven for your sinful behavior. However, should you not change or forgive, may you be damned to an eternity in hell for your acts.

  161. MIKE May 17, 2015 at 4:21 pm

    Mr.Weinstein obviously has NO Combat experience. Maybe he needs to get shot at to convince him that there is a God and He would NOT be here with him.! Purely an IDIOT!!!. He would be wise to HIDE!. He’s caused trouble before and has done this at TAXPAYER expense.

  162. Mark Jacobs May 17, 2015 at 4:22 pm

    His remarks were not trying to convert anyone to any particular religion. I feel sorry for all Americans now knowing that folks like you would likely consider the Pledge of Allegiance a disgrace to your country.

    When you find yourself bound and about to be beheaded by the enemy, you will be the first to give them whatever they want just to save your own necks. You are the disgrace.

  163. Les Charleville May 17, 2015 at 4:39 pm

    I am an Air force veteran and I applaud General Olson’s remarks. He has a RIGHT to express his feelings and beliefs. The ACLU has their opinions and rights too but what they are suggesting is asinine, I’ll conceived and out of line. Mickey Weinstein who is probably of Jewish ancestory needs to review history and understand the results when one’s faith is admonished by those who think they know better.

  164. Cassandra May 17, 2015 at 4:42 pm

    Please do share this list of all the outraged airmen calling for a court martial! Pretty sure my name won’t be there along with my husbands, because unlike you we are not offended by someone praising God for accomplishments and talents he believes are solely God’s work. What disgusts me is military members and leaders that sexually assault and harrass women (and men) in the military and there is no call to arms for a court martial to protect the victims of a horrific experience that will continue to haunt them years later. Get YOUR head out of your ass and maybe you’ll see what an insensitive and idiotic jerk you are being!

  165. Larry Cowden May 17, 2015 at 4:56 pm

    Make sure you get this through your little pinheads. YOU WILL NOT CONTINUE TO HARRAS THAT OFFICER FOR HIS RELIGIOUS STANCE! I for one will not tolerate assholes like your group in this same plane of life! I support the rights of every service man or woman to express their Christian beliefs in the service. I do support the extreme termination of those like you with extreme bias. Close down your fucking group and keep your fucking mouths shut from here on out with regard to the rights of our service people to express their Christian beliefs. You do not speak for any American service person.

  166. Dee Dee May 17, 2015 at 5:14 pm

    You do not speak for ALL active/retired military. Did I miss where he said “The USA endorses only Christianity”? Because unless he did, he didn’t endorse it for the whole military. He did violate that clause and you are a dumba$$ for thinking that speech was a national security risk. Dumba$$

  167. Dee Dee May 17, 2015 at 5:15 pm

    I meant “didn’t violate”. You are still a dumba$$

  168. jay May 17, 2015 at 5:22 pm

    While I’m not a religious man, I am a military retiree. And I do support the right for you to voice your opinion; afterall, I defended that right for 20 years. I also going to point out that the General does too.

  169. Kathy May 17, 2015 at 5:27 pm

    You are an idiot and I am embarrassed that we are both called “Americans”. You are hateful to the core. Not sure how you wake up and look at yourself in the morning with a clear conscience. I sure hope you don’t have children — to brainwash with your small minded, hateful rhetoric. Shame on you and everyone who agrees with you.

  170. Sean May 17, 2015 at 5:49 pm

    Mike- You truly are a liberal douche-bag!!!

  171. Mike May 17, 2015 at 6:04 pm

    If you don’t like religious freedom then leave this nation! You are a bigoted organization that won’t hesitate to jump on a Christian for expressing his or her religious freedoms. You are hypocrites who would trample our religious freedoms underfoot in the name of religious freedom. You can’t be more hypocritical than that! I bet you would not say a word if a Muslim or Hindu expressed his or her views on national television.Your goal is to silence Christian believers and you are clueless about the founding principles that made this nation great. The United States of America would not have existed were it not for Christianity. Research it yourself and you will see that our great educational system, many of the technological advances this nation has enjoyed, are largely because of Jesus Christ at work in the hearts and minds of people who acknowledged him as the creator of the universe. ISIS is not a Christian group, they are jihadist Islam. Yet you would prosecute Christians and demand them to step down from leadership because they dare say the name of Jesus! How foolish and blind you are! How deceived! Get out! May Christians everywhere unite in prayer and see the hand of God shut your organization down!

  172. Mr. Stewart May 17, 2015 at 6:09 pm

    Obviously you have never read The Constitution or The Bill of Rights.

    Amendment I

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

  173. Aislinn May 17, 2015 at 6:14 pm

    Dear Michael L. Weinstein, Esq.

    The irrational fear and hatred you hold for those who practice the Christian faith are blatantly made known through the choice of insulting words you associated with the Christian, Craig Olson: disgusted and shocked, brutal disgrace, scathingly sectarian, shame spectacle, and sick to damn death to list a spare few. I watched the YouTube video that you provided with the link and don’t understand how you can find anything sickening with its contents unless you have Christianophobia.

    Craig Olson is a Christian who was addressing fellow Christians at a Christian event. He was by no means proselytizing and even if he was, Olson, as a citizen, is protected under the First Amendment to do so. It is not brazenly illicit to share your faith or an exchange of ideals with another in this country, even for a serviceman standing in front of millions of viewers. Olson’s speech was not sectarian, shameful or in the spirit of supremacy. He encouraged all to pray for God to grant wisdom and success to every member of the military. He asked everyone to pray for those who are deployed and their families, regardless of their creed. There is no more shame or superiority in this than there is in receiving a card from your coworkers who only wish you well.

    Your objection to Olson’ sharing his testimony is synonymous with censorship. People have heightened, deeply spiritual and otherworldly experiences. To ban such people from sharing their experiences simply because they wear a uniform, is revoking their rights as an American citizen and, in a sense, enslaving them. To demand servicemen and women when dawning their uniforms to give up their rights as American citizens, self-censor and ignore their religion is essentially asking them to deny their very identities, blot out their personalities and become mindless slaves of the institution they willingly joined.

    Comparing Olson’s personal experiences and prayers to some random Major General’s racist remarks shows how bias and illogical your conclusions are when it comes to Christians. Your poorly constructed equivalency makes it clear that you think it is wrong and even illicit for any servicemen to talk about their faith. Your hatred for Christians is apparent in your desire to oppress and gag them.

    The argument that Olson’s speech was a national security risk is ridiculous. He said nothing that would ignite the fury of Islamists and cause them to attack our deployed servicemen and women. Olson’s speech wasn’t political—it was personal. Everyone is entitled to share their personal journeys, spiritual or not, serviceman or not.

    “Olson’s screed of fundamentalist Christian triumphalism.”—you make it sound as though Olson got up on the stage and cried out, “Jesus, is the greatest of all gods! He is the only God that ever existed. Christians are so much better than the heathens. All heathens will be their slaves and then go to hell!”. Now, that would have been sickening and disgraceful. Olson would have certainly gotten fired for saying all of that, especially in his uniform. But he didn’t, and probably couldn’t even fathom saying any of that. Instead, Olson peacefully and sincerely spoke about his walk with God and he prayed for the well-being of everyone, including unbelievers. You are slandering Olson by essentially putting words in his mouth and saying he is doing something that he is clearly not.

    I suggest you learn to tolerate people who hold other worldviews that are different from your own. The only supremacist I found in this article was you.

    Aislinn Boyter

  174. Mr. Stewart May 17, 2015 at 6:14 pm

    **NOTICE the name of the founder and pres of this site. Isn’t his name Jewish? Explains his hatred of Christians.

  175. Mr. Stewart May 17, 2015 at 6:22 pm

    I just read your mission statement. You contradict yourself. Obviously you never read it!

  176. CH (CPT) R. Hagen May 17, 2015 at 6:52 pm

    “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that loom for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation” (Hebrews 9:27-28).

  177. Barry C May 17, 2015 at 7:09 pm

    Let’s ask Mikey for a full review of their financial documents. Who funds this crap? Obviously not majority veterans. Hey Mike, post your “non-profit’s” financial report. Let’s see who your funders are. Unless you have no balls.

  178. Nicholas Rossi May 17, 2015 at 7:15 pm

    Your organization is a joke and what you have done to Maj Gen Craig Olsen is sickening. How do people like you sleep with yourself at night? This once great country was founded on judeo christian principles. You liberal progressive idiots are destroying “America” for what she is and stands for. Maj Gen Craig Olsen can believe and say what he wants. In this country we are supposed to be free to express our true feelings. Who gives a shit if you don’t believe the same. Land of the free, no???

  179. Trent May 17, 2015 at 7:43 pm

    During how many speeches has President Obama (The Commander in Chief of the US Military) invoked God? Should he then be impeached for his statements? He is a representative of government after all. Or perhaps he could just pardon everyone who contributes to the DNC, and hang the rest. Your so called “Military Religious Freedom Foundation” is overflowing with hypocrites, does not represent the people or the military, and you should be ashamed of your very existence.

  180. Mary May 17, 2015 at 7:52 pm

    Oh and Mike I can guarantee you that countless members of the military DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU.

  181. Jecek May 17, 2015 at 7:58 pm

    I have a difficult time believing this is tolerated by educated and intelligent people. We are Americans should be able to accept the right of individuals to speak their beliefs. Imagine trying that with your beloved ISIS friends or others of your ilk that do not agree with your beliefs, or lack of them.

  182. Cassidy May 17, 2015 at 8:01 pm

    You are ridiculous. The “solemn oath” that you refer to ends with, “so help me, God.” I know, because I actually spoke the words (I have a feeling you did not….thanks for speaking on behalf of us, though).

    I didn’t go to law school like you, so I had to look up the definition of “proselytize” . . . “To try to persuade people to join a religion, cause or group.” The guy was at a Christian event speaking to Christians. His speach aired on a station called “GOD TV.” I’m assuming his audience was mainly limited to Christians, until you posted this click fodder. I’m not convinced his intention was to recruit new believers, as you argue.

  183. Manny May 17, 2015 at 8:03 pm

    I fight for God and Country!!!

  184. Cassidy May 17, 2015 at 8:21 pm

    Ah. I just read your Wikipedia bio.

    While I do not doubt you and your sons have sadly experienced anti-semitism and prejudice, I am highly suspicious of the claim that it came from “evangelical Christians.” I grew up in a Southern Baptist, evangelical church where every one had a fetish for Israel and anything Jewish. I was raised with the belief that anyone who persecutes God’s Chosen People are doomed, and the reason why America Is Great is because it is pro-Israel. It is not a belief isolated to that particular congregation — I found a thesis-level amount of material on “why evangelicals love Jews” with a Google search. I honestly don’t think you’ll find a stauncher ally than an evangelical Christian for any Jewish cause.

  185. Dr L Donathe May 17, 2015 at 8:25 pm

    MRF…Your a bunch of pucks!

  186. mikeys BOSS May 17, 2015 at 8:30 pm

    Mickey, you faggot cocksucker, the oath EVERY service member takes ends with “so help me GOD” !

    So listen up poser, we the Veterans of this country will be glad to crack some senc into you anytime you want to give it a whirl. Untill then I piss in your moms mouth Mickey, ell your slut mom to fuck of, got that BOY!

  187. Colin J May 17, 2015 at 8:34 pm

    I am thankful to Jesus Christ for real men who will state their allegiance to Him first, then to their country, family, etc. Our country needs millions of Christian patriots who will unashamedly do what this General has done. Darkness will flee from the Light, whether it be ISIS, atheists, or Communists. They all hate the name of Jesus and what He stands for….peace, love, patience, honesty, forgiveness, and Victory in His name. May Gen. Olsons actions be vindicated.

  188. Deborah May 17, 2015 at 8:40 pm

    You are a sad, sad, piece of work.

  189. RUREADY May 17, 2015 at 8:42 pm

    Michael L. Weinstein is a Trader and should be hung for treason against the United States of America. This website is an abomination and should be destroyed.

    God’s laws are above ‘s laws.

  190. MIKE MILLER May 17, 2015 at 8:46 pm


    If Moslems were screeching these demands, we’d feel justifiably outraged. I’m equally outraged by Mikey Weinstein’s Jewish supremacist attitude of hatred and intolerance of Christians.


  191. The Gr81 May 17, 2015 at 8:46 pm

    You guys are fucking idiots!!! and should learn to STFU!!!

  192. 2UWrangler May 17, 2015 at 8:59 pm

    Mr. Weinstein OBVIOUSLY DOES NOT UNDERSTAND the Constitution.
    1) Our RIGHTS are GOD GIVEN and NO government can take them away!
    The First Amendment guarantees Freedom of speech!!
    This Officer spoke about how GOD helped him, he never said “Accept Jesus Christ or I’ll
    kill you”
    Mr. Weinstein needs to study the constitution very carefully.

  193. D. Miller May 17, 2015 at 9:16 pm

    Please show me a list of countless members of the Air Force. Oh wait, you don’t have one. I’m a member of the Air Force and I also believe in the Constitution and Free Speech. I also believe in God. You should try believing in God yourself.

  194. Jon May 17, 2015 at 9:18 pm

    I will pray for you guys and the good General. We need a lot more like him.

  195. James Hammons May 17, 2015 at 9:40 pm

    Freedom of religion means just that. He did not force religion on anyone. Freedom of speech applies to all Americans. Stop the attack on Christians.

  196. hitler May 17, 2015 at 9:59 pm

    You are a jew so go to isreal

  197. Tammy May 17, 2015 at 10:13 pm

    Source following my comment:Wikipedia

    Weinstein is using this front organization for two things: First of all money in his pocket. Secondly, the destruction of Chrisianity. This is typical behavior and normal business practice for Christian hating Jews. Typical weakling sissy coward. He’s using the same tactics as Nazi propagandists used against 6 million innocent Jewish people.
    I have equal contempt for Israel hating Jews. Their hateful rhetoric is identical. They are just haters. I’m not Christian but I am not offended by anyone expressing their religious beliefs, in private or in public. Why would anyone care?
    I believe Weinstein is all about getting rich and hate is the product he’s selling.
    Weinstein has been accused of “waging a war on Christianity” by some critics. He describes his enemy as “gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates,”[32] and claims that the vast majority of their victims–his clients–are practicing Catholics and mainline Protestants.[33] Weinstein has clashed frequently with religious figures such as James Dobson and Ted Haggard, whom Weinstein challenged to a fistfight after an e-mail exchange between the two was leaked.[34] Even some of Weinstein’s allies have acknowledged that he can be “over the top” and “hell-raising”, though some defend his behavior as being what is needed.[35]

    Weinstein has come under criticism for his larger than average (for a non-profit) salary and his practice of voting on his own compensation (he is one of the voting members of MRFF’s 3 member board).[36][37] Supporters have noted this criticism comes from the same media source [38] which had named Weinstein one of the 100 Most Influential People in U.S. Defense in December 2012[31] and that the study upon which this criticism was based noted that “If you come across a charity whose CEO pay is higher than other similar charities, don’t immediately dismiss that charity’s request for funding. You’re better off supporting a charity that is fiscally efficient, accountable and transparent, achieving its programmatic goals and paying its CEO well, than a charity that has substandard fiscal health, fails to live up to its mission, but under-pays its CEO.”[39] A compensation policy for charity CEOs that has been expressed by other reputable sources.[40]

    The group Jews in Green, a Jewish military support group, has challenged some of his claims, such as an entrenched anti-Semitism in the military, calling them baseless.[41]

  198. Bonez May 17, 2015 at 11:23 pm

    Wow this website,this “group” and the attack on Maj. Gen. Olsen, is absolutely disgusting and an embarrassment. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I hope distress and misfortunes plague your lives.

  199. Carolyn May 18, 2015 at 12:33 am

    The only “shocking” or “disgusting” behavior or speech is the over the top histrionics by the writer of this letter. Calling the general’s speech a “brutal assault” leaves us with two questions. Is Mr. Weinstein having a psychotic break or is he merely a an abominable liar?

  200. ang desie May 18, 2015 at 2:17 am

    Notice Mr.s Weinstein uses the title of nobility “Esq.” after his name, something that is not once, but twice denounced in the constitution. He has no problem with that though…

  201. Anonymous May 18, 2015 at 3:00 am

    very good for Mr Olson. I congratulate him for not being afraid to speak openly about being a Christian. You guys need to lay off him. He is putting his life at risk and you guys just want to attack him! Shame on you!

  202. charles D, Quakertown May 18, 2015 at 3:42 am

    I wish this gentleman would post a similar letter berating all reference to Ali.
    Then maybe he’d understand just who won him the rights to spew his garbage.

  203. Deenna May 18, 2015 at 3:56 am

    I support Gen Olson to the nth degree. He has the right and freedom to say what he wants to say. Has the right and freedom to share his beliefs in any way he chooses. As a retired military member, I’m sure I speak on behalf of countless military members who agree with Gen Olson. You, Mr Weinstein, need to stop thinking that you are the only one who gets to share your beliefs with the world.

  204. Jim May 18, 2015 at 4:07 am

    Who in the he’ll do you think you are? The gentleman is speeking only of his beliefs! Just as yor beliefs are to crucify anyone that has believes in a higher power, this county was founded on the Christian belief set… Such you would know if you were to read our constitution! The gentleman was promoting nothing, just stating his personal journey and beliefs. You have no right to judge him for that!. Just ask our Muslim Commander and Chief.

  205. NAVY Vet May 18, 2015 at 4:15 am

    This is the most un-constitutional position I have heard yet! If you have not been in a life or death situation imposed on you as a member of the United States military, you have no right to attempt to censure, ridicule or persecute those who have. Military personnel do have the Constitution, the UCMJ and the Declaration of Independence to live by and protect them. This abhorrent and gross lack of understanding of the Constitution should be rectified by sending all of the God-hating, God-denying liberal, weak-minded low life scum to a sand pit in the Middle East. I would like to know just how long, while under fire you will last without pleading with the God Almighty for your life! Just who do you ‘think’ you represent? Not me or any of the other US veterans I know, would lift a pencil, yet a lone a rifle to save you sorry excuse for life.

  206. Cecil Galbraith May 18, 2015 at 4:33 am

    Mr. Weinstein,

    Thank you so much for providing a link to General Olson’s talk. I had not seen it and probably would have missed it except for your provided link.

    One irony of his speech and your letter is that General Olson has probably been on his knees praying for you. You’ve got to love it – God has a way of turning evil to good!

  207. GOD Fearing Airman May 18, 2015 at 4:50 am

    Did you drink a full cup of stupid this morning? I don’t see as what one person says or believes is any of your business. You act as tho it’s a personal affront for him saying what he believes and feels. Did it require you to do anything?

    if your going to quote regs, please get it right dumb-ass:

    AF 1-1, 2-11 states: For example, they must avoid the actual or apparent use of their position to promote their personal religious beliefs to their subordinates or to extend preferential treatment for any religion.

    2.12. Free Exercise of Religion and Religious Accommodation. Supporting the right of free exercise of religion relates directly to the Air Force core values and the ability to maintain an effective team.

    if your going to try and convict anyone of anything, you should know what your talking about.

    first and foremost, you and anyone that supports you should have their collective butts kicked for being so stupid and down right ignorant.

    you are the worst example of a former military member……you have shamed and disgraced any member of your family that has or will serve.

    take it for what it’s worth….ignorant, stupid, retarded….are just a few of the words that I could use to describe your worthless ass……

  208. Eugenia DeLong May 18, 2015 at 5:02 am

    Not only does our constitution give us the freedom of religion but our LORD gives us the authority to praise and thank him. The law in this instance is wrong and is invalid.We as Christians will follow our LORD’S law which is above man’s laws. Your statement is hate speech and you should not be allowed to promote it.

  209. Bill May 18, 2015 at 5:23 am

    Religious freedom… except for Christians. Ya know, if this crap was going on when I was in I would beat the living day lights out of you. This is NOT what I went to war for.

    If you don’t like American liberty- including religious liberty- then get the hell out of my country. Actually, why don’t you take your intolerant, pansy-ass, over to ISIS.

  210. David May 18, 2015 at 5:24 am

    The use of Esq. after a name is not an indication of nobility or being a member of the peerage, as you might find in England. Instead, it is don indication that the person possesses a law degree (JD, LLM, etc) and is used by lawyers in the same manner doctors use the appellation “Dr.” Before their names. However, I listened to the speech and did not see any of the alleged “violations” asserted in this piece. First, Mr. Weinstein needs to go back and read again the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which he says the General has violated. It clearly states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…” First, the General is not Congress, and second, he has made no law. So the allegation that he has violated the First Amendment is ludicrous. As for the other allegations against him, while case law does limit some religious freedoms of active military personnel, the citation to Section 2.12 is similarly flawed. The General makes it abundantly clear that these are his personal beliefs, not that of the military. Further, it appears that Section 2.12 is likely unconstitutional as it references a constitutional prohibition against “government” establishment of religion, which is not the wording used in the Amendment. Finally, the ludicrous claim that this speech is propaganda to be used by ISIS/ISIL, ignores the fact that Islamic terrorists use the facts that we allow women to drive, do not require them to cover themselves completely and that we are “infidels” as justifications to kill us indiscriminately. It seems Mr. Weinstein has far too much time on his hands.

  211. Ronald N. Roy May 18, 2015 at 5:27 am

    I have no faith I consider myself agnostic but I fully support Major General Olson and his right of free speech. Even though I’m not a believer I realize this country was founded on God fearing Christian men who would never have denied anyone, military or not,the right to speak freely and openly about his faith. There is no such thing a separation of church and state. Our founder simply did not want the Federal Government to endorse any denomination over another. So called atheists who would deny freedom of religious expression are not true atheists but are in fact God haters. A true atheist would no more be offended by religion than I am by the Easter bunny.

  212. Lonnie May 18, 2015 at 5:33 am

    MR.Roy I think you have the most accurate explanation yet of these haters who would restrict our freedom for theirs. Semper Fi

  213. Alan O May 18, 2015 at 5:36 am


    One day everyone will kneel and profess Jesus Christ is Lord. Tell the Lord what you wrote and I dare you to defy Lord while the pit of hell opens for you and you Satan servers.
    Not to late to come for salvation and receive Jesus.

  214. Bill May 18, 2015 at 5:46 am

    You do not represent the majority of military members I have served and worked with. You seek tolerance yet you are not tolerant of MY (and others) beliefs.

    Go back to hell and stay there and enjoy your pity party.

    You saying it is not true – does not change the fact that America was founded by men that recognized and feared God, even if they did not worship Him.

    I have the right to my beliefs and practices – as do you. Yours do not trump mine, nor do mine trump yours.

    You stay on your side of the river Jordan and I will stay on my side!

  215. Thomas May 18, 2015 at 5:46 am

    You are a sick, sad and pathetic man.

  216. Fisher May 18, 2015 at 5:50 am

    Proselytizing? What non-Christians other than those nitpicking for stuff like this would observe the National Day of Prayer or even watch it on TV? You’re a special kind of stupid if you think this is proselytizing. Stop being so bitter, and find something productive to do other than get offended and call for punishment of a man because of his opinion. If you have a problem with a general speaking to Christians about Christianity but not another general promoting jihad at a military base, you’re the problem. Get a life.

  217. ManyAtheistsAreAgainstYou!! May 18, 2015 at 5:54 am

    Hello Weinstein, you snotty and disrespectful little rodent! You are just exactly the smarmy, hateful, self-important and despicable little piece of excrement masquerading as a real atheist, that I utterly despise! Words cannot adequately convey how much utter loathing I have for wretched gutter trash such as yourself. I am an atheist myself & have been since my teens (40s now), that is to say, as a personal matter, I do not personally believe in any dieties of any sort. However, there is a long list of things I do not believe in, none of which frighten me enough, as the possibility of the Judeo-Christian God existing obviously does you, that I feel “terror-bound” to go around trying to stifle other people’s beliefs.

    This fine officer has done NOTHING to harm you, or any other atheist on earth! And you are an intolerant sack of dog mess for pretending that he has! These alleged so-called “violations” that you pretend your atheist granny panties are in such a twist over, are either being misinterpreted by you deliberately, or are DIRECTLY unconstitutional, under the 1st Amendment, every part of which I wholeheartedly support, btw. I also support the 2nd, as a direct backstop for the 1st,btw…in case would be tyrants like you, EVER get the upper hand! Think about that awhile! That is PRECISELY what the 2nd Amendment is for, for the necessary periodic watering of the Tree of Liberty, with the blood of tyrants! If, as people like me are hastening with your vile, arrogant and hate-filled actions, the day ever comes when we the people need to rise up with our guns and restore our indispensable liberty, I will be happy to join with this patriot, Major General Olson to help water that Tree of Liberty. And, regardless of whatever limited extent you might consider yourself Jewish (fake Jewish, to be sure), I can assure you that the majority of American Jews will rise up against you and your reprobate side, right along with us! You will have no friends, and no place to hide! Your numbers are FEW! And our numbers are MANY! Just as there is a far too quiet fervently believing religious small “m” “moral majority”, in this country, there is ALSO a far too quiet, “secular rightwing”. A leaderless mass of 1st Amendment (et al) supporting, but personally non-religious, small letter “a” atheists, who are perfectly comfortable around religious people, and who are shocked, disgusted and highly embarrassed (as I certainly am today), by the despicable high handed shenanigans of the the hate-filled Leftwing (capitalised “A”) Atheists, who loudly & shrilly & FALSELY claim to represent the far larger number of us who silently go about our lives. We are slowly starting to gain our rightful presence on the web, there are “secular right” organizations, blogs & websites springing up all over. But that’s another subject.

    So, basically you, Weinstein, are a loudmouthed bully, and an arrogant, puffed up sack of nothing except your own wet farts and hatreds! You represent no one and nothing except your own intolerant hatreds and wholly manufactured grievances! You were in NO way offended by this great man. You were ONLY offended by the fact that publicly someone expressed a belief that was different from yours, you hateful and free-speech opposing little bastard! You make me SICK! As you would do ANYONE who has ANY sense of personal decency, self respect or respect for others…let alone respect for this “once great” nation (before trash like YOU ruined it), and it’s awesome founding principles!

    Lord, I am on a rant! Lol. And I know it. I’m far too tired to be writing this, and am usually far more eloquence, meaning I usually use the rapier, rather than the meat cleaver I realise I have used here. But I just couldn’t let this pass! I read about this Weinstein jerk on, and got so steamed over what he was trying to get away with, and on the already “self tattered” name of atheists, to boot,and so I had to come over here and give him hell.

    I see, from the comments here, that a lot of fine religious folks are already over here giving this rat the dickens, and doing it far more tolerantly than I have been. More power to you. But don’t be afraid to let loose on him, he deserves it…FULLY! And I want to take this opportunity to apologize to ALL of you, all religious believers, of any affiliations, for this evil persons actions. He represents only himself and a few others like him, who I FIRMLY believe, and have the personal experience to back this up, is the way he is, not only because he is a whining, control freak, and an attention hungry jerk, but at his heart, shriveled up blackened thing that it is, and though he would probably rather peel his own eyeballs with corkscrew than admit it, he secretly fears the fires of hell. He and all his kind do. I know, because among other things, they also would profess to not believe in Santa Claus. But, however vastly more prevalent “Santa” imagery is around Christmas time, than Christ images or Nativity scenes; guess which one gets his granny panties in a grinding twist? Not dear old Santa. Do you know why? Because he knows, in EVERY secret place in his shriveled up heart, that there is no Santa. He knows it for SURE! Weinstein & his other cretinous little hater pals, have mathematically zero fear of getting coal in their stockings for Christmas, or Hanukkah or whatever. But not so much the God of the Bible. He may “logically” know there is no God, but Weinstein does not emotionally know it…not at all. And, being a control freak, especially about his own destiny, and also being an insensitive hate-filled slimeball, who would rather take on a whole world of religious believers, rather than to face the emptiness, unanswerable fears and a lifetime of tangled evils in his own heart; he just can’t admit that. And he probably never will.

    I, on the other hand, as I was exiting religion over a period of many years from my mid-teens to early 20s, and with NO ONE to guide or reassure me, deliberately faced my fears fully every day, while at the same time deliberately determining to NEVER become an anti-religion hater. That was double tough, let me tell you! But I can honestly say that I never once batted an eye. And I never shall. I never once hated Jews or Christians, and I never shall. Them believing, doesn’t shake or damage my non-belief one iota. Apparently, it not only “shakes”, but profoundly disturbs, in an obviously life altering way, this sad little rodent named Weinstein. I say to you, keep it up! Give him not a moment of peace! Give him as little peace and freedom as he means to leave you with if he were to have his way! If he refuses to acknowledge his, to me quite obvious, belief in the God of the Torah that he has ignored, then he should receive no more peace until he does acknowledge his deeply rooted belief! Intellectual and emotional dishonesty should be rooted up and displayed in every instance it is found!

    And, one more thing, if I could personally be of any help in this or some other case, in which an intolerant self-professed “atheist” is in effect, loudly proclaiming his secret religious belief, by publicly trying to cause legal trouble for believers. If I could help, preferably with some sort of legal affidavit of sorts, that might be usable in court to show a definite division in the ranks of atheists…if this could somehow help. Please let me know. I don’t know too much about lawsuits, having never been in one, and while, yeah, since I have a day job, I would rather help remotely if possible through an affidavit or whatever it’s called, rather than appearing in person; I would certainly consider it, if it would set the embarrassing & despicable Weinsteins back a bit. Well, that’s all. I hope this is not too long to post. Weinstein will probably delete it at light speed anyway. Up yours Weinstein! You don’t speak for me, or really very many people, just the few other haters like yourself that you pretty much already know. Take a look at the ratio of opposition to support you are getting on your own damn site! You will NEVER be in the majority, and your influence is on the wane.

  218. Active Duty Airman May 18, 2015 at 6:00 am

    I am appalled at the notion that there might even be a chance that Mr. Weinstein’s letter could lead to a courts martial action against Gen Olson for his words. I have the greatest respect for our CSAF, Gen Welsh, and I believe that he will not punish Gen Olson (that harshly) for this; however, if there is a “law” that must be followed and the Air Force’s hands are tied, then it will seal the deal for me. I do not want to be part of an institution that would do such a thing. I will vote with my feet and find another way to serve my country outside of the Air Force. Perhaps it will have something to do with finding a way to oust extremist activist like Mr. Weinstein. I PRAY that cooler heads prevail and Gen Olson is left alone.

    Mr. Weinstein, we active duty service members are not robots. We are humans and a fundamental pillar of our fitness is spirituality and faith. This faith strengthens our resilience and enables us to get through tough times that are guaranteed in our line of work. If the pretentious quote of yourself at the top of your website held any truth to it I and many many others would have never joined the military. If that quote is the basis of your foundation, then it is a sham. You claim 41,000 active duty members, but I wonder what the truth is behind that as well. I would guess it’s an exaggerated statement, just like your call for Gen Olson to be courts martialed.

  219. Mr. Rogers May 18, 2015 at 6:22 am

    You should be ashamed of your selves for disgracing what the American Constitution stands for with your freedom from religion rhetoric. You peices of shit shouldn’t even be allowed to call your selves U.S. citizens let alon members of the American military. The real men and women of the U.S. Military fight for God and Country. Your nothing but scumbags who stand for the pitiful rights of few so many can suffer because you find something offensive. Go fuck your selves.

  220. A Love May 18, 2015 at 6:37 am

    You people are supposed to stand for the personal freedom of all people and you are trying to stomp on this great man of God’s freedom to express his faith in God… and pushing your own personal views of faith based on those who MIGHT be offened at his GREAT statements of his faith. You people need to get a real grip and back off …learn what true freedom is. If he wants to follow Christ he should be allowed. So please control your demon and understand life is not only about how you see how everyones faith should be.

  221. ManyAtheistsAreAgainstYou!! May 18, 2015 at 6:39 am

    Thank you for your service “Active Duty Airman”. I 100% agree with you. I don’t think that the rodent Weinstein will win, I certainly hope he doesn’t. Btw, previous to your very thoughtful comment, I have a fairly hot-headed (and long) one against Weinstein, which is still awaiting “moderation”. Since it is a comment that directly contradicts Weinsteins attempt at controlling the narrative, and is only slightly more florid than his own diatribe against General Olson, I kinda doubt my comment will get posted. But know this, there ARE Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech loving atheists out there. And we don’t have ONE bit of a problem with anything any Christian or Jewish or other believer could EVER say. Weinstein speaks for himself and few others. And he and his kind could NEVER have built, nor could they rebuild, this once great nation they are trying so hard to tear down. You and your kind did…and can! Never forget that. If this nation, with its ideological division, becomes a broken warlord state, due to the depredations of the Left, we the people will need folks like you and General Olson to rebuild it, and to find, put on trial and put theput the people who tore it down from the inside, to the sword. I hope it never has to happen, I hope they can be stopped by the Right in time. But with each unthinkable outrage that they deliberately perpetrate, the bright red lines get closer. Again, thank you for your service, keep your chin up in defiance, and your powder dry in preparation. Molon labe.

  222. sandy rickman May 18, 2015 at 6:50 am

    Praying for the God of your forefathers to change your heart, Mr. Weinstein! :-)

  223. Matt Crawford May 18, 2015 at 7:02 am

    Here’s the gist of this whole thing. You only have to admit, Mr Weinstein, that you are a sinner. We all are. God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem man for his sins. Open your heart and mind, sir, and let those who are believers bring you home to Jesus. I’ll be praying for you.

  224. Robert Crouse May 18, 2015 at 7:03 am

    Gee – you want to use administrative regulation to take away from to of the most basic Constitutional Rights – These Rights cannot be taken away legally – I believe that you will find the General has the regulator right to profess beliefs that are personal to his moral development… Like other fringe groups you are myopic

  225. Greg Duncan May 18, 2015 at 7:04 am

    Mikey, do the entire country a favor, especially the military. Please spend the money you are bilking from your ignorant, traitorous contributors and lining your pockets with on euthanasia. You worthless DICK!

  226. Debra May 18, 2015 at 7:07 am

    Hello?? Mikey…. Our country was founded as ONE NATION UNDER GOD!! Under who??? GOD!!! Get it, or get out and go practice whatever religion you which!!!

  227. Ronnie Middleton May 18, 2015 at 7:12 am

    You’re an idiot. Free speech and freedom of religion are guaranteed in the constitution. Your website is, what a crock. Where’s the freedom?

  228. Dawna May 18, 2015 at 7:16 am

    You people are totally out of touch and deserve to rot in hell for denying our Lord, our God who gave you everything you have. Your letter is just a bunch of non-sensical words that you think as some power. They don’t.