West Point Gospel Events

Published On: November 2, 2018|Categories: MRFF's Inbox, Top News|2 Comments|

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From: U.S. Army E-Mail Address Withheld

Subject: West Point Gospel Events
Date: November 2, 2018 at 2:47:34 PM MDT


Mr Weinstein

As a member of the Keller Army Community Hospital professional team located on the US Military Academy campus in West Point, New York I was dismayed to receive from the Hospital Commander’s Executive Assistant religious materials announcing so called “Gospel Events”.

It seems inappropriate to provide this material to our entire religiously diverse hospital community.

I understand that the MRFF has contacted the hospital leadership to file a formal complaint. Thank you so much. Your swift action is also deeply appreciated.

The MRFF does outstanding work on behalf of your clients of which I am proud to be one


Anonymous KACH Health Professional

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  1. Grey One talks sass November 3, 2018 at 1:14 pm

    Christian Nationalists really don’t understand rules. Or they do understand but because they are such extra super beings rules don’t stick to their shiny selves.

    It is my hope in the future that all people’s, especially Christian Nationalists, have the same set of rules to follow. Perhaps if the CNs wear their thinking caps they will remember.

    What am I thinking because I’m sure not smoking?!!?!!! Christian Nationalists will never learn to share. They’re too shiny.

  2. STUART CHANDLER November 23, 2018 at 10:19 am

    Fantastic, beyond brave, I feel positively numb that I actually have overlooked the actual issue of REligeous Freedom in the US military. I shall contribute what I can and, morover, keep my on the ball. The irrational nonsense foisted upon us all through the most powerful and destructive force on this planet, must be kept on a very short lease. Thank you for doing so.

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