Thanks for letter defending ADF

Published On: April 29, 2019|Categories: MRFF's Inbox|0 Comments|

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From: (name withheld)
Date: April 29, 2019 at 4:23:09 PM MDT
Subject: Thanks for letter defending ADF

Dear Mr Weinstein,

Wanted to let you know that as a Christian and a supporter of the ADF I have always appreciated your letter to Jeff Bezos sticking up for them. Personally I am pretty moderate and always appreciate people reaching across the aisle as it were.
I do not follow your org closely and would probably disagree with you on many points, but did agree regarding the situation in the air force where people might have felt pressured to be Christians for career reasons. People should only choose to be Christians freely without coercion.
Having been raised as a Jew, and having some of my siblings being gay,gives me as a Christian some perspective on both sides of our culture wars regarding Christianity. I hope we can agree where possible and when we disagree, do so in a principled manner.
 I thank you again for your letter.
(name withheld)
Seattle, WA

From:  (name withheld)
Date: April 29, 2019 at 4:53:13 PM MDT
Subject: Regarding previous email

I don’t know if this happens to you but often after I send an email I have some further thoughts that I want to express.

At this point, after 20-plus years of being a Christian, I cannot say that I think God is sending everyone who is not a Christian to hell. God is just, and that wouldn’t be just. So when I say “people must become Christians without any coercion” I am not saying everyone must be a Christian.
Anyway, I am glad you are a person of principle, as there are many people in the public square, both Christian and not, who are unprincipled. It is always annoying dealing with someone who is using some dishonest means to advance their agenda. So keep up the fight for what you think is right, always alert for any information that might modify your opinions, naturally, as each of us must be.
(name withheld)

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