VA sued by former Military Intelligence analyst due to Bible display

Published On: October 4, 2019|Categories: News, Top News|6 Comments|

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  1. Grey One talks sass September 29, 2019 at 4:09 pm

    The Manchester Ink Link article provides amazing coverage and details not included in others reporting. Well done indeed Jon Hopwood.

    TIL the lawyers representing the folks who set up the table, bolted on a Bible, and specifically stated no other religious representation is allowed to remain on the table are from First Liberty out of Plano TX. Yep, that First Liberty. Because of course.

    Lots of history in the article. And good news for the MRFF because the case was not dismissed.

    Who knew our next war would be fought by lawyers at fifty paces? Weirdest timeline ever!

  2. WFZ September 29, 2019 at 7:23 pm

    With First Liberty representing, they will surely win. First of all, the POW/MIA table at the VA there does not belong to the VA, it belongs to the POW/MIA Northwest Assoc and they are not a government organization, so they can put whatever on their table they want to.

    Secondly, because the plaintiff is offended does not give legal precedent to have it removed.

  3. G September 30, 2019 at 8:07 am

    Wrong, WFZ, the table is on a government facility so it is subject to federal laws.

  4. WFZ September 30, 2019 at 9:34 pm

    G –
    “To the table itself, Mike Berry of First Liberty, which now represents a party to the suit (while Mikey Weinstein does not, despite his seeming claims of ownership), noted it’s the POW/MIA Network’s display, and the government needs to leave it alone. [emphasis added]

    “This display belongs to our clients, the Northwest POW/MIA Network’s display. It’s not the VA’s display, it’s not the government’s display,” he said. Any other organization could put up a display with a different symbol, Berry said…

    Did you get that second part? That’s the other problem the Plaintiff has. Why don’t they put up their own POW/MIA table without a Bible? Problem solved — or, more accurately, ‘injury redressed.’”

  5. Grey One talks sass October 1, 2019 at 5:58 am

    I love how WFZ and the First Liberty groupies are trying to make this a Freedom of Speech issue. I also love how the Judge in the case, Judge Barbadoro, isn’t taking anything at face value.

    What this means for us? Well, Christian Nationalists (who continually force their faith into the public square) were not awarded an automatic pass as they received in the past. To a Christian Nationalist the fact they now have to play fair means they are persecuted like no other person’s been persecuted before. (insert eye roll here)

    I believe Christian Nationalists need a time out in their room with all electronics turned off. Quiet time is refreshing and perhaps they will feel more like sharing when they are done.

    A Grey One can hope…..

  6. G October 1, 2019 at 4:29 pm

    WFZ, the table is subjected tot federal law, ti doesn’t matter who owns it. It is on a government facility.

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