United States Air Force Academy Catholic Choir Director & MRFF Client Reports Religious Bias at USAFA and Is Thankful for MRFF’s Guidance

Published On: August 5, 2021|Categories: Featured News|1 Comment|
United States Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel Colorado

Not all religious groups benefit from the Pentagon’s updated religious liberty policies, and at the Air Force Academy, Protestants rule.

Last year the Pentagon unveiled a revision to its instruction governing religious liberty, stating “in furtherance of the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment” the military branches will “accommodate individual expressions of sincerely held beliefs.”

This policy is starkly contrasted by the reality of religious experience on military bases. So, which religious groups are benefiting from the Pentagon’s newly unveiled policies?


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  1. Rael Nidess, M.D. August 5, 2021 at 2:42 pm

    This op-ed makes a perfect case for the abolition of any state-supported religious activities at any state-supported facility. Our constitution is ‘religion-free’ and our government should be too. Want religion in your life? Fine, the moment you cross from state to private property you can drive to the superstition fulfillment center of your choice and perform whatever magic rituals you feel necessary to fulfill your purpose on Earth; but once you cross back onto state property, leave your superstitions at the gate, no matter how ‘sincerely held’. Objectively, all religions exist to elevate their ‘true-believers’ into a positions superior to ‘heathen’ non-believers by promising them perks in life and in some imaginary ‘hereafter’ their ‘wrongthinkng’ neighbors are denied. Now it’s ultra-evangelical Protestants, 10 years from now (if we’re still here), it may be ultra-orthodox Jews, or Catholics, Buddhists, Muslims… who knows? But it’s for sure that if changes aren’t made to protect all, it’ll be someone with their boot on the neck of the ‘heathen’ de jour. [Cannot post at CS Indy due to lack of FB account]

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