Hoes mad

Published On: June 29, 2022|Categories: MRFF's Inbox|2 Comments|

From: (name withheld)
Subject: Hoes mad
Date: June 29, 2022 at 4:03:08 PM MDT
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]

Dear hoes,

It is a glorious week. Donald Trump’s last card has been played, and the
Supreme Court of the United States has effectively become a diocese.
Indeed, as you Jews scramble the Jew-alarm over “muh post-Roe theocracy!”,
you must truly realize that this will become a reality.

The church is going to conquer the state. The rule of Christ should be
eternal, and yet we have major obstacles to that presented. It is argued
by Jews that abortion is fundamental to practicing their religion, and
this simple fact is irreconcilable to the Christian state we have planned
for the future (quite near future!). “Muh separation of church and state”
is a cope of the highest order from atheists and Jews, and it quite
evidently from your point of view is not working.

Here is the fix. If you lay down your arms against Christians and accept
Christ, the rule of the Church will be pretty comfortable for you.
Otherwise, you are probably going to experience discomfort. Either way,
the laws of the state deserve to reflect those of the Church.

Dear hoes,

It is a glorious week. Donald Trump’s last card has been played, and the
Supreme Court of the United States has effectively become a diocese.
Indeed, as you Jews scramble the Jew-alarm over “muh post-Roe theocracy!”,
you must truly realize that this will become a reality.

The church is going to conquer the state. The rule of Christ should be
eternal, and yet we have major obstacles to that presented. It is argued
by Jews that abortion is fundamental to practicing their religion, and
this simple fact is irreconcilable to the Christian state we have planned
for the future (quite near future!). “Muh separation of church and state”
is a cope of the highest order from atheists and Jews, and it quite
evidently from your point of view is not working.

Here is the fix. If you lay down your arms against Christians and accept
Christ, the rule of the Church will be pretty comfortable for you.
Otherwise, you are probably going to experience discomfort. Either way,
the laws of the state deserve to reflect those of the Church.

(name withheld)

Response from MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein

From: Michael L Weinstein
Subject: Hoes mad
Date: June 29, 2022 at 4:07:27 PM MDT
To: (email address withheld)
Cc: Information Weinstein

Hi there, little cricket… I think you need a little bit of education on how to write more specifically… However we certainly catch the threat that you included in this email and that will be handled as we get quite a bit of this… May I suggest that signing up for adult evening education classes might be in order as well as a counseling program… please don’t give up on getting that GED… Education is the key… I see you never quite recovered from that little second grade Jewish girl who kicked your red candy ass on the playground when you were a fifth grader… Your anti-Semitism is so boring… Farewell, little feather… Mikey Weinstein…

Response from MRFF Advisory Board Member Mike Farrell

On Jul 6, 2022, at 9:21 PM, Mike wrote:

Lordy, lordy. The ignorance that radiates from this message is so powerful it made me hesitate to open it for fear it might be contagious.

I’m sorry to be so slow in responding, but once I managed to force myself to read your babble I was torn between laughing my ass off and just weeping out of pity for your lost soul.

We do hear from a lot of people who, like you, pretend to believe they are Christians, but few offer such a stunningly stupid presentation.
No, the others are just the usual haters who claim to love Jesus and can’t seem to get the contradiction they represent with their threats and ugliness. But you… you’re so dumb you’re in a class by yourself.

…..  Excuse me.

I just had to take a minute to stifle a giggle as I thought again of your muddled and sadly quite amusing words. But it gives me hope to know that Jesus, seeing himself represented by clowns like you, must have a hell of a sense of humor.

Mike Farrell (MRFF Board of Advisors)

Response from MRFF Board Member John Compere

On Jun 29, 2022, at 6:33 PM, John Compere wrote:

This will acknowledge receipt of your arrogant, acrimonious & asinine anti-Semitic & anti-American repugnant religious ranting which only reflects on yourself & only reveals your own insolent ignorance. For your enlightenment, our American Christianities are all foreign imports from Semitic antiquity by way of Rome & only branches off the ancient tree of Judaism. There would be no Christianities without the Jewish faith, culture & people.

If you are capable, it is recommended that you rationally reflect on the following:

There is no difference between Jew & Gentile for we all are one (Romans 10:12; Corinthians 12:13; Galatians 3:28).

God gives glory, honor & peace for every Jew & Gentile who does good, for God does not show favoritism (Romans 2:10&11).

Passing judgment on others only condemns yourself (Matthew 7:1&2; Luke 6:37; Romans 2:1).

Real Christians do not hate their neighbors (1 John 2:9-11; Matthew 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27; Psalm 50:17-21).

“When any human group decides they can define God, the outcome is always predicable. The ‘true faith’…must then be forced upon all people…” – John Shelby Spong (Retired American Episcopal Bishop, national lecturer & best selling author).

P.S. According to Matthew 22:21 & Mark 12:17, even Jesus separated government & religion (aka: separation of church & state).

Brigadier General John Compere, US Army (Retired)
Disabled American Veteran (Vietnam Era)
Board Member, Military Religious Freedom Foundation (composed of 85% Christians)

Response from MRFF Supporter Rabbi Joel Schwartzman

On Jun 29, 2022, at 4:57 PM, Rabbi Joel Schwartzman wrote

Here we have the triumphalist rubbish that this sort of quasi-Christian has been peddling since well before the country’s birth.  In every religious group there are radical, hateful elements like the one whose barely understandable language appears below.  Islam and Judaism and the eastern religions have these types of  people as well.  They spew their vitriol, make dire threats, sometimes turn to violence and murder, and put forth their agendas as though they were done-deals. Well, I, for one, am not buying.  For centuries Christians have been threatening and persecuting Jews to the point that the cross has become as much a symbol of hatred-to-be-avoided-and-feared for many of us as it is a symbol of love to many in the Christian world.  Christianity has no appeal for me; its tenants and world view do not attract me.  This is not to deny the good that this religion has done and is doing for many Christians throughout the world, although what is below is hardly an expression of that to which truly righteous Christians adhere.  This country may well be standing at the edge of democracy, teetering at becoming the theocracy envisioned by Christian radicals; but I believe that the good people of America will rally and resist the attempts of the radicals to overthrow the system that has (mostly) worked throughout this nation’s history.  We have arrived where we are by giving freedom for all the country’s citizens a chance to work.  God help this nation if we become  subject to the whims and wilds of people of but one hateful faith!  America is better than that.  America is better than what is displayed below.  America will survive this latest sad part of its history and will overcome the forces of tyranny that have gathered menacingly at its gates.  Today as much as any prior to it, God bless America is a call for our maintaining our human and religious rights.  Those who truly believe in America must pray for a more tolerant, decent and respectful country. Rabbi Joel R. SchwartzmanCh, Col USAF (Ret)

Response from MRFF Supporter Mike Challman

On Jun 29, 2022, at 8:30 PM, Mike Challman wrote:

To the anonymous author, using what I bet will turn out to be a bogus email address –

A lot of gloating in your missive, accompanied by a whole lot of antisemitism… neither of which speaks well of your supposed Christian beliefs. I’m a lifelong Christian myself, although probably not one you would recognize, given that the foundation of my faith is a Savior who is loving, humble, welcoming, and merciful… none of which is evident in your note. 

I’m also a veteran, with a son serving on active duty today.  So both my son and I, along with many other brave Americans, have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States against all enemies. This includes the noisy and aggressive minority of Christians who believe, like you, that our nation should be a theocracy.  But this was never the vision of our founding generations, and it is not the vision of intelligent, informed Americans today. 

So the ‘fix’ you’ve disingenuously proposed will, of course, not fix anything… nor is it where this struggle is going to conclude. Not as long as there are organizations like the MRFF and other patriotic Americans, including Christians like me who believe in the promise of America, as it is enumerated in the Constitution. 

But thanks for the timely reminder that there are people like you out there, which makes our mission even more vital today. 

Mike Challman Christian, Veteran, Blue Star Dad, MRFF Supporter

Response from MRFF Supporter

Dear Based Hamlet, whatever that means,

Just because a majority of six conservative Roman Catholics on the Supreme Court, representing one of the smallest minorities of Americans currently dominate the Supreme Court doesn’t mean that your theocracy will survive in the long run. It will certainly have some short term success but in the end they will destroy the influence of Roman Catholicism, as well as conservative Christianity
You can beat your chest in triumph and spout your dark ages and Nazi antisemitism, but while Christ may reign, you will be consigned to the Hell that you reserve for others.

In the end you will die like Hamlet, at your own hand, not because of your I’ll-fated love for the tragic Ophelia, but due to your hatred of all others who do not share your Vatican I and Council of Trent beliefs, which by the way are not shared by Pope Francis, or most American Catholics.

The fact that you use pseudonym and use an email address that cannot be traced show that you are an absolute coward who out of cowardice chooses to lurk in the darkest parts of the internet in order to launch your anti-Jewish, Christo-Fascist and un-Catholic attacks on men like Mikey Weinstein who defends the Constitution and the religious liberties espoused by the Founders, which protected the religious rights of minorities like the first Roman Catholics in the United States, who were often maligned and treated as more loyal to the Vatican than the United States. Many times the prejudice directed at Catholics resorted in violence and mass murder, which the Protestant majorities in Congress or the Courts did nothing to stop.

Just because you have this majority, does not mean that it will last. The enduring resentment will gut the Roman Catholic Church and its current Evangelical and Pentecostal Christian allies. Soon, Trump’s amoral and secularist supports will drive you all to the sidelines and begin persecuting you. Make no bones about it. There is no way that anyone who claims to be Christian or Catholic American can support Trump simply because he appointed Supreme Court Justices that advance your beliefs. Justices than are no different than Roger Taney when it comes to civil rights and citizenship. But then you probably don’t even know who Taney is, nor Joseph Bradley, nor anti-Catholic racist politicians like Strom Thurmond.

Choose the Hell of your choice, but remember to go to the restroom before you die, because if you remember the Bible, it will be damnation without relief, especially if you Hamlet yourself.

Sincerely, but with no respect whatsoever,

(name withheld), Commander, Chaplain Corps, U.S. Navy Retired.

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  1. Ironmoped June 29, 2022 at 7:35 pm

    What a hilarious rebuttal comment by Mikey!

    Love the GED reference! Too funny! We know what he got on it – Drool!

    You don’t have to read past “Trump” to know he has serious congenital synaptic challenges.

    It’s ubiquitous among white Christians in the US. An affliction, although, Trump did weed more than a few of his supporters out of the gene pool in the pandemic. Almost weeded himself out! What a bitch – Death by Hoax!

    You know the bible sanctions abortion? Numbers 5:11-31. Just thought I’d throw that in.

  2. Dave Kisor July 14, 2022 at 3:10 pm

    Abortion is fundamental to the Jewish faith? Out of which bodily orifice did you extract that information? You did wash your hands after obtaining that information? What support your hypothesis? The rule of Christ? The man was a teacher, not a king. Like many of your ilk, you have absolutely no idea how the MRFF works. Let’s see if you can wrap your head around this concept. The MRFF is a first responder to handle religious disagreements between a higher up and those who do not wish that person cram their beliefs down their throats. The MRFF does not go looking for a fight, the fight comes to them. They take the caller’s frustrations, formulate a response and hand it back to the source of the caller’s frustration. Is this understandable, or is that loosely connected mass of ganglion cells bouncing around inside of your cranium too disconnected for you to comprehend? You may require a dictionary to read some of the responses, which are very good! It doesn’t have much of a plot, but does has a lot of really fun words, some of which you may find useful someday.

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