Mikey Weinstein’s Gripping Interview by “The Good Men Project” on the Dire Threat of “Project 2025” and a Second MAGA Administration

With over 3 million visitors a month, The Good Men Project, founded by Tom Matlack in 2009, first as a book, then a film, and now a website, describes itself as an “international conversation about what it means to be a good man in the 21st century.”
MRFF’s Mikey Weinstein joins that conversation in a must-read interview about “Project 2025,” the MAGA-worshipping Heritage Foundation’s blueprint for Trump’s dictatorship of America.
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- February 5, 2025 | 14 comments
- February 5, 2025 | No comments
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More DEI hires in the highest positions please! They are doing such a great job .. especially in SS.
Oddjob: you should look up what DEI actually is, before you criticize it. It doesn’t advocate hiring unqualified or inferior people. It is about fairness and righting past wrongs.
We get you, though. You get paid to lie and create controversy and division in the US. We know some people will do anything for money, so it’s not a surprise to us. We have known about Putin’s puppets for years. This is my last response to you here, as I realize you are rewarded for provoking responses here. Dasvidaniya.
Trumps presidency day 1: I hereby declare myself pardoned from all felony charges.
Liberal hands to the sky! “why???!!!!!?!!?… wahhhh”
Trump’s prosecution by the STATE of Georgia cannot be pardoned by the president.
Oh you mean the disgraced Fanni case? Thats not going anywhere. Dismissed, aint happening. If you think he dodged absolutely everything so far, and he wont dodge that too… youre a fool. The man is untouchable and hes going to be your President soon.
Trump says in 1775 we “ran the ramparts and took over all the airports!” This has to be the dumbest mother fucker on the planet!
“I’m like a really smart guy!” Too fucking funny! The funny part being that his base is as stupid as he is and can be gaslit about anything!
“You have to flush the toilet 15 times!” No Donald, only yours, that Adderall slippage filling the bowl.
“You can inject bleach to cure Covid!” One can only hope! Get out your syringes MAGATS!
Dumbest mother fucker by far. Dumb and Dumber, Trump and his base!
MAGATS – Out The Door In 24!
Jeff, nobody is donating to this dogshit website. Your party is an embarrassment.
Greg: You’re a liar. I don’t belong to a party. And you and the GOP aren’t in any position to call anyone else an embarrassment. Never before has any party promoted plutocracy, theocracy, thuggery, and bigotry while claiming to support the constitution, the rule of law, equality, and religious freedom. You aren’t fooling intelligent and knowledgeable people. You might win the next election, thanks to gerrymandering and the electoral college, but you can’t suppress and silence good people who truly believe in the rule of law, decency, and the constitution forever.
Looks like Trump is diversifying his base, much to the chagrin of the “Whites Only” MAGAtarians. The white nationalist Nick Fuentes calling out JD Vance’s Indian wife saying, “not our values.”
The plethora of diversity in speakers at the Republican convention pissing off the base as Trump goes woke with diversity and inclusion, not what they expected from their Dear Leader.
So, MAGA faithful, your whiteness is being set aside by Trump, along with your religion as Trump goes woke. You’re going to have to vote for “colored” people to get your boy back in office and sacrifice some of those white Christian nationalist values.
You can’t win without it and Trump knows it. He’s not exactly throwing you under the bus, but he is making you give up more than a few seats on the bus. Once in office, he can do what the fuck he wants, but he needs an expanded base to get there! Therefore, brown people! MAGA wokeness! Did you like that Indian prayer they opened the convention with? I think they should put it in public schools. Make your little girls cover their hair. You know the deal.
Namaste boys and girls! Forget the Trump hats. Get yourselves a hijab or two! More Hindu temples around the country, particularly in red States? Fit right in with Christianity, you know, love your brother and all that caper.
Maybe more small business loans for curry shops around the country. Yum! You can’t eat Texas barbecue everyday, have a curry now and then!
Looked like a pretty woke convention! Who knew Trump would be trading some of his Christian whiteness in. JD Vance’s wife could be the first Indian First Lady! Maybe favor Indian immigration into the Great Replacement mix! I mean, Trump IS old, and mortal, something to be considered.
Maybe JD Vance will swear in on one of the Vedas instead of a Bible.
Yeah, I’d say your boy has flipped on you a bit, got himself a good dose of DEI! But it’s a good thing seeing people of color in MAGAdonia.
Republicans going WOKE! Who knew?
Diversity and Inclusion. Progress of a kind!
If you assholes dont believe in god, fine. But then its just Darwin and survival of the fittest… in which case Republicans are just fitter.
Hugh: evolution by natural selection is not “survival of the fittest.” You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. Anyone listening to your nominee speaking last night with any objectivity realized his speech was disjointed, nonsensical, and almost entirely the same whining he has been doing for years. If he’s your example of “the fittest,” you are as deluded as he is.
Hugh: if you really believe the Abrahamic religions invented ethics, morality, and social cooperation, you are again mistaken. I don’t put down or misrepresent your beliefs. In fact, I learn about theistic religions like Christianity so I understand them better and can be respectful of people with those beliefs. I suggest that you learn about what atheists actually believe, before you publicly criticize us for our beliefs.
I also suggest that you learn more about MRFF and who the board members and clients are. Most of them are Christians, not atheists.
Jeff, survival of the fittest translates into Might makes Right, or at least in the world of Hugh that is.
Meant to jump in earlier but I’m disabled for a reason. Sometimes even though I want to do a thing doesn’t mean I can.
That said I’m sensing a theme amongst our latest troll set (wondering if we collect them all if prizes are involved). There is a movie with David Bowie – Labyrinth, with a bunch of trees discouraging the protagonists from continuing on, the path is dangerous, etc etc.
To a person they believe we are weak, diversity laden snowflakes who will melt at the first broken nail.
A few thoughts: when I was buried by the hate they did not know I was a seed. Me? I’m a diversion. I don’t do the shooting (you’re welcome) I allow others to do as their talents lead them. And most importantly I shine the light of day on our attackers so everyone knows exactly who you are.
The work we do here at the MRFF is mirrored by the work being done at this moment by the Democractic party. Although the idea in my mind of Mikey being weak (Sun Tzu & Buddhist koans aside) is unpossible.
At this moment the Democratic nominee and current President is ill with COVID. It is rumored an announcement will be made on Sunday. Until then, with the power of votes from all of USA naming Joe Biden our candidate I remain in his side. Those who publicly question his candidacy and call for his stepping down decided We The People’s voice doesn’t matter. Perhaps we should remember their names come November.
Regarding the fight – both the MRFF and the Democratic Party are fighting FOR Democracy and against a theocracy under Christian nationalist rule.
I got distracted and wasn’t clear about the point I just made. The fight is real and for those of you not part of a minority class it just started. For the rest of us we’ve been fighting for decades. Welcome to the party. Ice tea in the fridge, coffee on the stove. Kettles in for everything else. No adult beverages. We have people in recovery so, you know, respect.
And I’m an idiot. I did say hard days. Concussion echoes to be specific. When I said shooting, yeah, I was thinking literal but in response to Mr Robert’s ‘bloodless if the left allows it’ line ringing in my ears.
The Democratic Party believes in battle at the ballot box with votes, not bullets. As a barbaric soul and registered Democrat I hold back my violent nature only because I have been assured through laws that others do the same. If anyone violates the compact then I must do what I must to protect me and mine. That’s ’survival of the fittest’ amirite? Mr Robert’s made the official declaration. I’m just answering.
Sebastian Gorka, that bastion of Putin supporting policy and rhetoric, says that Kamala Harris was a DEI hire. Damn that’s funny! Projection at its best as Trump goes woke with his drive to turn on his base and get the “brown people” to help him get his old grift machine back, the United States being a Trump casino to be extorted at white Christian Nationalist expense.
The beauty is they’ve (the Christian Nationalists), have show their colors, or lack thereof in their “whiteness” and can’t get back now, stuck in their own mire as Trump uses his own DEI flavor in the browning of his base to get his old job back. He is specifically targeting Indians for his inclusion campaign, Nikki Haley having provided a strong showing against him thinking the White Nationalist base will continue to support his grift machine, Hindus his least offensive gamble to brown out his base. Without it, he can’t win.
But his good-ole-mid-America white nationalists ain’t liking them some Hindu influence, having perceived values counter to their own. You know, the Kama Suttra being taught in schools, covering your hair for the girls, the disavowment of their “one true Christian God, reincarnation, can’t eat meat anymore (them cows are your long dead ancestors). But the base is pushing back, “hey, wait a minute! Them ain’t are values!). Pretty funny watching the Trump DEI strategy unfold.
Trump knows his base has no choice but to go along with his parlor games, the cult having professed their loyalty can’t go back now, they’re committed (or should be).
The Hindu brown-out is now in full swing and the Republican mouth pieces don’t like it. But they’re stuck, no way out.
Kamala Harris was part and parcel to the Prseidential ticket that beatTrump’s ass in 2020. The bad news is, if Biden were to bow out of the race, they have a 5-star rated backup quarterback in Kamala Harris and she’ll kick his ass again.
Either way, it’s “I win you lose” against the Project 2025 MAGA Cretins as they self destruct and implode in on themselves. Gonna be fun to watch the dental work as the MAGA idiots gnash their teeth against Trump’s Diversity and Inclusion, his new great replacement policy trading in Christian values for porn star Kama Suttra!
MAGATS – Out The Door In 24!
The Christian Nationalists will tell you it was God’s intervention that saved Trump from the shooter that missed his target.
Which means that God must hate firemen! I’m guessing a blood sacrifice is part and parcel to a savior’s magical life-saving powers. “OK, OK, I’m gonna save your man, but someone’s gotta go. I don’t do this shit for free!”
So funny the contortions on the Christian right to credit their God for saving Trump’s life through the sacrifice of a retired Fire Chief, arguably a life more worthy of saving.
Yeah, the Christian God is a little out of touch these days, 2,000 years of intervention having skewed his thinking, maybe a little early onset, in God time, causing some unintended consequences.
Christian magic – in real time. Comedic relief!
MAGATS – Out The Door In 24!
Watched the sunrise this morning overlooking the Temple of Apollo in Naxos.
Apollo, the God of prophecy, says your boy’s not only gonna lose, he’s going to do jail time.
Not looking good for the Christian home Team! Let us know how that Trump “browning of America” works out for your boy. Get you some good Hindu values put back in the schools. A little MODI- Operandi for the MAGA base! Get your ghoonghats out! lol.
MAGATS – Out The Door In 24!
Our beloved Joe Biden, a good, decent, and honorable man, unlike the Orange Fat Ass Adderall leakage, diaper wearing Shittsinpants, puts the country before party and decides he needs to turn the reigns over to another generation, specifically, Kamala Harris, our soon-to-be first female President in this country’s history.
Kamala Harris is going to wipe the floor with Trump’s fat white ass.
Trump will go on to spend the rest of his life in jail as he slips further and further into Catatonia, his incoherency a trademark of his campaign.
Get out the vote! Kamala has the stones to beat Trump on her worst day! Let’s get past the MAGA bullshit and keep this country moving forward toward a more perfec5 Union. One that will even help the MAGATS, unfortunately, as they shove a light up their ass to ward off COVID. Yes, even the MAGATS will benefit in a nation that moves forward toward equality, wage security, and secured healthcare for all.
Let’s take back the House and move this country forward!
We’re behind you Kamala!
Let’s show the Orange Man-Baby that his diaper changes between tantrums are a personal problem to be dealt with during his incarceration.
Restore women’s rights to a new tomorrow without the mandated Gilead control over
Overwhelming victory for decency and justice, fairness and equality, a new beginning for a severely broken country!
MAGATS – Let’s shove their Project 2025 plans right up their fat white asses!
Out The Door In 24!
Mark Kelly for VP!
We’ve seen Trump’s VP prick, I mean, pick, the guy that will wipe Trump’s Adderall induced leakage, “Real Men Wear Diapers!”
Time to shake it off and get this country moving! Kamala Harris batting clean up, I see a grand slam coming as Trump implodes on his way to Catatonia, his “browning” of America going against his own base as he throws them under the bus, Christian values not important to his main objective of keeping his fat white grifting ass out of jail!
Mark Kelky for VP!
MAGATS – Permanently Out The Door In 24!
The Prosecutor against the Criminal.
A pretty clear choice for Democracy!
MAGATS – Out The Door In 24!
Trump says that 107% of the jobs Biden created went to immigrants.
So……there’s only one candidate remaining in cognitive decline!
The Orange Man’s dementia is palpable. Unlike Biden, Trump won’t step aside. He’ll pull his base right down into the Titan submersible with him! lol. I see an implosion on the near horizon as Trump’s dementia gets worse. Not as many wearing MAGA hats as there were before, his base realizing that the media now only has one dementia target to focus on.
His dementia clearly showing at his rallies, folks on their cell phones while he rambles on about nothing, folks walking out. He just not the same Scittsinpants they showed up for!
Can’t string a sentence together. Talks about giving 10,000 National Guard troops to Nikki Haley on Jan 6th.
Forgot his White House doctor’s name. Calls the CEO of Apple Tim Apple! He’s past early onset! The boy has left the farm on his way to Catatonia.
He’ll be slapping at imaginary flies in a padded jail cell in the near future, no one to change his diapers for him. They’ll have to build a shower facility for him where they can just spray him down while telling him he’s at the beach!
Poor Donald. Clearly lives in an imaginary world, slipping fast! Years of drug use catching up.
Kind of sucks to be MAGA right now with the ship being guided by an Alzheimer’s patient and no way to get off!
Enjoy your cruise! Lol.
Sometimes one’s opponent steps on the rake in an open place for all to see. And sometimes it’s televised.
Ok – best thought collected from the interwebz – All I can think of are the multitudes of warehouses filled with anti Joe Biden merch. Many humans also have the stacks of no longer relevant goods in their brains. Gee, opined many, I hope they didn’t use credit for all that.
The kids have this as the here/now was only an idea in my noggin as I thought the USA was too misogynistic and racist to back Harris. Kids said yeah, you olds are but we are not. Ok then, go kids. Exceed my wildest dreams. While I confess to a bit of jealousy that I’m no longer on the front lines of the battle I’m happy for those who fight for us all. I know the feeling of getting a thing done not just for yourself but for everyone. Not much compares
lol yea, just because you dont back Heels up Harris makes you an automatic racist and woman hater. Do you even listen to yourself?
Greg, do you ever read what you post? How can you not be a woman-hater when you smear a woman you don’t know personally as “heels-up Harris?” With every post, you embarrass yourself more.
The Right-Wing offering you a Trump-Dump for your new America!
Get out your checkbook, you’re going to owe a lot more to the Fed when your boy gives himself and his rich friends your hard earned dollars. Not to mention property taxes as he strips public education money away from his base to support private education for his rich buddies.
Lest I forget social security, yeah, he needs that money too! His plan is to give you 30% less and call it a pay raise! Let’s get the cost of insulin back up to $400/month where it belongs!
No more preexisting conditions! Obamacare is history! No more kids on parents policies until they’re 26. Off at 18. Goddamned kids are stealing money from the health insurance industry! How the fuck can insurance companies pay for lobbyists if they’re having to insure kids until they’re 26?
Repeal and …. well, just repeal! Make those damn kids pay for themselves. What is this, a socialist country? Well, it is, but it needs to be Corporate Socialist! This taking care of the people has got to stop!
MAGATS – Get Rid Of The Mother Fuckers and they’re Putin Policies!
“Sadly, over the last many years, there’s been this kind of perverse approach to what strength looks like. Which is to suggest that the measure of one’s strength is based on who you beat down, instead of what we know the true measure of your strength is – based on who you lift up.” Kamala Harris
Uh Oh! Russian media’s got a problem with Trump’s prick, er, I mean, pick, for VP.
Donnie, you’re letting Daddy Vlady down!
Putin’s not very happy with you! You may have to host another one of them Two Corinthians “Grab ‘em By The Pussy” pagents in Russia again to get your comrades back on your side!
Daddy Vladdy wants you to pick someone else! It’s still not too late! JD will assume what ever position you give him. Ball washer in Chief. Mayor of Catatonia. You’ll figure it out but you’d better hurry, you need someone before your New York conviction sentencing in September.
I’m thinking you can run as Putin’s prick, er, I mean, pick for VP! Be an easy grift, just nod your head up and down when Vladdy opens his mouth. Smile now and then, you’ll get the hang of it.
Finish out your days playing golf at Putin’s palace on the Black Sea. Take JD with you, he’ll change your diapers for you. What’s not to love?
Conjugal visits by MTG, maybe even Lauren Blowbert, she does love her some Beetle Juice! Hell, she’ll even do it in public!
And, as a bonus, abortions are still legal in Russia as an elective procedure up to the 12th week of pregnancy, no worries about any little Donnies running around.
Not sure about Viagra though, may have to take some with you.
Hard to believe Vance was a Marine (correspondent). One of the highlights of his career, in his words, “giving an Iraqi kid an eraser!” I’m guessing he’ll push to give seniors erasers when he takes away their social security! They can use them to erase the memory of having paid into the fund the whole of their working lives!
Hey, the Iraqi kid was happy! You know, something to chew on!
OK Donnie, get your shit together. Kind of hard with the slippage I know but it’s contained – “Real Men Wear Diapers!” JD will hose you down and get you cleaned up.
Vladdy wants you to give him a call though. Said something about defection? You prolly know what he’s talking about.
Oh, before I forget, the Russians are saying JD’s beard’s got to go. It makes him untrustworthy! Along with his Indian wife – yeah, the Russkies are saying it’s gonna be hard to get the country back to the 50s and 60s with a beard and an Indian wife. Oops! Hey, comments from your comrades, not my words.
Frankly, I think the Kama Suttra in schools would be good for sex education. You know, couple it with a couple of Genesis passages about Lott having sex with his own daughters, kind of a recipe for a new America in terms of education! Hindu-Christian values! That’ll work!
Throw in some Trump DEI browning of the White House, what’s not to like? His base doesn’t like it but hey, diversity and inclusion, Trump style. They’ll get over it!
Putin/Trump 24!
Jeff, why dont I feel embarrassed? hmmm
Greg, maybe it’s the same reason Donald J. Trump doesn’t feel embarrassed after he tells obvious lies and expresses his bigotry publicly. Look up the definition of the word “psychopath.” You’re welcome.
Synergy has already got the rights to that title… “psychopath”.
Time reports the conversation Trump had with his nephew concerning his nephew’s son’s disabled child, “maybe those people should just die!” And there you have it MAGA. Harkens back to another time doesn’t it? Specifically Nazi Germany, where the disabled were euthanized to purify the race.
No surprise there coming from Adderall Man In Chief.
But that’s the reality of the MAGATS. They want a purified white race of Christian Nationalists, although intellectually challenged, in their new Gilead.
It’ll go well until the base revolts, which won’t take long as their MAGAT socialism gets taken away but it’ll be too late once in power. Show fealty or else! lol.
There will be two classes, those in power, and everyone else, the everyone else spiraling into lives of despair, the only recourse is to beg their Dear Leader for some crumbs. No pensions, social security decimated, higher poverty, healthcare a pay-as-you-go privatized boondoggle for the ultra wealthy. Women back in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant to hatch more minions for the upper class, worker drones for the new caste system.
The U.S. is rated number 12 in quality of life rankings globally but Team Trump can get that lower I’m sure.
You’ll be begging for handouts in your new Gilead but you always have…….prayer!
Sorry to say your God will listen to you like he does when you pray the clergy will stop raping little kids.
Your life will be a pure happenstance of birth. The vagina you chose to enter the world through will determine your lot in life – the Haves or the Have Nots!
Good luck with your new country – you asked for it! Remember, “Beggars Can’t Be Choosers!”
MAGATville – Your new destination for many generations! Your children will be OK – as long as they learn to beg! Teach them well!
Remember, prayer in school and the Ten Commandments, while it may not reduce poverty, lessens the despair through prayer! Just ask Louisiana! Lol.
MAGATS – Show Them The Door In 24!
There there Jdjd, we’ve all had bad days. Maybe you need a snack. I used to get totally emotional when I was hungry. Now I recognize the symptoms and thereby avoid the emotes.
Now little troll Jdjd, using your words tell us all what has your undies in a bunch. I think I know.
You expected a battle with what you perceived to be a weak opponent but now face a fierce warrior who has the backing of those you and those like you have habitually mocked and belittled.
Humanity tip:
You remind me of the opening scene of Ender’s Game; the student who neglected to keep track of all the elements in their battle with Ender. When the convicted felon and former president looses I totally expect you and yours to accuse everything and everyone of cheating. Without facts, without evidence, just like the last time.
I hope whomever pays you is generous.
Trump is just too OLD and too WEIRD!
Said another way, Trump is just too WEIRD and too OLD!
MAGATS – Society’s cesspool minstrels, racist to the core!