MRFF’s Mikey Weinstein Vociferously Condemns the Outrageous Antisemitic Statements Made by Donald J. Trump at an Event on Fighting Antisemitism

Published On: September 20, 2024|Categories: Featured News|6 Comments|
Mikey Weinstein

Speaking yesterday at a “Fighting Anti-Semitism in America” event, former president and current presidential candidate Donald J. Trump decided to blame the Jews in advance for his potential loss in November, telling the audience:

“If I don’t win this election…the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss.”

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  1. Synergy September 21, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    Well let’s hope that American Jews have a big part in Schittsinpant’s loss in November, although a relatively small voting block in the U.S.

    I’d be disappointed in Jews if they voted for Trump, given their levels of education. 25% of all Nobel prizes awarded to one of the smallest demographic numbers on the planet, yeah, it would be disappointing. It would be akin to Jews voting for Hitler!

    7 in 10 Jews leaning toward the Democratic Party, Trump is on one his aderrall infused rants when he tells Jews that bad things are going to happen to them if they don’t vote for King Aderrall!

    Trump is unraveling right before our eyes, wending his way into a padded cell so he can’t hurt himself. He’s trying, more than anything, to keep his fat ass out of jail!

    But he knows he’s lost. He’s desperate! He says he’s going to round up all the Haitians in Springfield and send them back to Venezuela! The mother fucker has lost the plot! Dementia Donald is slapping at imaginary flies, in real time, as he sings the praises of “the late great Hannibal Lecter!”

    “They’re eating your dogs! And even the cats and geese!” Poor Delusional Donnie!

    The boy stinks too! Literally! Weird gets weirder and will continue to spew his incoherent nonsense. Wait till November rolls in. You ain’t heard nothing yet!

    Watch how weird this mother fucker gets as we get closer to the election!

    He’s going to call on his boyz to foment violence but……his boyz know that “hey, wait a minute. Didn’t our guys get locked up? Uh, yeah Donnie, you’re on your own this go round!”

    Pussy ass bitches – just like their orange Daddy!

    Jews are going to help save this country! Along with minorities and women!

    Your time ladies!

    Oh, and by the way, someone tell Schittsinpants that the job he’s trying to get is one of those “black jobs!” No old white men need apply!

    MAGATS – Out The Door In 24. November the month to remember – we got rid of an ancient old white man that has been wreaking havoc in this country for a decade!

    Off you go Donnie. It’s long past your jail time!

  2. Jeff September 22, 2024 at 7:14 pm

    Very similar to Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana last week at a hearing on hate crimes against Muslim and Jewish people asking a Muslim testifying expert to confirm his assumption that she supports Hamas and Hezbollah. He ended his relentless, shameless attack on the woman by telling her she should “…hide your face in a bag.” The GOP has become a party that proudly displays its bigotry without any hesitation or artifice.

  3. Jajajj September 24, 2024 at 6:32 pm

    You used vociferously wrong

  4. Grey One Talks Sass September 24, 2024 at 10:10 pm

    Adverb: in a loud and forceful manner.

    Troll named Jajajj doesn’t understand the meaning of words.

    I don’t know about anyone else but when I read Mikey’s words he was quite forceful in his delivery.

    I also watched the clip of Sen Kennedy insulting the witness, a credible and very accurate person who could have slammed him for his hateful ways. Instead she was polite, accurate (I know I said it already but she was so on point that it deserved saying twice), and showed up the mean spirited country cosplaying Senator.

    I would hope to have that level of composure when faced with the Senator Kennedy’s of my world. Brava indeed.

  5. Synergy September 25, 2024 at 11:17 am

    “They’re eating your dogs, they’re eating your cats, they’re eating the geese. Your son Jimmy goes off to school and comes home as Jane. I’m not weird! They’re weird! They want to lower the cost of prescription medicine! Imagine paying less for medicine! That’s weird!”

    “If the Jews don’t vote, they’re going to eat all your pets! Don’t let them eat Fido.

    It’s way past your jail time Donnie! Off you go! Here’s a fly swatter and a fire truck! Put on your firman’s hat and beep the horn!

    And with closing clank of the cell door, a secret service member says, “hey, we don’t do diaper changes. Just so you know!” The reply, “we’ve got JD Vance on speed dial!”

    MAGATS – Out The Door In 24!

  6. Synergy September 25, 2024 at 12:29 pm

    Trump endorsed Mark Robinson for NC Governor, calling him “better than Martin Luther King!”

    Well, he might be depending on your sexual proclivities. Mark’s gonna make trans porn OK again! I mean, nothing like having a good family-values Governor wanking off watching trans porn in between Governor meetings on, I dunno, Ten Commandments in schools, doing away with school lunches, shifting public money for schools into Christian charter projects and home schooling. What’s not to like? Called himself a “Black Nazi,” whatever the fuck that means. I’m assuming Jews ain’t too high on his list! But hey, porn is part of the family-values recipe, Corey DeAngeles another Trump praised bastion of family values and virtue. Oh, wait a minute, Corey was a gay porn star? Well, besides all that, Trump supports him and likes the “Make Porn Great Again” style of the Republican Party. Your man Jim Jordan helping to cover up the wrestling sexual abuse scandal while he was assistant coach. Lauren Boebert playing with some Democratic dick in the Buell theater. It wasn’t the public fondling that got her in hot water, I mean, after all, that’s Christian, we all have desires, it was that it was a democratic dick she was fondling! Eeeeeew! You’re disgusting Lauren! If that were Matt Gaetz we could understand. But no, you crossed the aisle! Well, the arm rest as it were.

    The founder of New Life Church, Ted Haggard, being modeled at the Air Force Academy as a beacon of light for cadets. Never mind Ted was caught with a male prostitute and seemed to have a meth habit.

    All of it just good ole Christian family values!

    Trump himself put $84 million over the sexual assault on E Jean Carroll. Stormy Daniel’s payoff, his wife at home with his new four month old while Stormy slapped Donnie’s ass with a Forbes magazine. I mean, how much more Christian can you get?

    Go forth and multiply and all that caper!

    The head of Liberty University, Jerry Falwell Jr, that bastion of Christian and family values, involved in a threesome with his wife and a young pool boy.

    Speaking of threesomes, what happened to Moms for Liberty co-founder Bridgett Ziegler? She seemed to enjoy getting the ball on the green so to speak. Nothing wrong with threesomes by good family-values Christians! As long as it was in a Christian context! Which it was in all cases. Meth, I understand, gets you closer to God!

    Remember Larry Craig, caught soliciting sex in the airport bathroom in DC? It was, of course, all bogus. After pleading guilty, I think he said his hand under the stall wasn’t a sexual invite, he was constipated and needed a hand hold!

    Shore do love me some good Christian family values! Praise Be!

    MAGATS – Their sanity’s lacking, send them packing!

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