Yes! 95% of MRFF’s Clients are Christian: Thank you! From a Christian & Conservative Active Duty U.S. Army Soldier/MRFF Client

From: (Active Duty U.S. Army Soldier/MRFF Client’s e-mail address withheld)
Subject: Thank you! From a Christian & Conservative
Date: September 24, 2024 at 6:28:49 PM EDT
To: Mikey Weinstein <[email protected]>
Dear Mikey & MRFF Staff,
I can’t begin to express to y’all how appreciative I am to finally have someone to believe in! You immediately understood how difficult it is to come forward. Especially as an Active Duty Soldier. When you first join, you believe in the system. You make an oath to the Constitution, but when you see senior military leaders abuse their positions of authority and be so unashamed about it, it can make you feel powerless. For your team to immediately reach back out to me within just minutes felt so reassuring.
A big thing to note, I’m a Conservative and I’m a Christian. But I realized quickly that what these senior people were doing was so wrong. Using an organization that Americans are supposed to believe in, that is supposed to take our sons and daughters and prepare them for war, but instead it is fostering a radical fundamentalist Christian ideology upon young, impressionable Soldiers? All I had to do is ask myself, how would I feel if a General was pushing a radical theology from a different faith? Would that be right? Would I want to stand up against that? I’m sure it would be on the news 24/7.
I don’t think what these people are doing is even what Christ would want. I won’t dive into theology, but how can using the State and military chain of command to push your particular radical brand of your Christian faith be anything close to what Jesus did? I only wish I knew about Mikey and his MRFF team before, I feel like I could’ve made a difference earlier. There’s a reason why there’s a massive recruiting and retention problem in the military right now.
Best of luck on your current cases. Thanks again, y’all standing up for us means a lot to me and my family.
(Active Duty U.S. Army Soldier/MRFF Client’s name, rank, MOS, military unit, and installation all withheld)
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You know, it’s a testament unto itself when a soldier, sailor, airman, marine, can’t come forward or tell a proselytizing Commander to “fuck off!”
A Commander has absolutely zero rights in telling a subordinate which particular religious faith, and sect, to join, believe in, etcetera.
But of course, these Commanders let their ego-driven mouths overload their hummingbird asses, professing to “ know” and believe in a divine magic man in the clouds that only talks to them!
I’m trying to think of some non-threatening tools to use, verbally, to counter these wannabe Christian Crusaders that have forsaken their oaths and long ago compromised their own integrity as so-called “leaders.” Leaders my ass!
You can lead without integrity but it destroys the very fabric of that which you are trying to lead!
Try these:
Sir, I don’t share your religious views.
I swore an oath to the constitution first and foremost.
I believe in the separation of church and state.
I believe religious faith is personal.
I’m more focused on combat readiness.
The strength of our formation lies in the cohesion of our team.
Prayer is very personal.
I believe we all have a right to believe what we may when it comes to religion.
I hope you find peace in your own convictions.
I wasn’t aware a profession of faith was a prerequisite for serving in the military.
Free will includes choice.
Readiness drivers and religious drivers live in divergent planes.
I hope my advancement will not be held up by religious bias.
My allegiance in my professional life is to the Constitution.
I appreciate your help but can find my own way when it comes to religion.
Let their be light in our formations and strength to care for our brothers and sisters.
May we serve together honorably, without religious coercion.
May your leadership light shine without intolerance for diversity.
Reliance on religion is a sign of a weak leader.
You get the idea.
Support the Military Religious FREEDOM Foundation!
The ONLY way Donnie Shittsinpants wins this election is to get the election thrown back to the House of Representatives for a deciding vote, usurping free and fair elections in this country.
This IS the MAGA game plan. How do they accomplish it? By sowing enough doubt in the election outcome that the SCROTUM gets involved and kicks it over to the House.
From that point, each State gets one vote and, viola, you have a dicktatorial (pun intended), autocratic leader of these not so United States of America!
You have Kim Jong Un’s surrogate Daddy running the United States! A grifter-in-Chief, Putin’s twin and prodigy, Donald Jew-hating Shittsinpants spreading his Eau-de-Toilet across the fabric of a formerly democratic Union!
How to combat it? VOTE!
Vote like your country depends on it – it does!
This is NOT about you! It’s about your children and their children and their children’s children!
You don’t have to look hard to find other autocracies around the world. How long do they stay in power? Many many decades!
Once in power, control of the people is child’s play. You WILL tow the party line!
Everything will be OK as long as you keep your mouth shut!
Those running for government office and control won’t be looking for a better future for you. They’ll be looking for power – and money – over you – for themselves!
The brain-drain alone will relegate this country to 4th world status as Christian Nationalism replaces science and math with theocratic nonsense, magical thinking at its core.
The economy decimated with Trump’s Tariff plans on ALL imports, a tax on you, igniting trade wars around the globe and lowered standard of living for everyone!
Trump’s 2025 plan will immediately give China a world economic leader position, China all ready moving its electric vehicle production into other countries to avoid the tariffs while the MAGATS drill-baby-drill, clean energy and world competitiveness a forgotten by-line.
The U.S. dollar no longer the world’s reserve currency, an immediate economic impact, the dollar worthless on the world stage!
They’ll give you just enough to keep lining the pockets of the rich while they gaslight you into praying a bit more! Ten Commandments in the school classrooms – that’ll do it!
What do you think will happen to the economy when Trump kicks out 21 million brown people from this country? Using US military forces to round them up and run internment camps! Little Johnny and Susie joined the military to ride herd on brown people?
But we’ll give them another war to keep them distracted. Notice how we never pick on countries that can defend themselves?
Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam? Venezuela on the horizon? That would be a good distraction – oil rich to boot!
Over 3 billion barrels of oil off the coast of Gaza and beneath the dirt of Palestine? Genocide you say? Hmmmmm.
Your new Gilead awaits!
The ONLY thing Trump has ever said that’s cogent, “if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country left!”
Fight like hell through your vote! Get out the vote and get your friends and family out to vote.
Blue Tsunami on the way. Make it happen!
A new tomorrow over a sordid past!
Progress over platitudes! Freedom’s future over fictionalized revisionist memories.
America IS great! Let’s make it even greater!
MAGATS – Out The Door In 24.
Roevember the month to remember!
Support the Military Religious FREEDOM Foundation!