TRENDING #1 on Daily Kos: MRFF’s Mikey Weinstein Responds to Trump’s Plan to Use the Military and National Guard as Weapons Against “The Enemy From Within”

“Trump’s latest vomit projection of psycho idiocy, to wit; scared stiff folks are contacting me to see if it would be either ‘legal’ or even ‘possible’ for Trump to use our U.S. military and National Guard as weapons to seek revenge on his political and, apparently, any other rivals, should he be become our next President.” — MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein
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- February 5, 2025 | 14 comments
- February 5, 2025 | No comments
We have use the military against striking workers in the late 19th and much of the early 20th century. In addition, we had the US military spying on Americans from the 1920s to the 1960s so don’t be surprise if those things happens again. I doubt you will see the right wingers will take up arms and invoke their 2nd amendment when Trump takes office.
We can no longer mock and critizies the German military for supporting Adolf Hitler. How many of our military people from private to general will be supporting Trump either out of fear, blind loyalty to conservative idealogy, and/or being an opportunist?
I hear what you’re saying but Trump will not be taking office again. His fascist reign of error is over!
The country is moving on. Trump is older than dirt and it shows every time he opens his pie hole. His bowel control now worse than ever as we saw in Detroit, shit himself on stage. He leads a cult but people will get beyond it in time.
I’ve watched the Trumper Tina Peters being arrested video a few times now and the excoriation she received at sentencing. The only thing I can think of that would be more satisfying to watch would be Trump getting arrested and hauled off to jail!
The boy is destined for a rubber room. He’ll die in jail as his cognitive decline accelerates and he starts circling the drain. He’ll get a few visitors early on but that’ll drop off quickly, his own family will stop visiting – it might be contagious! Will be an interesting State funeral. State funeral for a Con! Only in America!
It’ll take time to get past the damage he’s done with his Neo-fascism but we’ll get there.
Lock his fat white ass up!
“It’s a Republic. If you can keep it!” Ben Franklin.
Doesn’t change the fact about how dangerous the right wingers have become in Corporate America, the entire justice system from the police to the judges, the military, and in every government agency from the city to the federal level, and in the media.
You take Trump down but that is like taking out a mafia boss but his organization is still functioning. You need take out the rest of the members
So, a couple of points. Don’t want to say them but I see what I see. Hope others do too.
First – Trump, as much as he believes he’s all that and a piece of cheese, is merely the front man for a much nastier and serious group of humans.
Second – Vance has no moral center other than how will this help me. I get it, survival is a strong instinct. But…. But, and a million more buts (if we were having this conversation IRL here is the moment we look at each other before saying “I Know!!!!”).
Third – NAR believes, well they tell their followers they believe and who knows, there could be a few true believers in the prophet/priest class, I choose to judge a human by their actions. Anyway, they believe the USA has been taken away from them by us liberal radical leftists. The fact us libs have a to-do list which sounds an awful lot like one of the sermons Jesus gave, well that’s just crazy talk.
Fourth – there will be blood. Right now it’s all courts and legal back and forth. It’s perception and psyops and so many lies it’s hard to tell where lies and truth separate. When those efforts fail to produce the results anticipated, violence is all there is left.
While I question the beliefs of the elite the MAGA cult to a person is a Twue Believer – a human indoctrinated to supplement lies spoon fed to them with internal emotions and issues never acknowledged, never processed. Now, to the cultists if you attack anyone MAGA or especially Trump it’s as if you are attacking them.
It pains me to say this but they will die for MAGA. Unless they come out of the cult themselves there is no reaching the cultist. I truly am sad for anyone who has a loved one who went MAGA.
MAGA military would shoot me and not loose a nights sleep, confident they’d eliminated evil.
Harris winning this election is just one battle. We still need to win the war.
#MAGA OutTheDoorIn24
MAGA police wouldn’t hesitate to shoot either and not lose any sleep since the believe that they are the thin line between order and chaos even though they help to create chaos.
I looked up “The Enemy From Within” in the New World Book of Phrases. Fuck me! It was described in one word – “Trump!”
Yep, ‘bout sums it up pretty succinctly. Trump is definitely “The Enemy From Within,” on many different levels.
The Bible describes him as the “Anti-Christ.” Satan’s chief agent on earth! In the flesh!
Satan himself wears the same bronzer #5.
Another rendition in the form of “Devil’s Bitch Hot Sauce?”
I think I like the Devil’s Bitch better. Much more descriptive of who Schittsinpants really is!
I hear States are making it easy to spot him on the ballot, apparently just look for the “666” marking!
Paul sums it up pretty succinctly too, refers to him as the “Man of Sin!” Four indictments, twice impeached, 34 felonies, “grab ‘em by the pussy,” $84 million settlement to E Jean Carroll for rape, said the most troubled women are the best in bed on Howard Stern show, racist to the core, fascist to the core, yep, I’d say those are qualifying characteristics regarding “sin!”
Vote Blue!
The rest of you just look for the sign of the beast on the ballot! Praise Be!
Don’t forget Lucifer’s children – beneficiaries to the Satanic throne!
“The Enemy From Within!”
Vote – Blue Tsunami!
MAGATS – Out The Door In 24!
Can’t leave this post alone. Four dead in Ohio – the song is stuck on that phrase and nothing is moving it from the noggin.
Read a post quoting some of the business critters at the Chicago Economic Club interview. They will go to their grave convinced Trump is just playing politics, like you do. More than one said Trump really use the military to kill citizens, knowing and accepting the concept that citizenship can be given and taken away on a whim. It’s in their demeanor and that smug little smile. They are complicit and deserve every tax and fine We The People can dump on them. Lady Liberty needs some new shoes.
Trump really wouldn’t use the military. Finger slip.
Federal law makes it clear that the Armed Forces are not to be used for enforcing civilian law; however, I have little doubt that our Disgraced, Twice-Impeached, Quintuply-Indicted, Insurrection-Inciting, Election-Losing Fraudster Convicted on 34 Felony Counts Ex-President, who I refuse to name (lest, like Beetlejuice, he may appear should I say the name too frequently) would try to use military personnel to wreak revenge upon his perceived enemies — political or otherwise.
That said, the recent report on his most recent attempt to silence Stormy Daniels’ voice ahead of the current election makes me hopeful that the one true weapon against the likes of the ” . . . tiny fingered, Cheetoh-faced ferret wearing $h!tgibbon” might yet work. That weapon: satire. As sharp and deeply thrust as the British are capable of. So it’s my hope that Last Week Tonight with John Oliver will seize upon the opportunity to thrust the rapier of wit deep into the heart of the black, demented soul of the Pretender-in-Chief and do to him what they previously did to Bob Murray in the “SLAPP” episode. It was great seeing “Eat $h!t, Bob!” appear in the skies over Broadway at the end of the closing number! I’d love to see a similar ending with “Truck Fump!” and a toddler clad in an orange diaper appearing at the conclusion.
MSNBC has a headline article this morning about how terrible Kamala’s poll numbers are and how close Trump is to winning. I guess we are likely to be with Trump for another 4 years.
Huh, really Oscar?
I also read that thousands of bots have been set upon the public to stir dissent. Guess we won’t know until the votes have been tallied after November 5th.
By the by you do know the polls have been under a great deal of scrutiny this election? Something about a once great pollster caught betting against his polls. I don’t know enough to name names. I’m sure it will all come out in the wash.
But yeah, you keep dreaming your dream and the rest of us will continue in reality under a Harris/Walz administration.
I can’t believe Trump’s going to win again. What a world.
The Trump boos at the Stealers game, middle fingers up, the Schittsinpants salute!
Let me interpret that for you in case there’s any doubt, “Fuck Trump!”
Grifting fucking criminal a legend in his own mind, a mind rapidly deteriorating into Catatonia and a padded cell! Too funny, lock his fat diaper-covered ass up!
His smell alone enough to kill a Kristi Noem pet!
Blue wave on the way. When the water leaves e shore line, go further out MAGA clowns, you’ll tech the next one.
Bring a snorkel with you, it’ll be a big one! lol.
MAGATS – Out The Door In 24!
Roevember the month to remember!
Trump won already. give it up. Were you referring to Biden as catatonic? That would make more sense
Trump already won? How? Especially since in real time I’ve watched the phrase ETTD spring into action as if it has a life of it’s own.
You do know that President Biden did what no other politician, aside from Gen Washington has ever done before? He put the good of the country front and center and passed the baton to his running mate and VP to continue the race.
But yeah, Oscar, Trump is such a “winner”. LOL He’s a conman and grifter who fleeced his base so thoroughly that the campaign is running out of money because no one has the cash to donate. Guess the watch, the Chinese bible, the shoes, and the list goes on, were a step too far.
Lol he was forced to do “pass the torch” how fucking embarrassing. He did such a great job lol.
Trump runs on the “Joe Biden should drop out” campaign, and when Biden does drop out, “it’s so unfair. It was a coup! I was running to stay out of jail and now they’re winning! I took away women’s health care and I’m going to stop Haitians from eating your dogs! I’m going to fire military leaders and use the military to round up 21 million immigrants! Isn’t that what you wanted? I’m going to get rid of Obama Care and kick kids off their parents insurance policies. I’m going to let pharmaceutical companies charge more and tax Americans on all imports. We’re going to put a national abortion ban in place! You’re going to have to pay more for everything but you’ll have the Ten Commandments in all the schools! I’m going to get rid of the Dept of Education so you can use public school funding for Christian schools! Never mind your property taxes will go up, your kids will get to learn about Adam and Eve! We’re going to give Ukraine to Putin and get out of NATO! We’re going to get rid of the Palestinians and make Gaza a resort. I’m putting a Trump resort right on the beach! We’re going to privatize social security and get rid of Medicare. Medicaid is history! We’re going to put in a national sales tax and get rid of the child tax credit! We’re going to monitor your pregnancy to make sure you have your Uncle’s child! Why am I losing?”
Awwww, Donnie have you shit your diaper again? JD, get your ass over here and change your Daddy’s diaper! And bring some of those breath mints too!
“How are we coming with those Real Men Wear Diapers T-shirts?”
Lol. They won’t come visit. Not because they’re bikers. It just so happens, they don’t like Rikers!
“Lock his ass up!”
Padded cell for the old man Donnie Dementia! Get him a Fire Chief hat, he’ll be fine!
lol grinding your gnarled little troll teeth? seethe.
I understand Rikers is using MBAs to come up with a cost model for a new paradigm in terms of correctional facilities, this one called “assisted living,” a new concept for Trump’s incontinence. They’re having a bit of a problem finding someone to clean him up when he shits his diapers, ‘bout three times a day, depending on the Adderall intake.
Should be one of the easiest gigs for the secret service though, easy to guard someone already guarded!
I dunno, maybe get some of those newly arrived migrants to take on the job. They can just put him in a shower and hose him down.
Let him wear his Fire Chief hat, it’ll be easier to get him into the shower!
Too funny! The boy is on his way to Catatonia!
Get out the vote! History being made. Be a part of it!
MAGATS – Out The Door In 24!
We’re NOT going back!
Oscar, unlike your hero Trump, Biden wasn’t forced to do anything. You are thinking of Trumps victims. Easy to do when part of the cult.
And yes, President Biden did a great job, thank you for noting his amazing accomplishments. An economy that’s the envy of the world? Yeah. Well done Biden Admin.
keep talking shit, its doing you so well!
Wonder if Synergy will show his face around here anymore. Id feel pretty embarrassed.. actually mortified, had I talked that much shit about the opponent and then they just landlsided. Oh no!
The “landslide” of fools who believed Trump’s lies doesn’t make Synergy’s “shit about the opponent” any less true.
Only In the MAGA alternate universe is winning an election by 2% a “landside.”