Video Message from Mikey Weinstein on Trump Firing “Woke” Generals and his Christian Supremacist Pick for Defense Secretary

“Trump’s desire to use the military with his MAGA-infused worldview includes creating something called a ‘Warrior Panel’ … to review all the current generals and admirals out there to determine whether or not they’re too ‘woke’ to continue in the military.”
— MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein, who has been inundated with calls from MRFF’s many flag officer (generals and admirals) clients and supporters who are uneasy, to put it mildly, about Trump’s “woke”-purging plans for the military and Christian supremacist pick for SECDEF
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- February 5, 2025 | 14 comments
- February 5, 2025 | No comments
Thanks for your efforts. As a Christian I through our country’s freedoms I worship as I please. At the same time I want others to select whether they wish to worship how they worship or not to worship at all. We have a mutual friend, Neil Schwartz who I have coffee several times a week.
A lot of younger troops I hang around with are quite concerned at the direction the DOD is going to take. Recruiting has suffered and this has helped the DOD become more accepting of people who Trump would call “woke.” This direction has a huge potential impact on the morale and recruitment of the military over the coming years.
If Trump gets us into a war, he won’t have enough troops to fight it since there are not enough conservative/Christian people to fight it plus there is a declining birthrate in the USA due to corporate malfeasance which has caused people not to get marry or if they are marry, they can’t start a family or have additional kids to the ones that they already have.
Don’t kid yourself Gunther. As much as I would like to see only Christian’s serving in our military (laughing out loud), it ain’t gonna happen, especially given persistent recruitment shortages.
But ….. we have the strongest military in the world. The real fear is going to be in who’s leading it and what social programs are going to be decimated to pay for an increasingly costly military!
Over a $Trillion dollars a year now, base budget plus nuclear weapons, coast guard, black ops.
But … they own it ALL now. It’s on them in total. Do your thing MAGA! All on you now! You caught the car! No one else to blame – glorious MAGA tears will flow as they fuck it up for their own base.
I’d be laughing if the Gaza situation weren’t so tragic, the Muslim vote going against Kamala and now they’re begging Joe Biden to do something before he leaves office! Really? Fuck off! Shove them Trump votes right up your ass. And don’t forget to tell your brethren that Mike Huckabee is gonna take care of your Palestinian brothers and sisters in Gaza and the West Bank! “From the river to the sea,” – for Israel!
Went to my box of “fucks,” – empty. Looked in my box of “shits,” empty.
“You just go on with your bad self,” as they say in the south!
Synergy, the trouble is that many kids don’t want to go into the military since they don’t want to be cannon fodder for the wealthy people and corporations plus they have seen how the veterans been getting treated for decades.
Can’t have the strongest military when you have one of the lowest birthrates since 2008 and 1929 which means that far fewer babies/young people for military recruitment not to mention much of our stuff like computer chips are done overseas instead of being done in the USA.
Lol the death of woke. winning
You also cant have a strong military when the youngsters joining dont know the difference between man and woman.
What does not know the difference between a man and a woman have to do with having a strong military, Oscar?
You just answered your own question without even realizing it. Would you think we had a strong military if they didnt know the difference between a circle and a square? I dont think id be so confident.
No, Oscar, the question has nothing to do with having a strong military which is something which you failed to comprehend as usual.
Wrong as usual Gunther. Youll get there.
In the MAGA alternate universe where Oscar lives, knowing the difference between horses and donkeys requires denying the existence of mules.
Nope Oscar, you are wrong as usual and you will never get there.
Tom O, hasn’t prevented people like Oscar from being a jackass.
For those too thick-headed to understand the analogy, my last comment was to illustrate the irrationality of Oscar’s apparent claim at 10:53am 11/15 that anyone who accepts the existence of people who aren’t 100% male or female “dont know the difference between man and woman.”
MAGA and our local troll don’t understand a simple truth – a warrior is a warrior no matter how the externals present.
I wager if the humans at the top of our military valued warriors who pass the tests but aren’t cookie cutter soldiers there wouldn’t be the gap in recruitment. But it’s obvious that the only thing they value is themselves, well, it’s obvious to me.
Here’s a thought – instead of always prepping for war how about our military personnel prepared for peace. Sun Tzu had some thoughts about the subject – quite compelling, worthy of a read or two.
As I’ve been noodling about the subject, here is my take:
If all the branches of the military got together to help rebuild the areas of our country and territories devastated by Nature being Nature perhaps that would be a good recruiting tool.
How about being loud and proud about a First Amendment defense team? We are the US military, we represent (insert 30 second clip of all the religions practiced by active service members) and we ARE America?
How about a military so diverse that everyone who applies is found Something To Do. Yes, private sector but how about using the resources at hand, or isn’t that a motto of the military anymore? For every soldier in the field there are three or four times that number supporting them with tactical, supplies, nutrition, and the list goes on from there.
But no. We The People have authoritarianism. We have Nat C’s running the show (every knee will bend, conformity is the ticket!).
And how did religion take over our secular nation? We The People have calcified leaders in all our institutions – slow to change, resistant to new and better ideas to respond to the needs of the people here/now. And for those keeping up, I’m no longer speaking about just the USA Military.
Climate change is real and here/now. The temps rose the incremental amount warned about by the scientists back in the day, meaning there is no stopping it, not any more. Either We The People get with the program or the back to back hurricanes, midnight tornados, sink holes, and 500 year floods will be the least of our worries. Drought is affecting almost half of our country. Here in the west entire civilizations disappeared back in the day due to the water disappearing.
There are things to do to mitigate human suffering and We The People elected the clown car of corruption fully funded by our global adversaries. Brilliant.
Best takeaway? With the incoming admin’s ideas about demolishing our institutions – a feature and not the bug of the latest cabinet picks – there will be plenty of disasters to address as the world does it’s best to balance that which we humans tore asunder.
The globe will survive. Humans? I don’t care, do U?
Grey One Talks Sass, if God really exists, then his first and biggest mistake was creating the human race.
Terrible analogy and God doesnt make mistakes.
Oscar, with their full chest, says God doesn’t make mistakes.
OK – lets run with this using their logic using If/Then logic statements. Think that’s what they’re called. Been a minute since I tried to code (and took down most of the admin and executive computer abilities of the school I attended at the time but I don’t like to talk about that, SO, moving on).
If Oscar’s deity doesn’t make mistakes that means the LGBTAI+ community were created as their deity intended. So why doesn’t Oscar accept the LGBTQAI+ community as they are created?
If Oscar’s deity doesn’t make mistakes why doesn’t he celebrate the win of a Democratic president as the will of his deity?
If Oscar’s deity doesn’t make mistakes…. I’m sure others have their pet questions. I have more but most of mine focus on the absolute hypocrisy as exemplified by Oscar and others who believe what they’ve been told – or were paid to believe. Hard to tell the difference between absolute greed and jaw dropping ignorance.
And the kids come in to say ‘why not both?’
Gunther, the more I study deities and the energies attributed to them the more I get a good idea that humanity created their own deities.
My own understanding of *42 (the meaning of life, universe, and everything) is complicated, mostly because I have no maths, no absolute proofs verifiable by independent testing, which is devastating to my scientific soul (which I can’t believe is real because of aforementioned lack of evidence).
That said, I am convinced that the multiple dimensions predicted and foretold by both mathematic precision and the telling of myths from myriad cultures are here/now. And I am convinced that I interact with more than the few observed by most humans. I’m also convinced I’m not alone in my abilities. Lots of the skills and talent are covered in centuries of woo (the dogma which covers all things where power is on the line). I discarded all the woo, no deity exists that I’ve not already discarded as being of human creation. And that leaves me waiting on mathematicians to get me down fromthistreeoflife!!!! or words to that effect. As for being an Atheist? As I’ve been communicating with energies shaped like all the deities from all of history and some never recorded… I can’t say that. Also, Atheists say they don’t believe because deities don’t exist but there isn’t any proof of that claim. Somewhere between the Yes/No there is the grey of We Don’t Know. For me, that’s OK. Some humans, all they have is their faith and religion. Even for MAGA folks, I can’t take that away from them. It would be cruel and I’m not getting paid to be cruel, at least not this life. To be fair I don’t want anyone’s faith to be codified into our Constitution. The only way our experiment works is if faith is practiced in the home. the precepts of the Constitution in the public square.
Added note to all our MRFF crew and silent readers – sending Love (unconditional) your way. It is the season where family is mentioned a lot. Bio or logical, find your people, even if they aren’t always human. Even if Love can’t supply all the things (food, shelter), it is all we need.
If God doesn’t make mistakes, Oscar, then why are we having problems with each other on this planet he created and why are we still dealing with evil when God sent the Devil to hell? Seems to me God can’t keep the Devil locked up because the Devil keeps coming in and out of Hades as if he owns the place. In addition, we wouldn’t have a need to create laws and have a criminal and civil court system for violations of those laws, now wouldn’t we?
God doesn’t make mistakes? 750,000 to 1,000,000 miscarriages each year in the U.S., preventable by God?
He doesn’t like us? I know he has a disdain for firemen, saved Trump but took out a fireman behind him, and injured a couple others, but the rest of us?
If I started praying would that help? Not sure I’d get past the heavenly sincerity detector but willing to do my part.
God doesn’t make mistakes? Then explain Oscar, why do we have 828 million people in the world that go to bed hungry every night? Why isn’t God distributing the fishes and the loaves like his son did?