FINAL DAY for Fully Tax Deductible 2024 Donations, Donate to MRFF Now – Anonymous Donors Matching up to $50,000!

Outstanding Donation Letter From Two MRFF Supporters: “Salute to Military Religious Freedom Foundation”
“We are writing to let you all know that this year we are doubling our customary end-of-year donation! […] we strongly believe now more than ever that such action is more than warranted.”
—U.S. Army Security Agency Voice Intercept Operator/Russian and
U.S. Air Force Air Traffic Controller
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- February 5, 2025 | 14 comments
- February 5, 2025 | No comments
Ill make a donation if 0% ends up in your own pocket.
MRFF doesn’t want your donation! Go buy yourself another MAGA hat. Makes it easy to spot stupid in a crowd!
We are “the crowd” home boy. we proved that this election, memba?
Let’s see how that works out for ya homie! LMAO.
All yours now bubba gump! No tears now. Big boys don’t cry!
That $2 dollar tax break ain’t gonna help at Walmart – you know, tawiffs!
“Git yersef one of ‘em air Ford duble duty super king cay-abs. Thems made cheap down air in metzico! Evin comes widda exter set a rubber balls fer yer bumper! If ya git it for Janawary 20uf, they done throwed in won of ‘em air cryin towels! Can evin use it ta buf yer head for ya put yer maga hat on!”
Spotting stupid has never been this easy!
Christian nationalism is a great idea and you should GTF OUT of the WAY.
Christian Nationalism cums in many flavors. Are they all a great idea or just the flavor you swallow?
Did you pull that outta the Jesus closet in yer head or out from under your MAGA hat? Not much in either place.
Nationalist Christians, a great idea? Really?
So, how goes the purity tests? That’s the thing about being a “pure blood”; once ‘purity’ is obtained all that remains is idiocy. Don’t believe me. History is replete with examples.
But hey, y’all do you. Unconstitutional followers of a prosperity based Christ, or as he’s known in Revelations – the anti-Christ. Well done lads, you’re the baddies.
Daniel and Oscar. One and the same? Or MAGA versions of Robby Ruff and Tommy Tuff!
Keep wearing them MAGA hats! Wouldn’t be hard to pick you out without them but easier from a distance. You know, early warning. “Here comes dumb and dumber!”
BTW, “Getting the fuck out of the way” would imply your God is not as powerful as you think he is. You know, pushing a non-christian out of the way is just too easy for a supernatural creator being!
I’m guessing you think he needs your help?
Because …… he’s too old now? Hard of hearing? Lost interest? Moved on to new worlds? Out to lunch? Still on vacation? Only answers to real Christians?
Does he talk to you? Has he asked you for help? You know, are you hearing voices?
They have meds for that! :-)
Lol unhinged leftists on the loose, look out everyone. Blue haired baristas with pin button jackets are easy to spot in a crowd too.
Amazing how Christian trolls that never served in the military have the biggest mouths when it comes to armchair quarter-backing military issues!
“Ah got me won of ‘em air set a rubber balls on mah bumper hee-ich an a AR15 sticker in the winder rat besides mah National Russia Associashun Life Member decal!”
Sound like rednecks with paper assholes flapping in the breeze!
Parodies of themselves!
Hard to investigate homicides in their neck of the woods. DNA all the same and no dental records!
Oh Francis, you’re cute too.
wow! leftism and liberalism failing across the world in record speed. Blackface Trudeau, the worlds biggest idiot, forced to resign this week too! This year really is the death of woke. Hallelujah!! Its so beautiful, the epic failure of leftist policy.
I admit, for those of us who value honor and honesty these are indeed dark times. Well, it’s all a matter of perspective innit?
No matter if Harris/Walz had won the 2024 election millions of our fellow citizens remained enamored with authoritarians and a forced obedience to extreme Christianity. No matter how good the Harris/Walz plans were for the economy and healthcare there would have remained the hatred of the other, the idea that the existence of an ‘other’ was a personal affront to white supremacists who claim without evidence that they and they alone were responsible for creating our great nation.
Here/now? The authoritarians and theocrats are exposed to the light of day, the best cleanser ever.
We The People have survived hard times before, we can do it again. We know what needs to be done to prevent current events from happening ever again. We know the way the Robber Barons and Priest class grifters operate. We just have to keep our heads down in order to survive to fight another day.
Our policies didn’t fail. If they had failed the buyers remorse from the MAGA cult wouldn’t be as epic as it’s been. And my friends reports of voters who chose the face eating leopards whining because their faces are getting eaten have been epic and delicious.
President Biden’s admin gave We The People a road map of how to come back after the disastrous next four years. This ain’t rocket science and We The People got this.
Also – remember the most important thing that no one can take from you – who you are and who you love. That’s yours, all yours. Remember.
Go woke, go broke…. even in politics. The quicker the democratic party learns, the quicker you can get back on track and put up a viable candidate. Youve got to get rid of all your loser progressive “leaders” and ridiculous progressive ideologies. The. you can entice voters with the old Democratic style. Progressives and liberals hijacked your party and tanked it. you guys never learn though.
You sound worried Francis. I mean, your rhetoric is the same as it ever was but the idea of you giving the Democratic Party advice? On candidates???
It is laughable except for the part where you don’t see your alignment with the degenerates in the GOP/MAGA/DOGE.
The Democratic Party has never been and will never be a party of sexual predators, frauds, cheats, and grifters as we tend to kick them where they belong – to the curb. Your side on the other hand has a few sexual predators and drug addicts to spare and doesn’t care about such things as long as the one doing the crimes is the correct shade of pale.
Stay worried Francis. I read somewhere that worry is a good substitute for hate, your personal drug of choice. It’s not the same but should stave off your hatred cravings.
We did say this will be a long four years and in walks Francis to make the point.
Francis thinks Trump’s ‘bout to put some money in his/her pocket.
He told you he was going to increase your taxes – tariffs? Ring a bell?
New tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy? Didn’t he tell you that too? But don’t worry. He’s going to borrow that money to pay for it, from China, Japan, and U.S. corporations that he gave a tax cut to! You’re going to pay US corporations interest on the tax cut money he gave them that they loan back to the government – twice taxed! ‘Bout to get fucked twice!
Mass deportations = higher prices? I think he said that too!
25% tax on Mexico & Canada. Where do you think 30% of your lumber comes from? 66.4% of cars we drive imported from Mexico? Now 25% increase in price (a tax).
Repeal Obama Care? Higher prices (taxes) when you pay for those emergency visits by the uninsured. 530,000 medical bankruptcies/year in the U.S. Kids kicked off their parents policies at 18 instead of 26. Johnny got in a car wreck and had to be hospitalized? Johnny’s mom & dad ‘bout to file them some bankruptcy for that three week stay in the ICU!
He’s gonna borrow some more money to “build that wall!” More money to China!
He added $8 Trillion to the national debt last go round. He’ll at least double it this go round. Means you pay interest to China on those “loans” that China, in turn, uses to grow their military power. Course, when the Chinese spend on their military, they get it at Chinese prices, about 10% of what we spend when we buy US made weaponry. Twice fucked again! Example: A Patriot PAC 3 missile runs around $4 million per copy. The Chinese equivalent, the HQ-29 runs around $500,000 per copy.
Typical MAGAT. Hasn’t a clue what “woke” means. A racist trope used by MAGATS that are ‘bout ta find out! For MAGATS, “woke” means, “anything we don’t like!”
You gonna be calling Trump “woke” in short order! His buddy Elon already firing American senior engineers to be replaced by Indian H1B grads – so much cheaper! Not to mention – indentured! Too funny!
But you know, ‘Merika!
We’re past the Fuck Around stage – you ‘bout to find out!
Keep your mouth shut, show fealty, you’ll be alright! Oh, pray a lot!
You know how they’ll know if you’re not showing enough fealty? Your fellow MAGATS!
Enjoy your new country! LMAO.
Lol, unless you think theres going to be another Wuhan wu-flu leak, how could he possibly double that 8 trillion? Thats the dumbest fucking embellishment Ive ever heard.
Hide and watch!
Daniel and Francis think Christian nationalism and attacking minorities are great because they aren’t smart enough to understand that they and their religion will not be in the majority for long. The laws and social norms they are promoting now that eliminate the separation of religion and government will soon bite them in the ass badly, when they are a minority. And nobody will shed a tear for them when the laws are being made by atheists, Muslims, etc. There’s no cure for stupid.
FrancisDwebe admits the COVID virus/pandemic was a problem for the Orange-Man in terms of culpability as well as the $8 Trillion run up to the debt without so much as a “by your leave” considering the interest on the money being paid to support China’s military build up using the U.S. taxpayer’s American Express card!
“Make China’s Military Great Again!” The $70 Billion hand-out we give China each year in interest – yeah, it goes further in the Chinese military industrial base – cheap labor – they get a lot more for their money!
Canada and Mexico – bordering on stupidity!
Trump, backing away from his Chinese threats (realizing China talks soft but carries a Kenpo stick), now saying he’s going to use military force to take over Panama and Greenland (don’t look over there, look over here!). Kind of like Ronald Reagan did when he invaded Grenada to free college students that didn’t know they needed to be liberated.
You know, find yourself an obscure country to slap around to show the world what a tiny little pee pee you have! So predictable.
Or, do something a bit bolder, a Republican bent fueled by male phallic insecurity, like George Bush did, you know, the Saudis directly attacked the United States (twin towers), and Georgie Boy invades Iraq!
‘Bout par for Republicans! 20 years of borrowing more and more, the Defense Department completely clueless where the money went but the military industrial base popping the champagne corks! Woohoo!
Trump says, from a direct quote, if the hostages aren’t released by Hamas BEFORE he takes office, “all Hell is going to break out!” And he’s going to do what ….. bomb Gaza? Bomb Lebanon, Syria, Yemen? And …… I’m guessing he does get to put up a Trump Tower on beach front property in Gaza. Or maybe, naw, couldn’t be about the oil and gas fields off Gaza and in the West Bank – could it?
“Hey there all you Christian men, Uncle Trump needs a helping hand, way over yonder in the desert sand! And it’s one, two, three, what are we fighting for …..!” Credit Country Joe.
“OK Donnie, we know you’ve got big hands” (our eyes deceive us, but if you say so)!
War is too easy to get into, especially when he can charge it to your unborn Grandchildren’s American Express card!
The cost of US military intervention, conservatively, $300 Million/day, all borrowed money, your grand children get to pay for it. But you’ll be checking out by the time they’re old enough to complain about it! You’ll be in the clouds on streets of gold, er, wait a minute, do clouds have – never mind, you’ll be in a better place!
Not to mention the new taxes he’s imposing on his MAGA minions on day one – 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico, brown laborers being rounded up – “we’re tired of them Goddamned Mexicans picking our lettuce! We need some good white Christian kids in those lettuce fields!”
I can see a doubling of the $8 Trillion addition to the National debt – even more money to China!
Trump is to the world what cancer is to its host!
“He lost his battle with cancer!” No, they both died!
OK MAGA. All yours! Have fun with it! Brace for impact! As the joke goes, “You ain’t never seen no mother fucking wreck like we ‘bout to get into!” :-) Watching MAGA own themselves – satire at its best! Militant irony!
The topic Climate Change being real is implied by the excitement of the #45-7 admin as they leap to annex Greenland and Canada in order to control the North-West passage. Many ships were lost trying to navigate from one pond to the other before setting their sites on a more southern strategy – looking at you Panama. Control of minerals too, as if what has already been ripped from the planet hasn’t caused enough chaos. There must be a better way. Kids – all my plans have met the enemy. You got anything?
Synergy, interesting catch pointing out that FrancisDeBe acknowledged the reality of COVID19. Of course they blame anything except for the actual reasons (the hubris of humans eating Pangolins) but baby steps.
That leads We The People to here/now wherein avian flu crossed species into cows and jumped to a few humans. The scientists I read expressed concern because where there is one crossover more will follow. Eggs are going to remain expensive as entire laying flocks are decimated by the disease. Wild flocks too which is problematic as their feces fall where they may. Lots of advisories to empty water sources near to those who keep flocks of birds. Lots of suggestions as to how to decontaminate ones shoes to ensure ones domestic critters aren’t harmed.
Dear reader, if you haven’t heard of the bird flu issue I wonder why? Curiosity may have killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. Go looking outside your bubble for things not covered by the bubble.
Get curious. Greatest discoveries in human kind haven’t been preceded with Eureka but Hmm, that’s odd.
You think Covid came from humans eating Pangolins? They must have given you the “good stuff”, those are some serious delusions, especially when our own government acknowledges the likeliness of a lab leak in ol’ Wuhan. I know, i know, your desperate liberal need to NOT come off as xenophobic is making you retarded.
While FrancesDwebe lives in the past focusing on, well, you know, things in the past like the Bible saying the earth is flat, the rest of the world is looking at us like we’re an exhibit in a psyche ward, putting more distance between us.
I don’t think the virus really cares where it came from but what’s important to a MAGAT dwebe? That grandma was killed by the Chinese, just like Trump said. The fact that grandma is dead isn’t part of the equation, it doesn’t enter their heads. Her and the million others that died (mostly MAGAT non-vaxxers, no masks, gather in large crowds, pray), who cares? That’s not the important part. It’s, “it came from China!” “‘Em air goddamn chi-a-neeze kilt my me maw!”
So, following that illogic, if, say, Trump were to contract a deadly virus (oh, wait a minute, he did), then, determining where it came from would be more important than injecting him with his favorite disinfectant? Damn – he should have demanded it! Clorox on an IV drip? Goddamned woke doctors!
MAGATS – conquering thought one neuron at a time!
“FranciseDebe” is upset, so much so they misspelled their name.
Synergy, you are correct. It doesn’t matter where the virus originated, not when dealing with the consequences of so many sick.
I got curious during lockdown so I went looking. Found a huge bunch of data about humans, insanely rich humans, deciding to muck about in the fringes. Critters each have their own issues as evidenced by the latest round of avian flu. And pangolins should never be harvested for market.
Too many egos needing shielding to really know any origin story, at least that’s my take on the situation. Remove ego from the drivers seat and maybe humanity has a chance.
Pangolins as a source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus?
Although the origin matters, the MAGA proletariat will eat anything they’re fed, exhibiting hostility towards any challenge to their enlarged amygdala, preconceived notions!
Plato’s cave men! Four centuries before their Jewish God-savior, MAGA described to a tee, Marjorie Taylor Green the quintessential poster girl of Plato’s tome, her frame of reference Trump’s puppet shadow cast against the cave walls.
Prescient, the allegory lost on the cave men and women that walk among us!