“Salute to Military Religious Freedom Foundation: We are writing to let you all know that this year we are doubling our customary end-of-year donation!  […] we strongly believe now more than ever that such action is more than warranted.”

Published On: December 30, 2024|Categories: MRFF's Inbox, Top News|2 Comments|
Words reading Thank You on a blank background

From: (MRFF Supporter’s E-mail Address Withheld)
Subject: Salute to Military Religious Freedom Foundation
Date: December 30, 2024 at 4:12:00 PM MST
To: Michael L Weinstein <[email protected]>

Dec. 30, 2024

Dear Mikey Weinstein, and all at MRFF,

We are writing to let you all know that this year we are doubling our customary end-of-year donation!  Given the current, increasingly existential threats to our traditionally non-partisan and secular military, we strongly believe now more than ever that such action is more than warranted.  

With the imminent Trump 2.0 presidency, we are now facing such blatantly outrageous prospects not only for Department of Defense leadership, but also so many patently unconstitutional proposed policies as mandated by Project 2025!  

In our view, one of the most reprehensible and problematic of those intended policies is a politically-driven “military review board” plainly intended to purge higher-level officers who do not toe the line with Christian Nationalism and who are not explicitly loyal to the future president, rather than to the U.S. Constitution and the non-partisan democratic principles it represents.  Disgraceful.  

So much for an apolitical military and the separation of church and state!  When we both took our solemn oaths to the Constitution and gave up years of our lives to our respective branches of service, we did not do so in defense of any of this insulting nonsense

As an aside, we find a DoD Secretary Pete Hegseth so abjectly repulsive and manifestly unsuitable in terms of both fitness and qualifications that among our friends we have taken to calling him “Hogsbreath”—a term that better suits the reality of the man his own mother so aptly described in her notorious takedown of him and his behavior.  Such an insulting nomination to say the least.

Mikey, you and your staff at MRFF devotedly remain the reliable and worthy rock that our steadfast resistance to these Trump-led antidemocratic threats rests on.  Members of our uniformed services who fear that their freedom of religion and conscience is at stake, should unquestionably know that they can absolutely count on MRFF at any time to step in and advocate on their behalf!  

For that highly commendable reason we extend our very best wishes to all at MRFF for perseverance, continued successes and good health in 2025 – notwithstanding all the very challenging and dire uncertainties that await us all!

Keep on carrying on!  Boy, does it matter, and we know – as ever! – that MRFF is up to the task!! 

(Name withheld)
U.S. Army Security Agency
Voice Intercept Operator/Russian (1968-1972)

(Name withheld)
U.S. Air Force
Air Traffic Controller (1974-1980) 
Washington, DC

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  1. Grey One talks sass December 31, 2024 at 4:14 am

    It is good to know about those who appreciate the efforts of the MRFF family. And yes, while not biological the group who gather at this site is to me a logical family.

    Of course we squabble, how else to work out thorny issues? But deep down there is respect that we’ve all committed ourselves to something bigger than our individual selves. We all are bound together as Americans defending our originating documents.

    As 2024 closes and the prospect of 2025 looms (with all its projects can campaign promises) remember this – the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Remember this too – resistance is in our blood, it’s in the air we breathe and the foods we eat.

    I remain as always A Pirate at heart and resistance fighter to the core. Happy New Year MRFF!

  2. Synergy January 5, 2025 at 8:31 am

    They own it now Grey One! Let ‘em have it! On them – entirely!

    It’s nice not having responsibility for the outcome!

    The predictions are so easy:

    Immediate tax cut for corporations and the wealthy, couple trillion added to the debt right out of the gate. More subsidies to China’s military to pay the interest on the loans they give us.

    New taxes (tariffs) on Walmart shoppers, those that need a car/truck, people who eat!

    Auto industry decimated, unable to compete in global markets. “Drill Baby Drill!”

    Big Ag in America loses Bigly – exports diminished as China moves away from U.S. farming.

    Fuel for BRICS and trashing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

    Higher inflation.

    What should be raising the interest rate to fight inflation will be a mandated lowering of the rate through Trump’s kiss-ass Fed Chair – stagflation.

    Immediate borrowing of $83 Billion to start rounding up “brown people.”

    A few hundred billion borrowed to build that wall again!

    Increased opiate abuse, not less. More deaths of despair.

    Repeal of Obama Care – pre-existing conditions back on board, lack of coverage. Kids kicked off their parent’s health care policies at 18 instead of 26. Higher costs to pay for those corporate bodyguard teams and increased corporate profit.

    Public education money funneled to private schools to supplement the wealthy.

    Putting God back in Government (poverty increases).

    Getting rid of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

    Increased military budget, already well over a Trillion/yr.

    The G20 economically depressed. World-wide economic struggles.

    War with Iran. Get your kids signed up!

    Expansion of Israel, “from the river to the sea.”

    Ukraine back to Russia.

    And …. A Christianized military! Good! Let ‘em go fight the wars they start!

    On a positive note, no more Haitians eating your dawgs! :-)

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