Christian Nationalism Expert Frederick Clarkson Interviews MRFF’s Mikey Weinstein for In-Depth Article on SECDEF Nominee Pete Hegseth

Published On: January 16, 2025|Categories: Featured News|76 Comments|

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  1. J.P. January 17, 2025 at 11:06 am

    It is truly a pity that more people have not seen this article — more so that Democratic Senators did not push back on this issue in Mr. Sneeze’s recent confirmation hearing in the Senate Armed Services Committee!

  2. Synergy January 17, 2025 at 12:28 pm

    ALL nominations are going to be confirmed!

    There’s no such thing as a political party in the United States, particularly now with Trump’s corporate appointment (not that Democratic leadership is other than corporate appointments).

    We should make them wear jackets with logos representing their corporate donations similar to NASCAR.

    If you don’t believe it then I’d refer you to George Carlin’s long ago spot on comedy regarding the “illusion” of “the vote.”

    We are a Corporatocracy, now more than ever with Trumpian attributes.

    Unfortunately, we fuck up everything we touch as a result of the disparate corporate interests, in other words, it’s not people’s interest driving the train, it’s competing corporate interests that creates disjointed policy that creates an Ununited States.

    We pushed Europe, for example, in our sanctions against Russia over the war in Ukraine with the result being that Europe AND Russia are now turning to the Chinese, leaving us further isolated economically, politically, and soon to be, militarily.

    Trump trying to push countries around over “NATO expenditures,” furthering the divide, pushing NATO to rethink their military alliance with the U.S. I mean, what would you do? China here I come!

    Trump thinks he can use his bullying style of negotiation just like he has his whole life, in this case, the difference being that we’re talking negotiations between COUNTRIES, not a migrant immigrant pool of manual laborers he’s using to trim the hedges at Mar A Lago!

    In other words, he’s fucking stupid. He doesn’t get it!

    Going forward, you can put the genie back in the bottle, but Trump is more likely to double down. Now it’s an ego issue rather than a diplomatic issue where a clear mind should prevail, the interest of the nation at stake vs Trump’s image (in his mind).

    Unfortunately, we’re going to pay the price for Trump’s fireman hat, toot the horn ego, China probably laughing at his every move, further cementing their inroads to economic global dominance, rise of the BRICS, “Delete America” campaign, de-dollarization globally. The dripping irony in all this is, as Trump borrows more (and he will – lots more – he added $8 Trillion to the debt last go round), he’s borrowing money from – you guessed it – China! Stupid is as stupid does!

    Buckle up! Gonna be a very bumpy ride! Pitch for airspeed, power for altitude! When the ride gets bumpy – slow the fuck down!

    My take on it. :-)

  3. Mrddchitsinitsownmouth January 17, 2025 at 4:43 pm

    “Trump trying to push countries around over “NATO expenditures,” furthering the divide, pushing NATO to rethink their military alliance with the U.S. I mean, what would you do? China here I come!”

    You are a fool if you think any European country is going to form a military alliance with a communist dictatorship.

    “We pushed Europe, for example, in our sanctions against Russia over the war in Ukraine with the result being that Europe AND Russia are now turning to the Chinese, leaving us further isolated economically, politically, and soon to be, militarily.”

    Glad you agree that getting involved in that war was the worst mistake we could have made.

  4. Synergy January 18, 2025 at 3:42 am

    Reading obviously not your strong suit! The term was “sanctions,” but, you know MAGA, comprehension levels on the decline in their race to the bottom.

    Hope you don’t have children! If you do, my sympathy for them. Might want to get yourself another trailer or at least the other half to that single-wide. Your kids are going to be living with you for a very long time!

    Make Double-wides Great Again!

  5. Jkkjff January 18, 2025 at 4:48 am

    Hey retard, sanctions ARE getting involved in their war.

  6. Jkkjff January 18, 2025 at 4:50 am

    You can stay bitter for four years and sound dumb as fuck or you can get on the train…. its about to leave the fuckin station without you.

  7. Synergy January 18, 2025 at 5:15 am

    A communist dictatorship? As opposed to a Corporate dictatorship? Now that’s funny!

    Is that an admission that communism is more successful, China kicking ass in technological development? Hmmm, how’s that work? “Communist” China to surpass the U.S. as world’s leading economy in 2030?

    China’s debt at 83% of GDP, U.S. debt at 123% of GDP (that number will rise significantly under Trump).

    I know, we’ll get rid of those “woke” professors in our universities, that’ll do it! Get some home-schooled Christians to compete with China! Flat earth, the firmament, gravity, “theory” of evolution. You just go on with your bad self!

    Trump already threatening tariffs against ….. the world, for joining the BRICS – de-dollarization. Chinese exports to the U.S. 2.3% of Chinese GDP. Okie dokie! Yeah, that’ll bring China to its knees!

    25% tariffs on Mexico, those 2.5 million cars (Ford, GM) we import from Mexico each year, hmmm. Chinese made cars sold in America – Buick, Lincoln, Volvo, Polestar.

    “Under Communism Man exploits Man. Under Capitalism, it’s just the opposite!”

    My Man! Keep trying bro. You’ll get there!

  8. Synergy January 18, 2025 at 5:40 am

    I think you meant the Titan submersible!

    The inaugural parade? Yeah, he’s bringing a garbage truck! ‘Bout sums it up!

    Let us know how that works out for ya!

    Support the MRFF!

  9. Jkkjff January 18, 2025 at 7:28 am

    Ill be fine, thanks for caring. Get a better leader in the MRFF and I’ll consider supporting it. Not a fucking man child.

  10. Jkkjff January 18, 2025 at 7:44 am

    I suggest you put up a decent candidate and get your fucking party in order over the next four years. Its obvious you lost because of the “woke” and “progressive” bullshit social policies that the vast majority does not fucking want. People want traditional values to remain in place and border security, its clear as day but you guys are too stupid to take notice. Get that through your thick fucking skulls and youve made progress already! Hopefully your party will learn and make the needed changes. Ill even vote democrat if you put up a competent who isnt going to pander to the 1% percent of nutcases in this country. This is the perfect summation of the shit show that was the last four years:

  11. Grey One talks sass January 18, 2025 at 2:18 pm

    From my latest cat toy, err, troll. “You can stay bitter for four years and sound dumb as fuck or you can get on the train…. its about to leave the fuckin station without you.”

    Get on the train? You gotta be kidding me. No thank you. You go ahead.

    Regarding chasing commerce to China, it’s already happened or has everyone forgotten the tariff war with China during the last Trump admin? China said forgeddaboutit and took their grain orders to Venezuela. Farms subsidies? Ring a bell?

    OK then, next topic. “I suggest you put up a decent candidate…”

    Putting up a decent candidate. A decent candidate. Huh, what do you Dear Readers think the troll means by that? I mean, on paper Kamala Harris checked every freaking box. We The People have NEVER had a presidential candidate who has worked in all three branches of our government. Experience, plans following the lines of for the good of all and may it harm none. I looked. Only entities hurt were the very rich and corporations, and by hurt I mean their profiteering and rapacious ways were curtailed a wee bit. They still got to have their way but they had to pay for it. Seemed fair to me but the whole campaign was labeled as ‘woke’ so there you go. If woke means one believes in science, mathematics, physics, the power of love, acceptance, compromise, and finding a use for everyone’s talent as woke then I’ve been awake since I was born.

    Next topic: “People want “traditional values” to remain in place…” Not touching border security. There was a bill. I didn’t like it but it was approved by everyone in power on the MAGA side. President-elect Felon said no and the bill was scrapped. You have NO Standing on this topic. EVER.

    Sigh. Traditional is carrying a lot of weight here. So our troll is in favor of debtors prisons, consensual slavery, anyone not white or Christian is less than meaning only useful for menial tasks, women regulated to forced birthing machines, like that kind of traditional?

    There is another way.

    On my side of the conversation I also have some traditional values, that sacred is sacred and it doesn’t matter how my neighbor lives their life as long as everyone under their roof is free from harm. And no, exposing kids to the reality that LGBTQIA+ humans exist is not abuse.

    Love is one of my top traditional values along with the idea of home, good foods, good conversations, and love again because it’s just worth mentioning more than once.

    My side, which is your side too if you live in love, will win. How do I know? Love is a candle flame. Hate, anger, everything MAGA represents here/now is dark. Light a candle and the darkness cannot overcome it. That’s how I know.

  12. Synergy January 18, 2025 at 10:13 pm

    Trump calls Xi of China, says he and Xi are going to get a lot done together. Um, so, the trade deficit with China is going to get bigger under Trump!

    When Trump left office, the trade deficit with China was $308 Billion. Today, it’s $270 Billion. Lower under Biden than Trump.

    Let’s see what the deficit with China is ant the end of this year!

    Trump is, apparently, not going to hit China with tariffs after all! Says he and Xi are good buddies. They’re such good buddies that Trump begged him to come to the inauguration but Xi says no, “but I’ll send one of my boys!”

    Going to be an indoor event this go round, pissing off his base. Spent thousands to go see it and he cancels the outdoor part, little too cold for Donnie! Maybe too cold for the billionaire buds he invited, Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg. Those three alone having more wealth than 160 million Americans.

    That $Trillion dollar debt the U.S. owes to China? Hey, free money for the Chinese military industrial complex.

    The Forex showing a stronger dollar against other currencies, which Trump wants, but it means other countries don’t have to devalue their own currency to sell products to the U.S., Trump doing it for them! Means less exports for US companies and … you guessed it …. higher trade deficits, which means more borrowing and more interest paid to foreign governments.

    But, he can cut US corporate taxes, which the corporations can then loan back to the government so, not only do they pay less in taxes, they earn interest on it as well! Nice little scam!

    Wonder if Trump asked Xi about China’s “Delete America” project? You know, BRICS!

    Make China Great Again!

    Yeah, sounds like you’re off to a good start Donnie, spending like a drunken sailor before you even get into office!

    Said he’d solve Ukraine in 24 hrs, before he got into office. Damn Donnie, how long does it take you to give Ukraine to Vladdy? You’re slipping brother!

    One thing we know for sure, rounding up brown people on Jan 21st! Gonna have to get some white kids to work in the local McDonalds!

    Almost forgot, 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico, 30% of our imported oil comes from Canada and 2.5 million cars/yr from Mexico.
    What’s those oil and auto CEOs saying Donnie?

    You know who owns the biggest oil refinery in the U.S.? Saudi Arabia!

    China owns 400,000 acres of U.S. farmland. Not much actually. You know which country owns the most land in the U.S.? Canada!

    He’s created the External Revenue Service to take care of all that tax money Americans are gonna pay for tariffs. So, he’ll need a few hundred billion to set it up so he can collect all those taxes from “you the people!” More money borrowed from the Chinese!

    Trump’s afraid of Xi. He’s not afraid of his base though. He owns them, they’ll do what he tells them to do! He got what he wanted, and told you that to your face – your vote! Now fuck off, says Donnie!

    Sucks to be MAGA! Hold out your hand. Donnie’s gonna put some Chinese yuan in it! After he pays the interest on those loans! :-)

  13. Jkkjff January 18, 2025 at 10:44 pm


  14. Synergy January 19, 2025 at 3:29 am

    There’s a revolution on the horizon but not the one that MAGATS want!

    It’s going to come in the form of new strategic alliances as the U.S. continues to self isolate. “‘Merika!”

    You think Elon Musk is going to give up his relationship with China? OBTW, Trump can’t hurt Elon. Elon will pay him off, give him a fireman hat, pat him on the head and send him on his way!

    You think Trump is going to hurt China? While his base is distracted with rounding up brown people, abortion, trans issues, and other shiny objects, as well as trying to figure out who’s going to pick lettuce, the rest of the world is moving on!

    Good luck with your diet! No more Trump steaks, he’s getting rid of the slaughterhouse workers!

  15. Grey One talks sass January 19, 2025 at 3:29 am

    Baps Jkkjff off the shelf.

    I know troll. Only you get to write long posts. Or at least that’s your sincerely held belief.

    Bap. Bap. Oh poop. Under the refrigerator.

  16. Jkkjff January 19, 2025 at 6:39 am

    Youve been wrong on soooo many occasions. Remember how you swore Trump would be in jail by now? Remember how you swore there was zero chance he would win the presidency? Remember how you swore all his legal cases wouldnt get thrown out. Remember how you said youd leave the country? You have ZERO credibility. None of the things you say are going to happen, you are just another democratic fear mongering hack.

  17. Jkkjff January 19, 2025 at 6:40 am

    BTW, happy inauguration day!

  18. Grey One talks sass January 19, 2025 at 10:28 am

    Troll, who are you talking to? There are several of us on this post. To me it sounds like “old man yells at cloud”, but again, that’s just me.

    President-elect Felon (not president until Monday) skated on all accountability thanks to the Project 2025 Supreme Court who said Presidents have absolute immunity for official acts but then declined to define a single official act.

    Thanks SCOTUS for pointing out how easy to bypass all the checks and balances supposedly put in place by the Founding Fathers. In the line of ‘there oughta be a law’ when We The People get our country back on track as a Democracy We have so much work to do to ensure this situation never happens again.

    Troll, the only cases dismissed (not thrown out) were at the Federal level. The evidence is still the evidence which is why the files have been handed over to various State AG’s for them to continue the fight. Whether or not anything comes of it I’ve no idea. But in a country where everyone is supposed to be equal under the rule of law the Supremes elevated one person to be above the law, in effect making them king. Lot’s of folks who know the law are fussy about this detail.

    The fact our troll celebrates the new monarchy tells me they were never interested in Democracy at all. Makes me wonder if they even live in our country.

  19. Grey One talks sass January 19, 2025 at 10:29 am

    Troll, you wrote Happy Inauguration Day on Sunday the 19th. You do know today is Sunday, correct?

  20. Synergy January 19, 2025 at 12:30 pm

    Trump wants the Panama Canal but it’s …. running out of water! Supply chains already disrupted as canal traffic is reduced by 1/3.

    “It’s a Chinese plot!”

    75% of canal traffic coming from the United States so, Trump’s plan is to annex the canal and make it solely used by the United States? Yeah, good luck with that.

    Course, 60% reduction of traffic through the Bab Al Man-dab straight, brought about, in large part, because of US policies supporting genocide in Gaza. You can bomb the shit out of Yemen but it doesn’t change the asymmetry of risk that insurance companies take on for any ship making its way through the Red Sea. We saw how that asymmetrical shit worked out in Iraq! You know, when we gave Iraq to Iran? Remember “the purge?” Five additional Brigades deployed to Baghdad after we paid the enemy not to attack us until after the purge was annonced a success! Remember Petraeus passing out during congressional testimony when the told him he was going back, this time to Afghanistan! Funny shit! But, you know, Iraq is now free – with Iranian attributes!

    In other words, a quick fix for world shipping disruptions not on the horizon.

    One passage affected by climate change, the other affected by turmoil, and both affected by Trump’s “staple genus” policy prescriptions. I’m sure the new Sec of State, Little Marco, will fix it with his vast foreign policy experience. Couple that with Hegseth’s Fox News experience and Tulsi Gabbard’s supreme Russian-national intelligence prowess and you’ve got a recipe for ….. well, let’s just say, “you’ve got a recipe!”

    Measure carefully! Too fucking funny watching the Trump Shit Show in its 2nd act. You know what they say about sequels!

    As the world turns, so goes the days of MAGAT lives!

    But let’s not worry about that, you know, we’ve got some brown people to round up and some Ten Commandment posters to put up in school classrooms!

    We’ve got to get the Crimson Tide back! Someone pull Saban out of retirement!

    Trump’s new directives: “Christianize the military and get their asses down to Panama! Hegseth, break out Two Corinthians. I think there’s something in there about global chaos! And tell everyone we’re banning any mention of climate change!”

    “Someone tell the 5th Fleet in Bahrain to break out the Iran attack plans!” “But Sir, the 5th Fleet is in the Red Sea!”

    “Then tell the External Revenue Service to start recruiting! Oh, and tell Mike Johnson we’re gonna be minting some silver clad ‘staple genus’ coins! I need to pay off some attorneys!”

    “How come my phone keeps going dead? Anyone got any lithium? This battery sucks! What? China has 40% of the world’s lithium reserves? Tell Australia we’re annexing the Greenbushes mine! Someone tell Elon he’s in the cell phone business now!”

    “But Sir, Elon went to China to talk to them about his new GIGA factory in Shanghai. He’s stopping in Mexico to talk about construction on his new GIGA factory in Monterrey! Then tell Bezos he’s now doing cargo! Amazon Prime! Get on it people! I want containers!”

    “Someone tell Elon to get back here, we’re annexing his ass! Does Greenland have lithium? Where’s my Fire Chief hat?”

    “Someone tell Scott Bessent we need some money! And don’t forget the Trump coins!

    “Where’s Kid Rock? Can he play YMCA?”

    Gotta love it! Staple Genus! Neanderthalian but, you know, staple!

    Funny as hell! The Keystone Cops were a swat team compared with the Trump shit show!

    Protect the Constitution. Support the MRFF!

  21. Synergy January 19, 2025 at 6:14 pm

    My predictions did not, unfortunately, factor in a South African winning the Presidency! Shame on me. Note to self. Let’s see how Elonia does!

    You say you don’t like long posts, but you admit to reading them? Fuck me! I didn’t think you could read!

    I understand Trump is getting into the green apple business! Gonna call them Granny MAGATS! Don’t eat too many! Make your tummy hurt! :-)

  22. Jkkjff January 19, 2025 at 7:17 pm

    Trump won the election, Elon was a bonus.

  23. Synergy January 19, 2025 at 8:16 pm

    You say Trump’s got a little boner for Elonia? That the plus part of their LGBTQ bromance?

    OK MAGATS, get out the guard. Round up tomorrow! No more birth right citizenship! Oh shit, Trump’s kids getting deported?

  24. J.P. January 19, 2025 at 10:22 pm

    Let’s skip past the trivial shouting past one another and get to brass tacks. When it comes to economic issues, along with international geopolitical concerns, there’s one historical truth: no one country/empire dominates forever. Over the past forty years, the US has prioritized our relationship with the PRC over the relationships with our allies around the world. There’s good reason for this from an American economic perspective: the PRC represents one of the two largest markets in the world (India is the other). Back in the 1970s, it made strategic sense to play production and consumption pat-a-cake with the Chinese, since it further isolated our Soviet rival. But the price of that strategic decision was that America would hasten the point in time when the rest of the world realized they could get along without us.

    That time has come, and short of strategic outreach to countries we’ve been shouldering out of the global spotlight — much as our previous and soon to be next President did in international forum after forum — we won’t recover anytime soon: China has built up such an advantage among the less-developed nations of Asia and Africa, that those nations have become dependent upon Chinese political and economic largesse. To them, our opportunity has passed — and no amount of “Make America Great Again” chanting will turn that tide.

    It’s not too late to make our alliances great again — but it will take a degree of national humility that the incoming Administration has shown no capacity for. It depends on manufactured indignation to maintain power, and it directs that indignation against those who could help us remain relevant upon the global stage: our neighbors in this hemisphere and our allies around the world.

    If you’re really interested in “making America great again”, you need to tell your Representatives and Senators to not fall for the former President’s attempts to grab power and do things that will further alienate our allies and neighbors. Because the fact of the matter is that, for most of American history, the rest of the world got along without us — and they can do so again.

  25. Jkkjff January 20, 2025 at 10:14 am

    “You say Trump’s got a little boner for Elonia? That the plus part of their LGBTQ bromance?”

    No such thing as trans, President of the United States affirmed it today. I can feel the cope in the air, its palpable and delicious! Victory for women today! Massive congratulations! Today couldnt get any better.

  26. Grey One talks sass January 20, 2025 at 10:42 am

    Troll says Transgender humans don’t exist because his hero made an executive order. Riiiiiggghhhttt.

    Ok kids, this has always been the plan. Flood the zone with so much crap that We The People are blinded.

    Simple things work. When possible an extra shower sometimes help return perspective. Taking a moment to breathe costs no monies.

    We know the facts. We also know in advance the oppositions agenda. Plan accordingly kids and remember this is a marathon not a sprint.

    Trolls going to troll. Can’t wait for their finding out, not that they’ll tell us when it happens.

  27. Jkkjff January 20, 2025 at 10:58 am

    ooooo theres some of that cope I was talking about. Thank you! it was delicious.

    Executive order, no such thing as trans. Fucking love it, restoring sanity to the US.

  28. Mark Sebree January 20, 2025 at 12:53 pm


    An executive order only means that the executive branch has this policy. In this case, it means that, because of the ignorance and bigotry of tRump, the executive branch refuses to recognize the reality that transgender people exist, and that they should have the same rights as cisgendered people.

    The executive order cannot overturn existing laws, and it cannot change reality. Doctors and scientists have known and acknowledged the existence of transgendered people for many years. Their studies have shown that they do exist, and they are different than homosexuals and bisexuals at a fundamental neurological level.

    If we want to restore sanity to the USA, we need to vote out the insane Republican Party members in Congress, Governors, and state legislatures, and vote in sane members of both parties. Right now, sane members of the Republican Party are being voted out and replaced by the insane ones.

  29. Jkkjff January 20, 2025 at 1:11 pm

    I think the best part of today was the decision to have the inauguration indoors. This made ot possible for Biden and Harris to only be 10 feet away from Trump as he shit all over them. You could see the embarrassment all over their faces…. absolutely priceless!!!

    No Mark, you are lying to yourself big guy. Its over, its done. You actually just admit that what you call “trans” is a mental disorder.

    You guys just keep the L’s up, we will yake it from here

  30. Mark Sebree January 20, 2025 at 1:53 pm


    Their embarrassment was probably for this country as a whole, since tRump is an embarrassment. tRump is “shitting” all over the country as a whole, all over the people that voted for him, and all over the office that he just took an oath to protect and which he has no intention of doing.

    I said that transgenders have detectable differences in their brain structure compared to homosexuals and bisexuals. That does not indicate a mental disorder, however. Men and women also have detectable differences in their brains’ structures. Liberals and conservatives also have detectable differences. Therefore, according to you, either men or women in general have a “mental disorder”, and conservatives like you have a “mental disorder” when compared to liberals.

    A difference in the brain’s neurological structure does not necessarily mean that the person has a mental disorder. However, it does provide an objective means to test for such things, to compare to an agreed baseline, or compare between two or more groups.

    Chances are, you have no clue what scientists and doctors have discovered about the neurological structure of transgendered individuals. You just want them to suffer unjustly because they are different.

  31. Grey One talks sass January 20, 2025 at 1:58 pm

    As the troll rolls in the excrement in their delight at humiliating their foe they miss important events just out of their sight.

    What? Oh, not giving the game away just yet only I’m seeing some MAGA supporters tired of getting fleeced by their dear leader. One can get a mob all riled up and keep them that way for only so long before the mob either falls apart or they go off on a tangent taking those who riled them up along for the ride. Again, it’s historical and would be why if I were going to take over the world I’d do it by taking care of the populace, ensuring everyone has a task according to their talent, outlets for the zoomies and need to fight, you know, things thriving communities already have, just not here in the USA.

    Troll, your understanding of medical terms is laughable. Mark did not prove your lie, they stated the facts which you just can’t accept.

    We The People, it starts with the Transgendered people but I’m not Transgendered so I don’t speak up? Fuck that noise. Fuck our troll – not literally because ewww.

    There has to be lawsuits. I’m hoping the legal warriors are already on it. I’ll go deep diving in the interwebz and let y’all know. But I’m not going quietly into the future, especially not with the South African throwing the Nazi salute. No. Just no. Not mad. Not crying. Something our troll doesn’t recognize. I’m adulting. There is a mess threatening me and mine. I’m adulting. Let’s see how it develops. Again, not a sprint but a marathon.

  32. J.P. January 20, 2025 at 9:33 pm

    Jkkjff, you wrote, “No Mark, you are lying to yourself big guy. Its over, its done. You actually just admit that what you call “trans” is a mental disorder.”

    You’ve profoundly misunderstood what neurologists and neurobiologists are telling us about the science of human sex. Being transgender is a matter of physical structure in the human brain — it is NOT a psychological disorder. What people who actually understand about brains have learned is that brains — like most every other part of our bodies, to one extent or another — are identifiable by characteristics that correlate to sex. That is, there are male brains and female brains, and you can tell differences in particular microstructures that typically correspond to brains that are male or female.

    There’s just one problem for those who claim that there are only two sexes: brains don’t fall into an “either/or” dichotomy. Rather, some brains are more male than others; there are brains that are more female than others; and there are brains that fall in between. Very few brains live at the extremes: most people have brains that are less than “fully” male or female. Instead, brains tend to line up along a spectrum from male to female, with most clustering around either a “male” peak of a “female” peak.

    The problem is that sometimes a brain that we’d recognize as “female” from those microstructures ends up in an otherwise “male” body — and vice versa. That, in a nutshell, is what it means to be transgendered: your brain doesn’t match the apparent sex of the rest of your body.

    So here’s a thought experiment for you: try imagining what it must be like to be an octopus. Octopuses have a smaller brain for each arm and a somewhat larger centrally located brain. Together, they can do some truly impressive things. Individually, the things they can do are pretty impressive, too. Octopuses can actually tear off an arm in order to escape predators, and while the rest of the beast scampers off in one direction, that one arm does its best to confuse the predator.

    Now imagine what it would be like to be born in a human body, but with an octopus brain. I can describe how it would feel in one word: bewildering. If you need another, try “horrifying”.

    No executive order can change those experiences for trans people. It’s not a matter of being mentally ill: there’s neither drugs nor therapy that can make that “fish out of water” feeling manageable. But compassion, along with gender affirming treatment can.

  33. Synergy January 21, 2025 at 6:20 am

    Donnie threatens Spain with 100% tariffs thinking it’s part of the BRICS – the “S” in BRICS being South Africa.

    Wonder if he knows where the Panama Canal is.

    Well Donnie, no more Andalusian olive oil for you! Oh, wait a minute, yeah, McDonalds and KFC don’t use olive oil!

    Where does bronzer #5 come from? Is that from Spain?

    Notice he hasn’t said smack to Daddy Vladdy about BRICS.

    He says 107% of new jobs in America were taken by migrants. Wonder if Elon’s H1B engineering talent is included in that number? I’m guessing they had to make 7% more jobs which would bring the number of stolen jobs up to …. wait a minute … 100%, meaning all new jobs? Didn’t Trump say he went to Wharton?

    No birth right citizenship? You think his kids will get to stay?

    Withdrew from the World Health Organization in favor of shoving a light up your ass in the next pandemic. Or injecting disinfectant, your choice.

    A ban on EVs. Ouch, Elonia’s not going to like that Donnie!

    Oh, I hear the war in Ukraine is over? Did I get that right?

    Says North Korea would be a great place to build condos. I thought rents were coming down here at home Donnie! Maybe they went down over night. Make North Korea Great Again?

    Off to the races! A bag of hammers!

  34. Synergy January 21, 2025 at 6:50 am

    The funniest spectacle I’ve seen in a very long time is Melania dressed as the Hamburglar at the inaug. Or was that Elonia? Hard to tell.

    Donnie do love him some McDonalds!

  35. Grey One talks sass January 21, 2025 at 7:01 am

    Synergy, Melania was dressed as the black spy in Mad magazines feature Spy vs Spy. If she was Hamburgler she would have had more stripes.

    I have an observation regarding our trolls assertion that Transgendered humans don’t exist – then why did President Felon feel the need to ban them from serving in the military? I mean if they don’t exist….

    Despise circular logic which is all our troll and President Felon produce.

  36. Grey One talks sass January 21, 2025 at 7:06 am


    Correct you are on brain differences. Actually as I’ve discovered you are consistent in providing factual nuggets of info. Thanks.

    Also, you provided a couple of links for further reading but I’ve lost the bookmark, the post where they were located. Blue screen of death when the wind blows and my brain goes off line is nothing to sneeze at.

    Anyway, the intent was appreciated.

  37. Grey One talks sass January 21, 2025 at 7:11 am

    LOL – just read a post where Melania was described as cosplaying Carmen Sandiego.

    So we have Hambergler, the black spy from Spy vs Spy, and Carmen Sandiego. If find any more comparisons I’ll let you know.

    Also, the ACLU has already launched a few lawsuits over the recent Executive Orders of President Felon. It will be a litigious time.

  38. BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon January 21, 2025 at 7:25 am

    When you dont get your way, stomp your feet and insult a woman who has nothing to do with policy making… got it. Carmen Sandiego was bad ass btw. You… not so much.

    All those trans losers who beat womens records, about to be asterisks in the record books or completely removed. ACLU has nothing on the federal government.

  39. BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon January 21, 2025 at 7:58 am

    Also thanks for proving the point about the left and fake news. If you would have watched Musks speech in context, you would have known it wasnt an intentional Nazi salute. But of course you guys just gobble down any bullshit the left wing media spoon feeds you. Mmm yum yum, more disinformation please.

  40. Grey One talks sass January 21, 2025 at 8:40 am

    LOL – troll seems, triggered. Huh. For “winners” they sure do whine. A lot. And presume facts not entered into evidence.

    I watched the speech. I know exactly who was in the audience. Troll can try their gaslighting ways, it’s the only tool in their toolbelt after all. That said, no one can gaslight anyone who knows who they are at their core.

    Left wing media. Bwahahahahaaaa There isn’t any traditional left wing media, only sycophants sucking up to President Felon.

    That said there are news outlets which focus on facts but all of them are nontraditional. Of whom do I speak? Meidas Touch has fact based podcasts and a few who are opinion only – both are labeled accordingly. Another site I follow is Belle of the Ranch found at Beau of the Fifth column. Their informative posts have provided much insight to this Grey One. Brian Tyler Cohen, Joe My God, Digby, emptywheel… there are so many clear level headed voices providing light in the darkness.

    Go exploring kids. I’m sure there are sites I’ve never read that are some of your soon to be favorites. What worked in the past is broken now. If what we find is stupid but it works, I guess it ain’t all that stupid.

    OH – found this one too…

    The Daily Show posted this in reference to Melania’s hat

    “No-one out pizza’s the Hut” alongside a picture of the PizzaHut logo. LOL – the angles on both are an amazing match.

    And for the record, Melania may not have anything to do with policy but she supports everything President Felon represents, including her grifting on bitcoin and memecoin. When the economy crashes and the trolls are crying why, well, the seeds of their destruction are here where the grifting is epic.

  41. Grey One talks sass January 21, 2025 at 8:52 am

    For the troll who is going to “actually” me to say Pres. Musk was doing a “Roman salute”, there are additional facts at play.

    When I googled Roman salute every definition started out as “The Roman salute aka the fascist salute…”

    You were going to say troll?

  42. BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon January 21, 2025 at 9:26 am

    Looks like you were so triggered you posted twice. Good job

  43. Grey One talks sass January 21, 2025 at 9:51 am

    I respect everyone who comes back to include facts learned after pressing the post button.

    “Facts learned” which is a descriptor which doesn’t include trolls as all they consist of is bluster armed with shadows. Easy to disperse, turn on a light.

    Facts are facts We The People, and as proven more than once, ‘alternative’ facts are just lies.

  44. Grey One talks sass January 21, 2025 at 9:53 am

    And the wind just kicked up and my brain is full on Blue Screen o’ Death. Y’all will have to bap this troll under the fridge for me please. At least if they come back. Thus far I’d say all they have is taunting.

    Can’t wait for trolls and President Felon to find out the consequences of catching the car.

  45. J.P. January 21, 2025 at 10:32 pm

    BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon, you wrote, “If you would have watched Musks speech in context, you would have known it wasnt an intentional Nazi salute. But of course you guys just gobble down any bullshit the left wing media spoon feeds you. Mmm yum yum, more disinformation please.”

    I’m sure Musk will be glad to feed your misinformation obsession with his Xcretions via his Xcrement platform. He’s already taking advantage of your desire to buy into his disinformation about transgender people. Listen to his nonsense about “the woke mind virus stole my son”. The poor woman told him as long as she was able to articulate her understanding that she was a female brain trapped in a male body. It’s not her fault that he refused to understand the physical reality of her situation, pretending instead that some “woke mind virus” was to blame.

    It’s easy for him to blame a “woke mind virus”, of course: the fact he can’t define “woke” as it’s been used in the American Black communities for some time doesn’t matter to his followers. They’re perfectly happy if he throws up his hands in frustration when challenged on the point, proclaiming, “You know — WOKE!” They won’t admit that they don’t know what “woke” means, either: they believe that the fact that Musk can say “B . . b . . b . . but, you know . . . WOKE!” excuses them from having to define the term. Because, of course, “Big brain smort goy said ‘Woke!’ — him nose!”

    So permit me to define it, as best I can — and I certainly hope that people with greater knowledge will gently correct me as I inevitably get some aspect(s) wrong. My understanding of “woke” is that the concept arose during the Civil Rights era as a way of acknowledging that those who had been discriminated against under the laws of the Jim Crow era still suffered from undeserved inequity of outcomes. It signified that they were aware that, although the laws had been changed, systems in place under the law had created very real differences in their opportunities to advance themselves. They understood that there remained a lot of work to clear the obstacles to achieving just, equitable positions in society. Being woke never meant — and still does not mean — depriving people of the benefits of their talents and ambitions. It does mean — and always has meant — that ALL people should be free to achieve their dreams free from interference, limited ONLY by their talents and ability to dream. The only other thing that should impede people from rising as high as their talents and ambitions could take them should be restraint because what they desire might harm others.

    Where MRFF becomes relevant in all this is in preventing White Christian Nationalists in the armed forces from using rank and positions of power from imposing their notions of Christian Nationalism upon their subordinates. In most every example of Christian Nationalism, there is a clear element of racism as well: there’s an unspoken assumption that it is an unquestionably true and universally shared understanding that to be truly Christian in the American nation is to be white. And if you can eliminate anybody from full citizenship on the grounds that they are either not white or not Christian, you can relegate them to subordinate positions in society.

    The Department of Defense has adequate safeguards against discrimination on racial or ethnic grounds — provided those safeguards can withstand assault from the top in the new Administration. Where things are a bit weaker is in the religious discrimination category. People in DoD are free to follow whatever religion they wish, as long as it doesn’t harm others. However, while chaplains are supposed to not discriminate among service members, things are a bit different where the rubber meets the ramp. Worse yet, commanders may sometimes use their positions to unduely influence what religions their subordinates practice. And because of the power commanders have to affect subordinates’ careers, coupled with the requirement to respect everyone’s religious liberties, it can get dicey. MRFF does the hard work of championing those subordinates who might be discriminated against or whose rights to religious freedom might be trampled by superiors who are either too zealous or too careless about such matters.

    All that said, I’m curious about your screen name. Do you actually believe that there is a “Biden Crime Family”? If so, what crimes do you believe they’ve committed? If you do believe they’ve committed crimes, do you have actual evidence of those alleged crimes? Finally, if you feel you do have evidence of crimes they may have committed, have you shared that with prosecutors? Because if you have evidence and haven’t presented it to prosecutors, you may have been obstructing justice.

    Of course, I’m a sociologist and futurist: I don’t even play a lawyer on TV! But there are people who follow this site who are actual lawyers, and you may want to ask them about whether your knowledge of possible criminal acts puts you at legal risk. So I urge you to seek professional counsel, as your milage may vary.

    Otherwise, you might want to consider another screen name.

  46. BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon January 22, 2025 at 7:32 am


    what would the purpose of pardoning family members be if they had nothing to hide or committed no crimes? Seems to me that if they were as perfect and innocent as they claim to be, there would be no need to pardon anyone and let whatever inquiry into them play out naturally. “But Trump administration will seek revenge and try to prosecute them out of spite” is not an excuse. If they are innocent, then fine but a preemptive pardon? oof, even the most liberal media is crying foul on that one.

  47. Tom O January 22, 2025 at 8:12 am

    AGAIN!!! What specific crimes do you think any Biden has committed, other than the ones Hunter has already been charged with?

  48. BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon January 22, 2025 at 8:21 am

    You are missing the point, AGAIN!

  49. Grey One talks sass January 22, 2025 at 10:25 am

    Our troll is playing dumb. Oh wait, no, they really are this willfully ignorant.

    If our norms were not in shreds, if President Felon and his cronies hadn’t spent the past four years searching endlessly for SOMETHING, ANYTHING to pin on Joe Biden I might take their questions seriously.

    But here’s the thing. Comer, Jordon, Kirk, Bannon, Landau, Barton, Cotton, Scott, and a host of others have been blathering endlessly about how they get to search under every couch cushion (I know, Vance is so envious) for evidence that the Biden family did something criminal. Even though after fifteen months of congressional oversight and investigations revealed only that Joe Biden is a good father and brother, and that he did nothing wrong. But that won’t stop the MAGAsphere, they of the jailed witnesses and FBI indicted key witness that Comer said ad nauseum was the most important witness of their case.

    Troll doesn’t argue in good faith. They know exactly what President Felon planned to do to the Bidens. Biden saw the writing on the wall and decided no, he wasn’t going to let a bunch of fascists invent crimes for citizens who happened to be related to him. Comer screwed the plea deal Hunter made in good faith with the prosecuting team. For political points the GOP fucked with an addict who is doing their best to stay clean. They made amends, were willing to pay the price for their crimes and then the GOP did what the GOP does, they went back on their word.

    Troll tries to claim President Felon’s admin has the high ground. Well maybe, if their ground was located midway down the Marianas Trench.

    GOP and our trolls do not get to claim norms, not when they and theirs shredded them four years ago.

  50. J.P. January 22, 2025 at 8:13 pm

    BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon, you wrote, ” . . . what would the purpose of pardoning family members be if they had nothing to hide or committed no crimes?”

    The purpose would be exactly the same as preemptively pardoning former Representative Liz Cheney and the rest of the Select Committee on the January Sixth insurrection. It’s the same reasoning for offering Dr. Anthony Fauci a preemptive pardon for his actions trying to reduce the death toll Americans suffered during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Remember that the United States of America has endured more COVID deaths than the next three countries COMBINED — and two of those are the PRC and India! Each of those countries have more than five times the USA’s population.

    Considering that the new/old President has already publicly stated that he’s out for revenge, preemptive pardons for people who’ve done no wrong, but happen to be associated with President Biden are appropriate. So the purpose of preemptively pardoning those people would be to protect them from unlawful prosecution on . . . WAIT FOR IIIIIITT!!! . . . Trumped-up charges.

    And why not? Trump has already issued pardons for the minions who took the heat for him following the January 6th, 2021 insurrection fiasco. Had he reneged on his previous promise to pardon them, some of them might have decided to flip on him.

    On a side note to Grey One, my wife and I were stationed at Andersen AFB for three years. I maintain that claiming “high ground” for this Administration might be “located midway down the Marianas Trench” is an insult to the denizens at the bottom of Challenger Deep — they rise far higher than anyone associated with this Administration.

  51. Synergy January 22, 2025 at 8:28 pm

    Monday the 20th was a great celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King and the better angels of our nature he was striving for.

    Al least half the country gets it, as well as the MRFF, protecting the constitutional liberties afforded all, particularly in the military. Protecting freedom of (or, in my case “from”) religion a constitutional protection against State sponsored terrorism, pervasive in the MAGAT-fueled delirium of their race-to-the-bottom.

    Remember the “just say no” campaign?

    When they ask or demand you get on their Titan submersible, just say no! Let them ride it to their implosive freedom, manifesting as we speak!

  52. Grey One talks sass January 23, 2025 at 3:13 am

    Thank you J.P., I was unaware of Challenger Deep. What a treasure trove of exploration!

    I will look for another metaphor to use for comparison purposes in regards to this administration.

    I knew about mud volcanoes and a few other items only found in the trench but didn’t have the key word. Now I do. As a long time watcher of all things Jacques Cousteau, I am thankful for this reminder.

  53. Synergy January 23, 2025 at 10:04 am

    Trump, trying to get the war stopped in Ukraine, a campaign promise, I think it was “in 24 hours?” Did I get that right? He sends out a post on Lie Social threatening Putin with Tariffs! Well, that’ll stop it! Wait a minute, um, we have sanctions on Russia and don’t import anything from Russia, so …. I must be missing something!

    Now I get it, he’s going to remove the sanctions first and then threaten to put tariffs on imports if Putin doesn’t stop the war! WOW, “staple genus!”

    Course, Russia is laughing its ass off! Putin’s already selling the oil that was sanctioned to China and India, Russia’s GDP growth in 2024 at 3.9%, U.S. GDP growth at 2.8%. BRICS expanding, currently 10 countries with 24 waiting in the wings.

    The rest of the world well on their way to electric vehicles and green energy while the U.S., under Trump, drives the country back to horse and buggies and fossil fuels, you know, “Make Horses Great Again!”

    You think Elon’s gonna be trading his electric cars in for internal combustion engines?

    Too fucking funny! His base couldn’t give two shits about Ukraine and Russia. They just want the price of eggs to come down!

    But you know, chickens! That’s hard!

    Russia laughing at Trump to his face! Along with the rest of the world!

    “Staple Genus!” “C’mon y’all, free rides to the Titanic! :-)

    Love is all about y’all “finding out!”

  54. Synergy January 23, 2025 at 1:12 pm

    Trump says, “If they don’t make their products in the United States, we’re going to tariff the hell out of them!” Let me interpret that for you, “we’re going to make the American people that buy those products pay an additional tax, a penalty for buying foreign products!”

    16% of US consumption is imported to the tune of $3.83 Trillion dollars. Assuming the entire tariff passes through, a 25% tariff, across the board, would result in a $957 Billion dollar tax bill on the American people, the equivalent of $28,370 dollars on every consumer unit in the country.

    Lot of other variables involved but the numbers illustrate the point.

    25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada violates Trump’s own USMCA trade agreement with those countries. So much for global confidence in America. In other words, why have trade agreements when they don’t mean anything?

    Taking it a bit further, how can the United States be trusted in ANY agreement, whether trade, nuclear weapons, military alliances, et. Al., further exacerbating the rise of the BRICS and the “Delete America” campaign around the globe!

    Trump (and his base) seems to think America can “go it alone,” but we can’t, period, full stop. An impossibility!

    While “America First,” obviously sells well, why do all of the OECD countries have some form of universal health care as a fundamental right for all their people and lower poverty rates than the United States (with one exception, Costs Rica. Thank God for Costa Rica or we’d be dead last!).

    The U.S. ranks 33 of 38 in infant mortality rates of OECD countries.

    Firearm deaths in the U.S. the leading cause of death for children age 1 to 19. US firearm deaths for children 29 times higher than the OECD average.

    The U.S. ranked 24th in corruption, Denmark the least corrupt nation on the planet as a measure.

    So, Where’s the “America First” when it comes to its most important asset – it’s people? You think rounding up the migrant WORKERS that produce the food that goes on your table isn’t a tactic he’d use on anyone that doesn’t toe the line? Birthright citizenship enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. You think he wouldn’t ignore any other Constitutional requirements that might get in his way? You know, the document Republicans swear by?

    Good luck Making America Great Again!

  55. J.P. January 23, 2025 at 8:35 pm

    Synergy, you wrote, “Staple Genus!” I’m guessing you meant “Stable Genius”, but I think “Staple Genus” is actually more appropriate. I suspect the Recently Re-Inaugurated Disgraced, Twice-Impeached, Quintuply-Indicted, Insurrection-Inciting, (2020) Election-Losing, Fascist-Favoring Fraudster Convicted on 34 Felony Counts Related to Election Interference Ex-President would put staples into its own head were it not for administrative assistants handling stapling chores for him.

    And he does belong in his own genus — or at least species. Say Homo Ignoramus?

  56. J.P. January 23, 2025 at 8:44 pm

    Unrelated to this thread, but noteworthy nonetheless, is the video of the service at the National Cathedral. While it doesn’t directly involve military personnel and their religious freedoms (yet), the fact that the Demagogue-in-Chief took such public offense at the remarks asking for mercy toward those least able to protect themselves should tell us a lot about what to expect for the next four years.

    It’s been a pretty good run, America. It’s a pity it had to end this way.

    And for those who may be thinking, “Yeah! time for you libtards to get what’s comin’!”, remember what it was like before this mis-administration sank the global economy and gave you and yours an unmitigated run of pandemics, pollution, and inability to affect the global economic and political orders.

  57. BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon January 24, 2025 at 7:33 am

    Lol always soooo dramatic. Youll be fine, cal. down.

  58. BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon January 24, 2025 at 7:37 am

    Btw, i had the best four years of my life under Trumps first term, so i have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Many other people did too.

  59. Synergy January 24, 2025 at 7:46 am

    Thanks for the editing but no, I wrote it as intended, “Staple Genus!”

    Who could make that mistake?

    Specifically, with the intellectual capacity of a staple in the genus of Ameobaensis Excrementus!

    America is a dying empire. It doesn’t take much looking around to see it, Trump the symptom, not the disease, our own hegemony fueled by enlarged amygdala’s, existentially threatening our own survival as a species.

    When MAGATS win, they do the only thing their illogic can provide, they burn down the stadium!

    I’d say we’re at about 2,000 meters, those “normalized” popping noises of an untested, fatigued, carbon fiber hull hard to hear when you’ve got headsets on listening to Megadeath!

    Having lived overseas for many years in “socialist” countries, Americans are the prisoners in the cave showing fealty to sock puppet shadows cast upon the wall – it’s all they know!

  60. Synergy January 24, 2025 at 7:51 am

    Jism says, “the best four years of his life.” He’s gonna love this next four years!

    Those hull popping noises? Completely normal! Too fucking funny!

    MAGATS – owning themselves!

  61. BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon January 24, 2025 at 8:12 am

    Owning themselves how? I bought two houses at 3% under Trump, and about to do it again when rates go down. Not seeing your point here. Covid was literally the only bad part of Trumps presidency. No wars, low inflation economy was roaring also until covid. I really think you guys have brain damage.

    The last 4 years were a fucking nightmare. Two major wars, extreme inflation, highest interest rates in a long time. Is your retardation fixable?

  62. Mark Sebree January 24, 2025 at 8:53 am

    Trump inherited his economy from President Obama, and we were approaching a recession already from tRump’s disastrous policies when Covid hit. Additionally, tRump did just about everything wrong in response to the pandemic.

    The US has not been involved in any wars. The fact that Russia invaded the Ukraine does not mean that the USA is at war. Nor does the fact that we fulfilled our obligations under a treaty that we signed to assist if the Ukraine was invaded. Additionally, the fact that Israel invaded the Gaza Strip to wipe out the Palestinians does not mean that the USA was involved in that war. Perhaps you should spell out what wars you imagine that the USA was involved in since reality does not match your imagination.

    We have also had about the lowest inflation rate in the world thanks to President Biden.

    Interest Rates are a complex subject, and it is tied to the economy. A low interest rate is often meant to spur economic growth, while higher interest rates tend to slow or regulate that growth. Without a significant education in economics and business, it is often hard to follow the logic of the Federal Reserve’s decisions on interest rates.

    Dealing with reality and the facts is not evidence of “brain damage”, no matter what you think. It is also not evidence of “retardation”. Since we have the facts on our side, and we are dealing with reality rather than your fantasies, there is nothing in us that needs to be fixed.

  63. BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon January 24, 2025 at 9:07 am

    You are actually wrong. Denmark, Greece, Portugal, South Korea, Spain and Switzerland all have a lower inflation rate. Thanks for the “facts” that bounce around in your head. Keep up the “facts”, you’re doin great!

  64. Synergy January 24, 2025 at 9:19 am

    No wars? What was the negotiation with the Taliban about, you know, the enemy that took us to Afghanistan and Trump gives the country back to …. the Taliban, releasing 5,000 Afghani terrorists? Trump’s bombing of Syria? Botched special ops raid in Yemen, deployed troops to Somalia, troops in Iraq? Remember the “MOAB” in Afghanistan? Shifted a bunch of sand around?

    Threatening to militarily intervene in Panama, Greenland, Mexico, US troops on the border as we speak, threatening allies around the world. Fucking with Canada, Denmark, Ireland. Got his boy throwing Nazi salutes. You need to get back on your meds! Talking about sanctions (in a tweet) on Russia when … we already have sanctions on Russia, the Russians laughing at his stupidity, selling their oil to India and China. BRICS on the rise, de-dollarization around the globe.

    You a slum lord? Got you a couple of tiny houses did you? Got one rented out to memaw? Good luck waiting for 3% interest rates! You know, tariffs! The dollar stronger … the Forex projecting higher rates, lowered exports, less American manufacturing, unable to compete in world markets, imports more attractive with a stronger dollar, higher trade deficit, the U.S. 15 years behind China in green energy. Tariffs threatening American ag as China moves to South America for grain, your tax money bailing out U.S. Big Ag.

    Trump inherited an economy of growth handed to him on a silver platter and managed to add $8 Thousand Billion to the national debt. Took money from the Defense Dept to pay for a border wall (that he hasn’t talked about since), stole money from Dept of State for ammunition. Wanted to nuke hurricanes.

    Oh, but the war in Ukraine is now over? You know, 24 hours ? It’s his war now!

    My advice, borrow against your equity and buy a few more tiny houses – rents are going up under Trump!

    And take your meds!

  65. BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon January 24, 2025 at 9:36 am

    Now do Biden!

  66. Synergy January 24, 2025 at 11:42 am

    Like what the Danish member of parliament said to Trump, “Fuck off?” Spit right in Trump’s face while the whole world watched! What’s your boy gonna do, attack Denmark? So funny!

    The whole world laughing at the stupidity of the United States, they can’t believe their luck. Xi, Modi, and Putin playing the Orange Baby like the toddler he is. “I want tawiffs! Whey’s my fioman hat? I don wike nato! Whey’s my BWICs? Xi has BWICS, I want BWICS!”

    Biden’s gone. On the MAGATS now, ALL of it! On you Boo. Big boys don’t cry!

    Oh, Memaw needs her toilet unblocked, flooded her tiny house, shit everywhere! She’s gonna be a bit late on the rent, you know, social security cuts!

    So funny watching it metastasize!

    2,000 meters and descending, Megadeath blaring! What’s that? No air to blow the ballast? Awwww.

  67. Synergy January 24, 2025 at 12:02 pm

    See the pics of 9 immigrants being loaded on a C-17 Globemaster, Biggs field, El Paso? ‘Bout $70,000 per passenger for that trip! Off to Thule, Greenland, they got room!

    BTW, they were carpenters. Another unhappy MAGA business owner!

    Don’t worry. We’ll borrow the money from the Chinese – right after we impose tariffs! Maybe use a Trump meme coin to pay for it?

  68. BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon January 24, 2025 at 12:51 pm

    I guess Brandon should have taken the border seriously.

  69. Synergy January 24, 2025 at 2:25 pm

    One of the first business areas Donnie boy will decimate in the U.S., besides lettuce picking, owing to his “Drill Baby Drill” dumb-assery, that MAGATS loudly applaud (they’re so fucking stupid), is automotive manufacturing, a HUGE part of the American economy, starting with tariffs on American brands coming out of Mexico and ending with the complete bankruptcy of U.S. car manufacturing across the board, Tesla excluded.

    I’m talking Ford, GM, and what used to be Chrysler, now Stellantis (Peugeot). Employing 1.7 million workers, yeah, impactful, but not the end of the world, you know, Walmart greeter, stocker at Piggly Wiggly, fast food, Uber side hustle.

    You don’t know what Ford’s CEO Jim Farley drives, but I’ll tell you. He drives a Chinese electric vehicle manufactured by a Chinese cell phone company! And he loves it! A Xiaomi SU7 EV. The SU for speed ultra, a luxury vehicle that costs $30,000 dollars! China’s XPENG produces a Tesla model 3 look-a-like at half the price!

    BYD produces a vehicle battery guaranteed for 80% charge at 600,000 miles!

    China’s CATL and BYD have 60% of the world market for electric vehicle batteries and growing. Remember Warren Buffet “value investing” $231 million in BYD? A 21% owner at one time, now reduced to about 10% ownership ($3 Billion). In other words, no one can compete against the Chinese, at least 15 years ahead of the U.S. Damn communists!

    China’s high speed rail system by far the world leader. Damit! Communists!

    EV sales in the U.S. are slowing, owing to Donnie Schittsinpants, already doing away with govt support for EVs, putting the U.S. further behind,the resultant drill-baby-drill reliance on internal combustion engines the death knell of U.S. auto manufacturing.

    NASCAR rolled out its first EV last year, a 1300 Hp equivalent future of racing.

    Interestingly, Ford, GM, and Stellantis have signed license agreements with CATL to produce Chinese EV batteries in the U.S. Now why would we do that if we’re so damn good, so much smarter than them damned communists? Because we’re not! It’s an unfair comparison though. China doesn’t mandate the Ten Commandments in school classrooms!

    China kicking MAGAT asses!

    But, you know, Ten Commandments in schools! Prayer in schools! A Christian military! At least we ain’t got nun of em air men on gurls football teams!

    While China invests in research and development and this little thing called education!

    Once we get past US auto manufacturing bankruptcy, U.S. auto making will be reborn – under license by China! So funny! Course, in the meantime (while Donnie’s wearing his fireman hat), you’ll have to wait to drive one of those cheap Chinese luxury cars, Europe and the rest of the world enjoying them with money to spare while you gas guzzle your way to work every day!

    Much like Christian proselytizing in the military and the damage it causes, so goes the destruction left behind by Trump’s ego, unfortunately, a country!

    He and his rich buds don’t care, but you do!

    Confucius says, “when you wear paper clothes, don’t sit near the fireplace!” :-)

  70. Grey One talks sass January 24, 2025 at 3:03 pm

    Troll tries to get a dig into former President Biden over the border.

    HA!!! You loser! Crossings were down at the end of the Biden admin but don’t let facts get in your way you simpering excuse of excrement.

    Also there was a bill, approved by MAGA, designed by MAGA, grudgingly approved by the Good Old Democratic Party (they will bend themselves backwards and in half to appear nonpartisan), handshakes all around but President Felon needed something to campaign on so nope, no border bill for us.

    And in comes our troll, a sorry excuse for humanity, thinking we can’t remember last Tuesday (it’s the dope, yes? Us libs are ‘always’ high according to MAGA).

    Based on the misinformation supplied by the troll in the past I highly doubt their tales of financial largesse. It could happen the way they say but since they’ve been a fact free machine thus far, why give them the benefit of the doubt?

  71. Grey One talks sass January 24, 2025 at 3:10 pm

    Addendum to my gender related comment above:

    Troll was all kinds of happy on this here site crowing about how his hero officially declared only two genders – male and female. Ha! Take that libs!

    OK – took a look at the language and there is an item that needs highlighting.

    From the White House Presidential Action page:
    EO Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government, from Section 2:
    (d) “Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.
    (e) “Male” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.

    There is one issue with this EO – “Geneticists have discovered that all human embryos start life as females, as do all embryos of mammals. About the 2nd month the fetal tests elaborate enough androgens to offset the maternal estrogens and maleness develops.”

    So my fellow MRFF commentators, how do you feel now that you are all female?

    Troll – you appear to be stunned. You know sweetie, you would look better if you smiled. Welcome to womenhood.

    Looking forward to reading the ‘revised’ language. Bet dollars to donuts President Felon won’t admit to being wr…wro… less than correct. Safe bet.

  72. Synergy January 24, 2025 at 3:46 pm

    Now I’m really confused!

    You mean the Republican House members sending dick pics to White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, in the “family values” Christian way of course, solely for instructional purposes, you know, Cassidy being so young and all, were really females?

    So, it was lesbian sex they wanted?

    So Mike Little Johnson is not going to call Cassidy Hutchinson to testify in Republican investigations because Barry Loudermilk (R), Georgia, said it would reveal that multiple Republican House Reps sent clit pics to Cassidy? Very confusing.

    But not to worry, Marjorie Taylor Green said that all these predators need to be rooted out! Incidentally, the pics she showed in committee hearing of Hunter’s genitals – man or woman, very confusing! I’m sure she’ll get to the bottom of it!

    Who knew? But then, Mitochondrial DNA only passed by the mother but women, typically, take the man’s name, you know, Biblically speaking, a man’s property.

  73. BidenCrimeFamilyGetsLastMinutePardon January 25, 2025 at 9:23 pm

    Brandon trying to fix the border is last 3 months in office due to low polling numbers doesnt count. He had his chance.
    He doesnt get to take credit for that when he disregarded it for three and a half years. Sorry, but hard no.

  74. Synergy January 26, 2025 at 8:03 am

    Republicans haven’t fixed “the border” in, well, never. Turned down $14 Billion in border security bill to give Schittsindiapers something to run on.

    Drumpf getting ready to attack Mexico to spread his shit show. The special ops guys are gonna get tired of being the only ones called on to pull off the shit show charades, especially when they start losing comrades in shit show battles.

    Already talk of doubling the military budget to well over $2 Trillion.

    Yeah, let’s see how that works out.

    Hide and watch mother fuckers! You asked for it!

    They’ll eat themselves!

  75. Grey One talks sass January 27, 2025 at 7:38 am

    Our troll has to be from not here otherwise they’d know how our government works.

    Yeah, former President Biden could have issued an Executive Order fixing the border but it wouldn’t have lasted beyond his admin. He was clear in many (so many) conversations/interviews that he wanted Congress to enact legislation supported by each party. And he succeeded with a bipartisan bill that provided the GOP with most of their Border Control checklist. Took a long time to hammer out the details too, something our troll ignores.

    Well President Felon had a hissy fit because what would he and the rest of his MAGAT’s run on if the Border wasn’t an issue? So after giving their word, shaking hands on the deal the MAGATS proved their cowardice and lack of character and killed the bill.

    Will our troll acknowledge this betrayal? Of course not! That would interfere with their hypocrisy when they say “you didn’t fix that thing we wanted fixed but won’t let YOU fix it because then we don’t get credit”

    What a maroon.

    Added note:
    Governments by their very nature are not quick moving entities. They can’t be, not with as many humans as they have to protect, guide, and govern. I know there needs to be a quick and fast option and I’m sure with crowdsharing something could be created.

    But here/now?

    We The People are driving the oldest most clunky unresponsive vehicle in the history of vehicles, a fact most citizens ignore. The thirty percent of our fellow citizens sat out the election because they want that new and shiny hyper responsive zero to a bamzillion in nothing flat vehicle without doing any of the research as to how much that would cost.

  76. Synergy January 27, 2025 at 8:43 am

    I understand those military flights, you know, C-17s, being used to deport those hardened landscapers are running about $1 million per flight! For18 landscapers? Damn bro! I can rent a bus and drive them there for a lot less! Can I bid on that contract?

    But no worries, I’m guessing we’re gonna borrow the money from China to pay for it? I’m not worried. Got my grand children in private school. Thanks for the public voucher money, helps with their tuition. Local high school looks like shit, but hey, that’s what you get for not going to private schools. Fucking Dems are so stupid! They could be using public money for private school but – they’re just so stupid! Their school affiliated with Trump University. Not sure what they’re learning but man do they know the Bible! Came home the other day talking about Lot and his daughters – not sure it was rated PG-13! Yikes! Said something about killing everyone on the planet in a flood? But hey, it’s private education. They’re gonna be rich!

    Trump originally did a go-fund-me to get MAGA to pay for the flights but … you know, most are minimum wage, didn’t really have any extra cash, spent it on meme coins and Bud Light. Wait a minute, maybe it was Miller Light. Not sure what they’re drinking these days.

    But yeah, I called to get some landscapers to come out to the house, said they were on their way to Mexico ….. then I heard Mexico wouldn’t let ‘em land so they’re coming back? Maybe I’ll get some help after all?

    You see the price of eggs lately? C’mon Donnie! What’s up with that bro?

    Those brown people do chickens too? Who knew?

    What’s up with orange juice? A shortage?

    You got any military folks doing landscaping side hustles?

    The fucking local Chinese take-out running out of Mexican cooks. Said they were too afraid to come to work! Damn Mexicans. Teach ‘em how to cook Chinese and they run off! Can’t seem to hold down a job!

    Memaw in the care home – place looks like shit! No one to clean it! Damn Mexicans ran off!

    Be glad when you get all those white kids hired Donnie. Place is going to hell in a hand basket!

    You still got Mexicans working down at Mar a Lago? Could I borrow a few?

    Fuck Bro! You’re killing us man! Hurry up with those deportations so we can get this place humming again! Tough out here!

    What about Ukraine? Maybe let some of those folks in? Are they white?

    Hey, can I apply for a trade rep job in China? Like to get one of those cheap electric cars. I hear they’re pretty good. Ford CEO’s got one. Can I get one too?

    MAGA Golden Showers! Let it rain!

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