Emergency Video Message from Mikey Weinstein for Service Members Fearful of Being Given Illegal Orders by the MAGA DoD or MAGA Superiors

Published On: January 29, 2025|Categories: Featured News, News|32 Comments|
Still of Mikey Weinstein from video

For the last ten days, MRFF has been inundated with hundreds of calls from clients anxiously asking the same question:

“What do I do if I’m given an illegal order by Trump and his minions?”

As Mikey Weinstein explains in this emergency video message, these illegal orders could be issued under the Insurrection Act, where Trump decides he can order the military to do anything, with the most gut-wrenching possibility being an order to shoot unarmed civilians.

Mikey’s message to all service members:

If you have any concerns about any order, come to us. We are working with an organization, one of the principals of which has been close to MRFF for many years. This organization will find you a competent former Judge Advocate General (JAG), either pro bono or “low bono,” to help you fight back.

CALL 505-250-7727

E-mail: [email protected]

Click to watch (2:26) video

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  1. Grey One talks sass January 30, 2025 at 7:50 am

    If it is a fact that Democracy dies in darkness, I am thankful for the light of our MRFF family

  2. Synergy January 30, 2025 at 8:25 am

    U.S. Army recruitment numbers up! Trump claims they’ve already fixed the military recruitment problems! In one week!

    Damn, that was fast! Took them all of one week …. problem solved!

    If you believe that, I’ve got a “DOGE” coin or two to sell you!

    Except that the recruitment numbers Trump’s referring to for the U.S. Army are for 2024. You know, while Biden was President? January numbers not even in yet! Gaslight anyone?

    Elon sent out a “threat of firing letter,” to two million federal employees, the same letter, with a few words changed, that he sent to twitter employees when he took over!

    The letter says that if you don’t resign, well, they can’t guarantee you your job’s not going to get cut in their reorganization that’s going to take place – straight out of Project 2025. “Nice little business you got here! Be a shame if it caught on fire!”

    They’re saying they’ll continue to pay you through the end of the budget year, Sept. 30th, but you won’t have to work. But, and it’s a big butt, there’s no line item in the budget to provide for pay when you don’t work! A Trump “stiff” tactic he’s known for.

    The only tool available is “administrative leave,” which is only good for short durations resulting from things like natural disasters, etc.

    So … buyer beware!

    If you’re a recent hire in the federal service, 7 months of salary for not working is lucrative, if they could do it legally, which they can’t.

    If you’re a long time government employee, Reduction In Force (RIF) rules provides severance pay at the rate of two weeks pay for every year worked, along with a prioritized ranking of employees for dismissal, essentially, based on seniority.

    14 years of continuous government service would provide 7 months pay anyway – up to a cap of one year’s salary depending on number of years worked.

    The Orange man letting Elonia run wild is going to result in class action lawsuits, which the tax payer pays for. Not to mention the upheaval, for the military branches, federal civilians do the little things like: procurement, logistics, materiel fielding, project management, new equipment training, sustainment, just to name a few.

    You know little things! New weapon systems, supplies and repair parts, transportation, just the little things, the “get to war” things before you “go to war!” The repair parts you need when at war, the operation of entire logistics systems, operation of military depots, the nuclear arsenal. Don’t sweat the small stuff!

    There’s a reason the Army Materiel Command (AMC), is colloquially known as “A Million Civilians!”

    But, you know, MAGA! “Straight out of Compton!” Er, I mean, project 2025!

    But … DOGE … Dept Of Goofball Epiphanies! Run by the Orange man’s progeny – little Elonia (what’s her pronouns anyway?). Readiness decimated, the key driver for our military combat effectiveness. Good luck MAGATS! Just like you ordered!

    You thinking about buying a Tesla? Elonia finally admitting that self-drive thing ain’t quite working! Kind of like the self-drive thing they want the military to run on.

    I can hear Trump now, “who knew logistics was so hard!” Kind of like he said for healthcare. Who do you think pays our military members? Yep, you guessed it – federal civilians that are being offered to “resign!” Too fucking funny! “Don’t worry, you’ll get your pay. We just ran into a little snag!”

    LDI – Losers, Drunks, and Incompetence!

    “Golden Showers” MAGATS! Drink up!

  3. Synergy January 30, 2025 at 9:51 am

    Uh oh, Trump, in a national address, said they found $50 million dollars in condoms destined for HAMAS!

    To set the record straight those condoms were procured under House Bill HR 2025-666, the Stop Attacking My Ass Hole (SAMAH) act, a bill designed to, well, you know, at least provisionally, reduce STD spread. Apparently, there’s a vaccine but RFK Jr won’t let anyone have it!

    But thank God they caught it!

    The new scandal, however, is those condoms are apparently being given to migrants being rounded up as a parting gift from the U.S., the idea being that we’ll try to reduce the number of brown people having babies, a Republican goal. They never made it to Hamas as it turned out. Thank God! There was speculation they could have made piss bombs out of them!

    They screwed up the acronym in the House report to the White House, a dyslexic mistake in recording, went from House Bill SAMAH to House Bill HAMAS, Trump only having received it a couple of minutes before he addressed the nation. He reportedly asked before going on air, “they were still fucking while we bombed the shit out of them?”

    But you know, federal workers! They need to resign. You just can’t have that kind of mistake being made in correspondence to the President. It makes the President look bad. He was just repeating what you guys gave him.

    Golden Showers MAGA!

  4. Synergy January 30, 2025 at 11:39 am

    Framing is everything in reporting. Obviously words have meaning.

    Even before any investigation, Trump addresses the nation regarding “a commercial airliner colliding with an Army Blackhawk” over the Potomac river in D.C.

    What if the wording went like, “an Army Blackhawk helicopter collided with a commercial airliner?” The “blame” lies in the wording.

    The tragedy comes first, rescue, recovery, families, followed by investigation.

    The objective reporting would say, “a commercial airliner and a U.S. Army Blackhawk helicopter collided over Washington D.C. The accident is under investigation.”

    Trump has already told the nation that “woke” policies and DEI are to blame! He has assessed blame against the FAA. What he’s not telling you is that the recently resigned FAA Administrator, Michael Whittaker and Elon Musk have history regarding Space X, Musk having launched in the past without permit and failed to meet other regulatory requirements. Musk called for Whittaker’s resignation, which he got, Whittaker resigned. Without replacement by the Trump admin.

    Whether the FAA administrator was in an acting role had nothing to do with the accident but Trump (happened on his watch), is immediately distancing himself from any responsibility, tells the nation it was the fault of a federal employee. The FAA, specifically, the Air Traffic Controller.

    Side note, he said the California wildfires are the result of not raking the leaves in the forest! You know, injections of disinfectant to stop Covid, putting a light inside the body, etc.

    The gaslighting is palpable, true to form for the Orange man!

    The results of the investigation, you can bet, if the Army pilot was at fault, will be censored, or at least washed to follow Trump’s DEI blame narrative.

    The facts, as we know it, are that the controller warned the Army pilot of the commercial traffic. The Army pilot reported a positive ID on the traffic and requested a visual approach.

    I suspect the Army pilot confirmed a visual ID on the wrong aircraft. Easy to do considering the light pollution and congestion.

    Flying is a dangerous business. Especially at night in a congested area. You have to have “your wits about you” as they say in Ireland.

    Gaslighting is also dangerous – for the American people!

    A “normal” President would have said, “it’s tragic, our hearts are with those affected, and it’s under investigation. We’ll keep you posted as we learn more.”

    Not the man baby! Gaslighting is all he and his party know! Golden Showers! You deserve it!

  5. J.P. January 30, 2025 at 2:18 pm

    I would urge people to remember the Posse Comitatus Act that limits how military personnel can be used to enforce laws outside the limits of properly designated DoD facilities.

    I don’t care what the Imposter-in-Chief says, there is no insurrection going on, and using military personnel to round up immigrants doesn’t seem like a legal use of armed forces without an actual insurrection going on.

    And, no — the President cannot declare the entire USA a National Defense Area.

  6. Synergy January 30, 2025 at 9:58 pm

    He doesn’t care about Commie Pussytatus! He’s already been given immunity by scrotum and owns the MAGATS in Congress. He can do what he wants and knows it. He, literally, owns the Republican Party. They’re all his minions. They have life good. They don’t want to give that up! Easiest fucking job on the planet!

    The Owners and Controllers of Globalized Financial Capital – the oligarchs and multi billionaires at his inauguration, are running the show. Trump is so shallow, as long as he profits from it, he’ll support them, political offices bought. Trump wants to be able to shake down the wealthy, just like Putin.

    Zuckerberg just gave him $25 million to settle a lawsuit, not even budget dust for zuck man. CNN the same. Trump had no lawsuit but, he has the presidency, which the oligarchs need. Better to eat $25 mil than lose your company – “nice business you got here, hate to see it catch on fire!”

    The only thing the OCGFC can’t predict, their only uncertainty, the people! Think tanks specifically built to support their narrative. No amount of AI will predict “the people.”

    Like an alcoholic, the MAGATS will hit rock bottom as their Project 2025 plan unfolds. When they’ve fucked their own people so bad they rise up against them. It’s coming! Let’s hope it happens before the midterms.

    In one week he’s already set the world on fire, pushing allies into the China camp, etc. and it’s just the beginning.

    When his own people figure out that their lives have not improved once he gets rid of “wokism,” whatever that is, they’ll rebel! Civil servants already pushing back having received their Elon Musk “you need to resign” letter.

    Now offering bounties to turn in migrants.

    I’ve said it before. The way to control the masses in an autocracy is to turn them against one another. They’ll self-police for the Dear Leader!

    Loyalty tests for new civil servants already happening.

    When the MAGATS realize that $238 Billion saved by getting rid of the Dept of Education, or the $33 billion by getting rid of FEMA, doesn’t go to help them but stays in washigton, they’ll figure it out, grocery prices higher, gas, housing, healthcare….

    Same for all other programs to be decimated, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, you name it.

    Wait till they go after healthcare and social security to pay for an increased defense budget. They’re asking to double the current budget.

    It doesn’t stop until MAGA gets bit in the ass! The dog that caught the car’s gonna turn on its owners soon!

    When they “Christianize” the country but you’re not in the right franchise …. Oh well!

    Golden Showers MAGA – You know, trickle down economics! :-)

  7. Synergy January 31, 2025 at 10:35 am

    Elon’s threat to fire federal employees that don’t “resign,” DO NOT RESIGN!

    They have to pay you severance pay anyway and, if you resign, you don’t receive any unemployment pay!

    Union rules, OPM rules, easy lawsuits, will result in more compensation to you.

    Call their bluff! They’re holding a pair of deuces to your full house. Make them pay! Tell the incompetent mother fuckers to shove it up their asses!


    Federal service governed by …… rules! Surprise Elon! You can fire X and Tesla workers using your bullying tactics but you’re in for a rude awakening with the federal workforce! Golden showers for you Elon! Reduction In Force rules, seniority, bump and retreat rights, veteran’s preference, et anl. Easy individual and class action law suits!

    Use the Trump tactic – load them up with thousands of lawsuits! They don’t have enough government attorneys (who are also federal employees) to handle the work load! Inundate the bastards! Two can play this game!

    They’re too fucking stupid to know the rules, which is waaaay in your favor. They’re already fucking it up – puts money in your pocket whether you stay or leave.

    An easy lawsuit is the creation of a “hostile work environment!” Harassment, mental anguish, punitive damages.

    Contact a federal labor attorney NOW. The consultation is free! Be sure to get an attorney that specializes in federal labor laws. You can bet D.C. attorneys are already receiving calls!

    Send that OPM note back with “Bring it bitches” in the subject line!

    Andreeson Harowitz, Trumps new venture capitalist straight out of Silicon Valley to run OPM’s federal workforce doesn’t know jack smack about government, government employees, the rules governing federal employment. Throw it back in their faces!

    A little trickle down on the oligarchs from the working class in federal government! Too sweet! Golden Showers assholes!

    Let the leopards eat their faces!

  8. Synergy January 31, 2025 at 12:34 pm

    Trump’s Goering look alike, Stephen Miller, hitting the right wing talk show networks gaslighting the base into believing the DC helicopter/American Airlines collision was – DEI and the FAA’s fault!

    They don’t give two shits about the lives lost! If they did, they’d tell you what’s true – that’s it’s under investigation and their focus would be on recovery and family members.

    Their gaslighting spits in the face of family members that lost loved ones! They are the Government blaming the Government! In other words, blaming themselves! They are, after all, the fucking Government!

    They’re showing you their true colors,
    politicizing a tragedy and they’ll continue to do it into the future.

    Any calamity that occurs in this nation over the next four years is, of course, always going to be the fault of Biden, Obama, Hillary, Shifty Schiff, George Washington, and whoever else they can think of to pin blame on. They had to send in the military to turn on the water in California? Fucking tools!

    Ok, we get it! Everything that happens going forward (except anything good – won’t be much of that), is the fault of the democrats, the radical left that hate our country, the left wing that’s eating your pets, the non-Christians, blah, fucking blah! We’ve heard it before, we’ll hear it again. Nothing new coming out of the Orange man’s pie hole except his bad breath and Adderall fueled lies!

    All said and done, the Army Blackhawk pilot confirmed he had a visual on the American Airlines pilot on final approach! Period, Full stop. From that point forward, in terms of flying the aircraft, the Army pilot was solely responsible for collision and obstacle avoidance – Visual Flight Rules! The American Airlines flight was operating under Instrument Flight Rules! IFR flights, particularly on final, take priority. The Blackhawk pilot even “requested” visual approach and was granted it by the controller.

    The pilot most likely had a visual on the wrong aircraft AND he was above the altitude for that corridor of 200 ft AGL, the 200 ft ceiling for the purpose of avoiding other aircraft on final.

    Further reports speculated that he had his ADS B turned off. It may be that that particular aircraft did not have ADS B on board. If so, that’s an Army issue. Why, if true, aren’t ALL army aircraft fitted with ADS B in & out?

    The MAGATS need to stop the nonsense that Barrack Obama, a DEI hire, was the air traffic controller that night and caused the collision, you know, being black and all, and that Joe Biden was in the tower with him! You know, according to the orange man, they weren’t a “staple genus” like he is with his stellar IQ of 73! “I know words (accordion hands), lots of words!”

    For fuck sake!

    Golden Showers in your gaslight MAGA! Drink up! Plan for more – all you can drink!

  9. Synergy January 31, 2025 at 1:05 pm

    The orange baby says the FAA is hiring deaf air traffic controllers! Unbeknownst to the American people, every aircraft flying has a braille-to-text converter on board! Fuck! Who knew?

    I knew there was something going on in Air Traffic Control towers!

    And why is Joe Biden and Barrack Obama hanging out in control towers?

    Ok MAGA. You’ve won me over! We need a celebrity running the FAA. What’s Vivek doing these days?

    Maybe a new department – Dept of Air Corridor Aircraft (DACA). Oh, wait a minute, that one’s taken already! Darn. How ‘bout Dept of Internal Control and Knowledge (Dick). Yeah, that’ll work!

  10. Synergy January 31, 2025 at 6:13 pm

    Meant to say blind, could be a few deaf air traffic controllers as well – DEI hires.

    Eggs are up n price MAGA – if you can find them!

    Tariffs going into place tomorrow says the Orange man.

    Little Marco made a stop in Panama to tell them we’re coming to take the canal! May be a little skirmish on the horizon that’ll last years once Panama cuts off the water to the canals!

    And the lake in between the locks, hmm, wonder who’s going to own the lake that’s already owned by Panama. Are we taking over the whole country? Our first 51st state? I thought that was supposed to be Canada. Ok, I’m confused. Maybe re-designate it a county? Orange-Man county? Orange territory? How ‘bout Panorange?

    Christian moms and dads, get your kids ready! Military gonna be needing some help! Panama, Greenland, Denmark, Canada, Iran, Gaza! Gonna be gettin busy here pretty quick. Where’s my popcorn?

    Be interesting to see what retaliatory tariffs Canada and Mexico imposes. Those fruits and veggies from Mexico gonna cost more! Ford and GM cars and trucks. Uh oh!

    Illegals – 1,000 down, only 11,500,000 to go!

    Illegals going to Guantanamo now.

    MAGA juice! Golden Showers!

  11. Synergy January 31, 2025 at 6:50 pm

    Trump saying “we have enough oil!” Wait a minute, what happened to “Drill Baby Drill?”

    He says we have enough trees and don’t need Canadian lumber.

    But, what about orange juice Donnie? The immigrants aren’t showing up to work, oranges rotting on the trees?

    Ok ok, he averted the crises. He’s giving them until the 1st of March to stop killing Americans with Fentanyl!

    You show ‘em Donnie! Show them damn Canadians we don’t want their free health care. Damn, got that wrong – they weren’t offering it. Well, doesn’t matter Donnie, you show ‘em. And tell them you’re not playin’ around this time! They better have the cash ready by ….. um, wait, what are they supposed to be doing? It was cash right? Oh yeah, stop killing Americans! That’s it. That’s what they’re s’pose to do, I mean, not do. We ain’t puttin’ up with it!

    And we’re taking your maple syrup too! That’s right! You tell them trees they’re coming to America!

    USA Baby!

    That’s it! 1 March Canada – or else!

    Anyone know how Little Marco did down in Panama? Did we get the canal yet? That guy! Send him to the store to get a gallon of milk and he comes back with Colombian coffee!

  12. Grey One talks sass January 31, 2025 at 11:35 pm

    All this fluff ‘n stuff. I know, deadly serious fluff and unintended consequences stuff but still…

    Maybe it’s the Theatre major in me speaking but when there is a flashy show in front of me my eyes look elsewhere. Into the shadows, behind the bright lights, up above, down below, what is moving that is unexpected.

    Again, so much distraction in a week where not one but two airline disasters occur after a very lengthy period since the last. And rather focus on the whys of the thing WeThePeople (using this instead of We The People which is divided) are treated to a litany of excuses and blame and finger pointing and a bunch more metaphors and synonyms all in an attempt to avoid responsibility.

    Just saying, based on how MAGA and Legacy Media reacted for the past four years they’re silent and some not so silent acceptance of the blame game is abhorrent. Expected but still; guess if they didn’t have double standard they’d have no standards at all.

    Been poking around. Found a couple of military support sites. No one does the advocacy like the MRFF but they each have their fans and they do what they can. Glad to see it. Only way any of us get through these hard times is with whatever community we create for ourselves.

    May your potlucks be filled with tasty dishes and satisfying deserts and most important, good friends and good conversations.

  13. Synergy February 1, 2025 at 4:21 am

    White House press secretary puts out that you ought to be praying, when flying, that the pilot is not a DEI hire! She says that America’s air travel is safe but that DEI hiring is putting the American people at risk, both, in the cockpit and in air traffic control towers! Maybe that was Donnie that said that, can’t remember.

    So, I’m guessing, it ain’t safe to be flying right now? Is that what she said? At least not until Donnie makes an announcement that all DEI pilots and air traffic controllers have been purged? Get some of the kids of Fox News hosts in there!

    Wished they’d hurry up and get all those disabled people purged, I’ve got an overseas trip coming up, off to the UK again, you know, looking for a house down in East Sussex. Hey, they’ve got free health care! Woohoo! Hoping to get refugee status. I digress.

    I’m also guessing that when you get on an airplane you ought to be glancing in the cockpit to see what skin color the pilots are! If he’s black …. Well, you know. God help you if it’s a black “she” pilot! Uh oh!

    Better yet, maybe ask at the reservation counter when you check in to see what color the pilots are? Oh, and make sure the pilot isn’t female. She ought to be at home cooking dinner and taking care of the kids! If she doesn’t have kids yet, tell her to wait till you get home from flying to try to make them!

    She also said “tens of millions” of deaths in the U.S. from fentanyl! Damn, who knew? I’m confused – again. Census shows US population is growing, “In 2023, the number of deaths decreased, which helped to offset the decline in births,” with 2024 showing highest population growth yet?

    Ok, ok, 2 + 2 is a function of the 1st derivative of a 2nd degree equation, a value derived from an X squared quadratic, the roots, one real, one imaginary. Set it equal to zero and you have the slope of the tangent line at the value where DEI hires are destroying air travel! Damn Donnie, you’re breaking my head Bro! You REALLY ARE a staple genus!

    I think I get it now. It just dawned on me, the light came on – Donnie uses imaginary numbers! WOW! He IS smart! Soooo much common sense!

    Tens of millions of Americans dying of fentanyl (according to the press secretary), and we haven’t declared a national health crises? I’m guessing the next pandemic won’t even be reported! “Whatever it is, it’ll go away in April,” once we get black pilots off our airplanes and blind and deaf controllers out of control towers.

    But weren’t the pilots in the DC collision – white? I’m hearing the left seat on the Blackhawk that collided with the American Eagle flight was a white female doing a check ride? Is that right? Prolly fake news. Confusing.

    And now an uncontrolled flight into terrain in Philly. But, that was a Mexican crew. Does Mexico have a DEI program too?

    Are the Marine 1 pilots DEI hires? Just thinking out loud.

    I know the Air Force 1 pilots are white. Can you even get in the Air Force if you’re black? Or non-Christian? Is that kind of like being a black Mason? Any black Knights Templars?

    Thank God the Orange man is on it! Don’t know what we’d do without him other than …. prosper?

    Somebody tell them Christians the End Times is a coming! Not the one they think, but it’s on its way! “And it’s one, two, three, what are we ……..” Country Joe McDonald.

  14. Grey One talks sass February 2, 2025 at 5:34 am

    Synergy, the current press secretary gave such a racist dog whistle… well, let’s just say she wasn’t shy about implying the only good pilot is someone who looks like her.

    It just grates against everything I thought as a child was America. Equality was the thing society taught was unique to the USA and then I grew up. I watched in real time the after effects as MLK Jr was assassinated. I watched Black Panthers be demonized for feeding kids. I watched as the potential became throttled by Big Tobacco and Big Oil.

    (Big Black Panther fan back when I was shorter. Might have conflated Pink with Black but a panther is a panther and as a kid I was all kitty).

    And here we are, current admin gleefully pushing resegregation, fear, and chaos onto an already divided citizenry.

    Been watching the videos of Sons of Liberty. Had to stop because they sound like my late husband and I just can’t… Thirteen years he’s been gone and nope… can’t. Doesn’t mean I don’t agree with their points. And they are just as forthright and honest as Mikey. You can see why I’m a fan.

    Anyway there are all kinds of allies out and about. And all of them understand the importance of keeping your circles small, of not just joining a ‘big group’ of resistors because the current admin will use that as a weapon.

    How do I know? The idjits doing their best to crash the USA economy and revoke all the protections earned over the last fifty years wrote a freaking manual. It’s in their plan. Read the convoluted thing yourself. It’s the stuff of nightmares and their reasoning? Well, because humans like me exist that’s a affront to their concept of religion. Not insisting anyone be like me but that just I exist. Kind of tired of that narrative.

    Here’s another thought I don’t want to have. What if all this, the shock and awe just just a huge con to make tons of money. All the market unrest, the leaving of treaties, the threats of tariff wars…

    Who is making bank off all this chaos? Is there a way to find out if all this wasn’t just some huge market manipulation scheme by billionaires who are bored out of their mind with a need for excitement?

    side note about prophecy – it’s a tricksy thing. See, you never get the full picture, the context, none of it. You get a view through a straw of something in the distance. You might think you understand what you see but what is ‘known’ AT the time of the viewing and what is ‘known’ IN the time of the viewing are never the same. How can they be? One is here/now and the other is there/then.

    Nat C’s have target fixation based on a 2000 year old prophecy (enhanced with additional viewings over the centuries). It is my hope they crash into that which they did not see or ignored as inconsequential. It is also my hope that those they destroy are themselves and no others. I know that last hope is stretched so thin but hope is all I have here/now.

  15. Synergy February 2, 2025 at 10:52 am

    This country was founded on racism, imo. Nothing like “the founders” and their “All men are created equal,” except the ones I own! The hypocrisy dripping from the “tree of knowledge.” I’m sure you saw her selfie pose with her T shirt “Make Blondes Great Again!” She doesn’t realize they’ll dunk her ass at her own witch trial!

    But, “what goes around comes around,” living in this circular universe as we do – trig functions.

    Sunday Humor – AN ODE TO MAGA:

    Losers, Drunks, and Incompetence,
    nothing more to say,
    burn down the stadium,
    show no mercy today.

    Tariffs, taxes, oppressed masses,
    oligarchs look for more,
    waters recede from beaches,
    get up off the shore.

    Watch the Reds as they follow it out,
    deluded mass no doubt,
    leave them be, nothing to save,
    engulfed by their own red wave.

    Tinted with blood of brothers past,
    too blind for you and me,
    let them have their cesspool streets,
    their own eternity.

    Tariffs, taxes, oppressed masses
    oligarchs look for more,
    water recedes from beaches,
    get up off the shore.

    Ephemeral clouds obscure their eyes,
    closed lids of telling lies,
    never hear their frozen whispers,
    despair that turns to sighs.

    Get up off the beaches when you see that big red wave,
    burning down the stadium, nothing more to save.

    With hands held out they don’t want gold,
    they want palladium,
    at the end of day, when their team wins,
    they’ll burn down the stadium!

    Treason not bounded by order of man,
    a treason against their spaces,
    pristine colors of white and beige,
    color against the races.

    Let them have their delusioned heaven, it’s not for you and me,
    give them rope they long for, their rope of insanity.

    They’ll wrap it around their necks,
    they’ll hang there in their fun,
    with a “once we tried to tell you,”
    it couldn’t be undone.

    Say not a prayer, their magic wane,
    nothing could be done,
    it wasn’t you, it wasn’t me,
    as they hang there in the Sun.

    The wind beats against decompose,
    the birds flock closer still,
    to reap rewards of self-hung fragrance,
    of bile, sun-seasoned swill.

    Remnants cry, shattered lives,
    they wonder to and fro,
    without direction, lost in pain,
    “we tried to tell you so!”

    Get up off the beaches, when you see that big red wave,
    burning down the stadium, nothing more to save.

    Tariffs, taxes, oppressed masses,
    oligarchs look for more,
    when waters recede from beaches,
    get up off the shore!

    But ….. I think it’s funny. I just laugh! “Hey there all you big strong men, Uncle Trump needs a helping hand, way here yonder in tariff land…” Country Joe again.

    It’ll get better – they’re eating themselves!

    How’s that shit sandwich taste MAGA?

  16. Roberta Twomey February 2, 2025 at 12:35 pm

    I was. Registered nurse and worked for the FAA Boston Center in Nashua New Hampshire I did Physicals on the Air Traffic Controllers. There was strict criteria for all air traffic controllers had to pass. Hearing was tested in a special Hearing Booth on a regular basis. Air Traffic controllers had to pass the test There are NO Deaf Air Traffic Controllers it’s a fucking lie of tRump

  17. Synergy February 2, 2025 at 1:41 pm

    I’m with you Roberta! As a pilot, I talk with air traffic controllers all the time. I’ve never heard any DEI “wokism” coming from the boys and girls in the air traffic control towers!

    I stay out of Class B airspace, but the folks in the towers are extremely competent! Especially those in the class Bravos, the big cities.

    MAGA Madness!

  18. Synergy February 2, 2025 at 5:33 pm

    Kind of ironic that when the orange man sends the special operators down to Mexico to take on the cartels, they’ll be confronted with guns made in the good ole USA!

    Most US firearms making it to Mexico go right through ports of entry. Something to do with DEI hiring Donnie? You change that yet?

    A person to person sale in the U.S.? Zero record, zero tracking! Make Guns Great Again! Now there’s a good recipe. Bake me up a .50 caliber – to go! Love me some Barrett’s and online sales! Couple AK-47s, a few AR-15s.

    But, you know, tariffs! Stopping fentanyl with a trade war. Yep, that’ll do it! You run that by Ford & GM?

    Good luck with that Donnie! Special ops gonna love that mission! A young guy joining today could retire in that job!

    Golden Showers!

  19. J.P. February 2, 2025 at 9:37 pm

    Grey One, as a university-trained professional futurist, I place little credence upon “prophecy”. I place even less upon “prophecy” after watching videos from Biblical scholar Dr. Dan McClellan. The fact is that White Christian Nationalists are reading things into both the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Bible that simply aren’t there. If you’re looking for something that might give you hope, let me set you straight on this: the people wanting to see their “end times ‘prophecies’ ” come to pass are almost certain to run into unanticipated complications and consequences that ensure their notions of prophesied futures won’t come to pass — despite their best efforts to force those “prophecies” to occur.

    I, too, remember the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and Rev. Dr. MLK, Jr. I didn’t realize the significance of those events in the day — I was 12 years old when Neil Armstrong set foot upon the Moon. In retrospect, I recognize those as events that truly changed the courses of American histories and futures. Perhaps the most important insight Rev. Dr King left us was that we have the power to shape our collective futures by seeking to stand atop the mountain together and search for the most desirable destinations for all of us. With those desirable futures in mind, along with the knowledge that we can realize them if we work together, we can coordinate our collective efforts and create futures our successors will be grateful for.

  20. Synergy February 3, 2025 at 9:35 am

    The Orange man says, “tariffs create success!” Says he took in tens of millions of dollars from foreign countries. No he didn’t. He transferred tens of millions of dollars from the American people to the government!

    Trump “thinks” tariffs, along with his next round of tax cuts, are going to bring manufacturing back to the United States. But it won’t! Trump lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs in his last term, after having imposed tariffs on China.

    Tariffs are used to protect an industry. His tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum protected U.S. production at a cost of $875,000 per U.S. job saved, along with negatively affecting incentives to compete, lowering quality of our own production.

    There was a time in America when Ford was an acronym for “Fix Or Repair Daily!”

    You know what increased quality of US cars? Competition from Japan. The Japanese were producing better cars. We had to up our game to compete.

    No amount of tariffs or lowering of corporate tax rates are going to bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Companies are not willing to invest in the enormous amounts of money required for new production capabilities in the U.S. Companies know that Trump is only temporary – they’re playing the long game. Their production capability will be positioned for long term gains and viability. In other words, outside the United States.

    The only way to save US automotive manufacturing is to produce Chinese electric vehicles in the U.S. in partnership with the world leaders in EV production. Of course it will never happen. Elon, for one, won’t let in any competition to impact his EV sales, an unelected citizen controlling the purse strings in the United States.

    Trump is trying to force the American people to continue buying substandard autos from US companies that simply can’t compete!

    In fairness, Biden did it too to buy votes! 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs. To support a dying industry here at home!

    Trump is going to make permanent his first-term tax cuts, 85% of which went to the wealthy and corporations- they are set to expire this year. On top of that, he’s going to further decrease corporate tax rates from 21% to 15%, adding $5 Trillion to the national debt!

    He’s bought into supply side voodoo economics, aka the Laffer curve, remember Art Laffer (I call it the laughter curve). Governor of Kansas, Sam Brownback, following the Laffer curve, reduced all business taxes in Kansas to zero resulting in a first year deficit of $800 million. Since States can’t print their own money, they robbed education and transportation to make up the difference.

    They actually said, “we’re going to increase government revenues by lowering government revenues!” They finally ran Brownback out of Kansas and Trump gave him a job in Washington as the ambassador for international religious freedom!

    2025 is going to be the year of the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of this country! No Hyperbole.

    You’re going to have fewer manufacturing jobs under Trump, higher inflation, lowered standard of living, less healthcare (repeal of Obamacare), higher taxes, and a gutting of social programs such as Social Security and Medicare. Medicaid will be gone. 67% of seniors in nursing homes are paid for by Medicaid!

    Department of education gone (but that tax money stays in Washington). FEMA gone (that tax money stays in Washington). The DOJ and FBI gutted. A doubled defense budget, not to mention a few forever wars like – taking over the Panama Canal, Greenland, and Canada! Let’s say the U.S. takes over the Panama Canal. How do you defend it? And what do you do about the rail lines being built to bypass the canal? Traffic through the canal is substantially reduced due to water shortages. We’ll end up owning a canal for the sole use of U.S. Navy transit, the opportunity costs in the hundreds of billions to pay for lost revenues and cost of security, maintenance, and operation of the canal, protected by a permanent military presence dealing with security threats against U.S. naval ships passing through the canal.

    Trump wants out of NATO. Wants to bully the European Union and the UK, and will give Ukraine to Putin.

    He won’t go to war against the Chinese over Taiwan, China’s too powerful! Taiwan will go the way of Hong Kong but they supply the world with semi conductor chips. Taiwan’s TSMC, the global supplier of chips, opening a FAB in Arizona. How long do you think that will last under Chinese control?

    Trump will only pick on the little kids in the school yard, not someone that can stand up to him.

    The rise of Christian Nationalism. You’ll like it until you figure out your flavor of Christianity may be at odds with theirs!

    You gave the country away MAGA! You were warned to be careful what you ask for. You got it! Enjoy your new country … and your Golden Showers!

    Lest I forget, Trump said, “MAGA pain is coming!” Straight out of the Dear Leader’s mouth! Grocery prices lowered yet? Gas prices? Consumer goods? Fruit and veg rotting in the fields – no one to pick them. DOW futures drop 650 points. Interest rates haven’t been lowered, rents, mortgages high, labor shortages in the meat industry.

  21. Synergay February 3, 2025 at 11:13 am

    Wake me up when the pain starts… keep yappin though, beta males with TDS are entertaining to some degree.

  22. Synergy February 3, 2025 at 1:35 pm

    Speaking of beta cucks, the orange man gets his ass handed to him by a strong woman down in Mexico! Sooo funny!

    Sheinbaum with a doctoral degree in energy engineering, a scientist, did her doctoral research at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Nobel laureate, she’s mopping the floor with the man baby and his goon squad! That 73 IQ ain’t doin so well!

    While negotiating with the U.S., she’s cutting trade deals with China, Mexico diversifying its interests in favor of getting away from the unreliability of the U.S. – as are all other countries around the world!
    ‘Merika First! USA, USA, ….

    The Orange man claims victory, like he does, for getting Mexico to agree to put troops on the border. Mexico agrees – because they’ve already got troops on the border! Yep, like taking candy from a baby!

    The capitalists got to the man baby and told him “you’re gonna kill your auto industry with tariffs,” against his own trade deal, the USMCA. The U.S. auto industry already suffering losses, tariffs would seal the deal, pretty embarrassing for boy tariff!

    The celebrity president just got his ass handed to him! So claim victory and get Mexico to do what they were already doing! Yep, “staple genus!”

    She also opened the door for talks on US guns coming into Mexico. Don’t piss off the NRA Donnie! The fentanyl fix is pretty easy – stop taking it? Pill mills in the U.S.? Doctors bribed to prescribe it? Americans bringing it over the border?

    Watch the Canadians play him like a fiddle! That 4 million bpd of oil imported from Canada that gets refined in the Midwest? Major undertaking to convert a refinery from heavy crude to light shale. Big economic hit on midwest states! Canada supplying power to US States. Fuck it! Unplug it! FAFO Donnie! They’ll play him like a fiddle. You know, give him a fireman hat and an air horn, he’ll be happy!

    The hits just keep on rolling! Golden Showers MAGA!

  23. SynerYawn February 3, 2025 at 5:12 pm

    Yes! Let the hate flow through you!

  24. Synergy February 3, 2025 at 6:50 pm

    While the U.S. was busy spending $5.3 Trillion in the last twenty years of war, having attacked the wrong country at a cost of blood and treasure, China expanded its influence and relationships around the world and made major investments in its own technological development.

    Gold Star families wondering what the hell it was for!

    $3.3 Trillion to take out Bin Laden and then give the country back to the Taliban (the orange-man’s doing – Doha agreement)! Really? Was that a Make Islam Great Again move?

    Trillions spent to give Iraq to the Iranian regime, you know, support Shia Islam.

    And here we are, the U.S. way behind the power curve technologically (DeepSeek R1), unable to compete, the world turning to BRICS as the new world monetary medium of exchange, and the U.S. getting ready to spend new blood and treasure on misguided take-overs of other countries, Panama, Greenland, and any other shiny country the Orange Baby thinks he wants.

    The tariff push is a way, in the Orange-man’s infantile mind, to help him finance the tax cuts benefitting the wealthy that he will impose on the American people, a massive transfer of wealth – again! It’s coming. This year! You pay for it!

    $200 Billion raised in tariffs, $350 billion getting rid of the Dept of Education, $50 Billion doing away with FEMA, $100 Billion in reducing the federal work force, pretty soon you’ve got some real money!

    But his tax cut bill alone will be $5 Trillion. $100 Billion for rounding up brown people, $1 Trillion additional for defense spending, supplemental allocations for military exigency operations (Panama, Greenland, et al). The money he steals by doing away with the Dept of Education won’t go back to the states, and the taker red states will suffer enormously, their education budgets already strained. Transfer of money from public to private education further exacerbating the shortfalls creating a “caste” system in America, controlled by a particular flavor of Christian values – Lauren Boebert’s reaching across the armrest form?

    Golden Showers!

  25. SynergayLovesGoldenBoyShowers February 4, 2025 at 5:24 am

    Brics will never work with communist Russia and China. NEVER. So you can quit crying about Brics.

    Deepseek is a shit version of American AI. watered down. Another stolen IP im sure. I say good, this will force US companies to make it better.

    You sure love you some golden showers. Not my thing, but cool I guess.

  26. SynerYawn February 4, 2025 at 5:26 am

    China cant survive without the US, but we can survive without China. Stop glorifying China. Its dogshit and isnt doing as well as your imagination leads you to believe.

  27. Synergy February 4, 2025 at 8:19 am

    Can the 15 Red states that voted for the Orange Baby do without that education funding they’re going to lose after he dismantles the Department of Education? Red states more federally dependent than blue states.

    $2.3 Billion just for Louisiana schools, 20% of the State’s education budget, $3,300 per student.

    Hey, maybe they can get some money from China!

    “I’m putting a tariff on Bellevue High down in Louisiana! They’ve treated us so unfairly! Make Crawdads Great Again!” Accordion hands – Zydeco!

    LSU ranked #179 in nation’s public universities. “Got yerself a real Princeton down air doncha?” Too much wokism!

    Ten Commandments in classrooms. Make them recite the crawdad pledge ever mornin. What’s not to love?

    Losers, Drunks, and Incompetence lighting up the way,
    No respite from ignorance,
    no mercy shown today!

    Golden Showers MAGA – Let it rain!

  28. Synergy February 4, 2025 at 7:07 pm

    Trump’s latest foreign adventure is, of all places, Gaza!

    Get out your check books! Man, he’s running up that deficit fast! Greenland, Canada, Panama, Mexico, and now Gaza! EU, you’re next!

    Ok troops, you’re on deck!

    “Get out your helmets, get out your guns,
    Taking over for Israel gonna have some fun,
    working on my tan in the Gazan Sun.
    And, it’s, one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
    Don’t ask me I don’t give a damn,
    our friend Bibi needs a helping hand,
    way over yonder in Gaza land!”

    But, have you seen the plans for the Trump resort in Gaza? It’s gorgeous! Right there on the beach. Not too far from the offshore wells they’re going to drill. You won’t see them though. Unspoiled view.

    He’s going to give the remaining Palestinians free travel out of the country. You know, too many bad memories. He doesn’t want them to suffer anymore, you know, coming home to not having a home.

    How many beds did Tom Homan say he had at Gitmo? Never mind, I think Trump said 1.3 million Palestinians he’s getting rid of so they won’t have a vote in the new expanded Israel. Besides, Gitmo is on hold for Mexican kids.

    One eenie, weenie, tiny little snag though. I think the Palestinians think it’s their land. It isn’t. All you have to do is look in the Bible, and ask Mike Huckabee, but, they’re kind of stubborn. You know how they are. They’re not compassionate like the Israelis are.

    They’re gonna put up a lot of tents for them in – somewhere, not sure where he said. Was it Jordan? Egypt? Saudi? Who knows.

    So, US troops are taking on the role. Bus drivers for Palestinian refugees being deported?

    Yeah, I’m wondering how long it’s gonna take to start losing US troops as they navigate through this eviction process, but, Israeli troops are plum wore out. They need a break! They need US troops to step up and do their part in fighting for Israel. It’s the only Christian thing to do. Getting rid of people is hard! Just ask the Taliban.

    But man, that new Trump resort is gonna be so cool! Can’t wait!

    “And it’s one, two, three ….”

  29. J.P. February 4, 2025 at 10:24 pm

    Permit me to address comments from SynergayLovesGoldenBoyShowers and SynerYawn. First, a comment from SynergayLovesGoldenBoyShowers read, “Brics will never work with communist Russia and China. NEVER. So you can quit crying about Brics.” While the People’s Republic of China clings to pretensions of being a “communist” state, it isn’t actually. It’s been creeping toward late-stage capitalism since President Nixon traveled to Beijing back in in the eraly 1970s. The Russian Federation, on the other hand, isn’t a “communist” state: if anything, Russia serves as a reminder of what the United States could become if we continue to allow unqualified people to rule us.

  30. Synergy February 5, 2025 at 9:41 am

    MRFF troll thinks BRICS are something you build with, Russia & China founding members. Keep working on that GED!

    But, the Orange Man’s gonna deport the Palestinians and give them good jobs?

    They gonna get cheap eggs too? How ‘bout low gas prices? cheap mortgages? Oh, I forgot, they’re gonna be living in tents.

    Before or after he invades the Panama Canal and Greenland?

    Did you see Bibi’s face? The look of, “Goddamn! What’s this boy on?” Hilarious! SNL skit! Pure comedy.

    Orange man says we’ve got intellectually deficient controllers in control towers? Is it safe to fly right now? He already get rid of them controllers and train up their replacements?

    Oh, those federal employees he’s getting rid of? Get out your check book as they hire them back as contractors to do the work! At higher pay.

    If you’re a new-hire government employee, do the resign thing – free 8 months pay without having to work. They’ll hire you back as a contractor. If you’re a 14 year plus government employee – make them fire you! You’ll get a severance package anyway along with unemployment!

    If you’re close to retirement – make them give you a “buy out.” It’s a poker game but you’ll win it!

    Golden Showers MAGA!

    Side note – legally, the Army pilot was at fault – requested visual approach twice and it was acknowledged and approved by ATC – twice. It legally shifted collision avoidance responsibility COMPLETELY to the Army pilots; however, the controller should have intervened! He had transponder position data on his screen. The airliner? Flew the approach exactly as he should have. Tragic!

    Yes, the controller and his supervisor should be fired and controller training immediately revised to include the delta between legal responsibilities and ethical responsibilities.

    Can we expect to see more money for the FAA now to keep the skies safe? Not on your life! Got to save some money for those new tax cuts for the oligarchs! The orange baboon’s co-President Elonia has offered them the “resign” option. Well that oughta do it Donnie, extensive training to include 2 -3 years on-the-job-training for proficiency not to mention posting experience requirements. You don’t, for example, put new controllers in Class B airspace!

    The accident didn’t have a damned thing to do with the Orange Man’s fucked up nonsense, his trademarked word salad and preposterous DEI blame gaming!

  31. SynerYawn February 5, 2025 at 1:30 pm

    You sure do think a lot about golden showers. Brics is a fucking joke.

  32. Synergy February 5, 2025 at 9:21 pm

    Fox Entertainment says the Orange Man is playing four dimensional chess in reference to moving 2 million Palestinians out of Gaza.

    I’m thinking it’s marbles and he’s short a bag or two.

    They need to check his meds. Whatever he’s on, it ain’t working. See how tired he is? Can barely keep his eyes open. I’m sure the mental problems aren’t helping but something else is going on physiologically. Old age catching up to him. Very low energy, lethargic, prolly needs a noon time nap, a little orange blanket, fire hat beside the bed, and a Capri-Sun when he wakes up.

    But, US intervention in Gaza? I s’pose it’s no different than using troops to deport brown people here at home. Are Palestinians brown? Think they are. The Orange Man’s got a thing with brown! He do love him some Norwegians though! Or is it Slavs and Czechs? I forget.

    Get the troops ready. Remember, Christians in first – Orange Crusaders! Pete Hegseth leading the charge. Prayers allowed and at Christmas they’re gonna put a Christmas tree on top of the Dome of the Rock and sing Christmas carols at the Temple Mount!

    Golden Showers MAGA!

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