Mikey Weinstein Reflects on Handwritten Letter He Received From Jimmy Carter 17 Years Ago Expressing Support for MRFF

Published On: January 2, 2025|Categories: Featured News|17 Comments|

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  1. FrancisDebe January 2, 2025 at 7:59 pm

    The nonexistent letter. Sorta like the book of mormon.

  2. J.P. January 2, 2025 at 9:17 pm

    FrancisDeBe, have you any proof that the letter is nonexistent? If you do, please provide it. I’m sure it would be interesting and informative . . . .

  3. Grey One talks sass January 3, 2025 at 3:48 am

    FrancisDeBe is the poop appreciating troll I’ve encountered before on this site. No accounting for taste (ick). They do enjoy throwing their opinion around like it matters or something. Stick to your lane Francis, outside of it you are weak tea.

  4. Grey One talks sass January 3, 2025 at 4:04 am

    J.P. Of course they don’t have any evidence that Mikey made it up. They do have an abundance of sour grapes.

    I read this story before, about the letter and all. What an honor! And the timing is perfect – facing insurmountable odds with rabid trolls at the door, and you get a letter of encouragement from one of the most decent humans on the planet?!?! Had it happened to me I’d rededicate my life to do the best good I could for as long as I could. Understandable the Weinstein’s did the same.

    I must confess to an animas to Jimmy Carter back in the day. I didn’t understand one of his decisions, specifically deciding to not cover soldiers health care who hadn’t been assigned to an active battle area during their tour of duty. I’d no idea the military leaders along with Reagan goons had been scuttling Carter’s attempts to get the hostages returned. I’d also not been aware of how much work the military was doing for American corporations down in Central America; officially unofficially.

    So when then President Carter looked the military leaders in the eye and asked them if they’d any active operations they knew about that could help the enlisted ranks and they lied to his face and said no… he had no other option but to say what he said and I blamed him for that and I was very very wrong.

    Only reason I know some of this back story is due to the late husband’s extra curricular activities down south of the border. What he did down there changed him. He used to be so pro military but afterwards… he was still pro Marine Corps but the higher ups? Yeah, he kept a cold place in his heart for them. Pretty sure if he could effect changes to the higher ups from the other side he’d be very busy.

  5. FrancisDebe January 3, 2025 at 6:48 am

    Do you have any proof that the letter exists J.P. besides “trust me bro”.

    I also received a letter from Carter commending my amazing work as a private citizen calling out bullshit non profit organizations where the CEO pockets all the donations. Prove it doesnt exist

  6. Synergy January 3, 2025 at 8:22 am

    Jism claims he’s called out bullshit non profit “organizations,” implying others as well.

    Tell us who else you’ve called out! Let me guess, was it Wreaths Across America?

    Kind of like that imaginary GED he’s working on!

    I know, grammar is so hard!

  7. FrancisDebe January 3, 2025 at 4:15 pm

    Please tell me more.

  8. J.P. January 3, 2025 at 8:04 pm

    FrancisDebe, I have no more proof that Mikey Weinstein had a letter from Jimmy Carter than I have that you got one; however, I’m not making a claim about either case: you are. Logically, that gives you the burden of proof. If you do have a letter from Jimmy Carter, perhaps you’d be willing to present a copy of your letter so people who can authenticate that letter can examine it.

    That said, had you asked Mr. Weinstein nicely for a copy of the letter, it’s possible he might have provided that. It could be that the original might have been donated to The Carter Center — it would, after all, be an example of the many things President Carter did over the course of his lifetime to push America toward fulfilling its promises to all.

    But I doubt you’ll get much cooperation from Mikey after making a claim that he never received that letter. I certainly wouldn’t blame him if he suggested you GPUAR. In the meantime, though, you made the positive claim that you got a letter from President Carter about your efforts to call out non-profit organizations you don’t believe in.

    So, the ball’s in your court, buddy– put up or shut up!

  9. Synergy January 5, 2025 at 9:26 am

    Women, repulsed, leaving their MAGAT husbands and boyfriends, the running theme, “anyone that believes God put this miscreant in power is not someone I want to be with!”


  10. FrancisDebe January 6, 2025 at 3:57 pm

    These blue haired large framed “women” will be missed dearly. 😂

  11. Grey One talks sass January 6, 2025 at 4:22 pm

    Wow Francis, you’re an all purpose bigot. Also you dance fancier around a subject than anyone I’ve witnessed before.

    Well, you do practice in front of the mirror every day. Your expertise gives you away.

  12. Grey One talks sass January 6, 2025 at 4:29 pm

    Regarding Francis comment: “I also received a letter from Carter commending my amazing work as a private citizen calling out bullshit non profit organizations where the CEO pockets all the donations. Prove it doesnt exist”

    I’m not positive as IANAL but this statement is libel adjacent as they don’t name names. We all know who they mean and we also know if they had a shred of evidence they wouldn’t be posting here, proving their statements dishonesty.

    Needed to put that down as it’s a knot I’ve been worrying on for a minute.

  13. Synergy January 8, 2025 at 11:32 am

    FrancesDwebe will come around when he’s got one of those “blue haired large frame women” wiping his incontinent ass for him when he’s in a nursing home. And he’ll be thanking them, remorse his only companion.

  14. J.P. January 10, 2025 at 9:11 pm

    Synergy, I glanced quickly at your latest comment and thought I saw ” . . . wiping the floor with his incontinent @$$ . . . .”

    My bad. Sorry I misread the comment . . . .

  15. Synergy January 11, 2025 at 11:33 am

    Um, yeah, that IS what I said! I think. Maybe it was my thought bubble :-)

  16. Jeffrey Juran January 15, 2025 at 3:41 pm

    I am bewildered by the may people responding to the obvious troll. Such responsiveness is what keeps media and schoolroom trolls, also in obvious need of attention, in “business” – the business of becoming someone, of earning some measure of credibility. I always council the the surest, the quickest way to make things right, is to give them infrequent and pointed questioning – and in doing so, bypassing their agenda.

  17. Grey One talks sass January 15, 2025 at 10:39 pm

    Jeffrey Juran, in other sites I leave the trolls alone unless they say something so blatantly false it’s imperative to combat the lie with facts.

    Here, there aren’t as many commentators so I view the troll more as a cat does to anything on a shelf. Also most of the stuff they say is just bigoted crap which must not be left sitting where it’s dropped.

    Cat, pooper scooper, take your pick of metaphors. I learned long ago when attacked doing nothing doesn’t stop the bully. Popping them in the nose with hard facts sure does get them pointed in a different direction.

    This is a whole new game with the incoming President elect felon. Defending our Constitution has always been a patriotic endeavor but now? Yeah, our country is on the edge. Bapping at trolls seems to be a good use of energy and doing what I can for the country I love.

    Why do you wonder so much Jeffrey?

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