Thank You From Whiteman AFB

Published On: February 4, 2018|Categories: MRFF's Inbox, Top News|0 Comments|

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Mr. Weinstein and the MR Freedom Foundation, please do not use my name or rank. All else is good to go.

I am a (USAF rank withheld) in the AF stationed at Whiteman AFB, Missouri and am in the (unit designation withheld) of the (additional unit designation withheld) of the 509th Bomb Wing.

My wife and I just wanted to thank you all for standing up for those of us on the receiving end of the Wing Commander’s (Brig. Genl. Nichols’) National Prayer breakfast “invitation” which so many of us viewed as an “order” to attend. We both are (Protestant denomination withheld) but we and many others here can see exactly what is going on. About time someone fights back.

Although we are somewhat new to Whiteman AFB and the 509th Bomb Wing we are not new to the AF. We have seen issues of Christian faith pushing that are wrong many times and often with events such as this one. I can tell you that in all of our years in the AF we have never before had to deal with one of these annual prayer breakfasts or lunches being advertised as this one was. “On behalf of Brig. Gen. John J. Nichols”. Invoking the name of the Wing Commander by the AF senior leadership here is totally messed up. It is just wrong because if you don’t go to the prayer event you will be marked as “one of those” who are not team players. And when that occurs your career and more can be stopped cold and fast. There is a lot of fear here because of that.

People can say that it doesn’t happen all they want but it does. It happens all the time. I have personally seen it many times. Christian religious talk and other stuff by superiors and supervisors is common all over the AF. And if you try to stand up to it you will have few to support you. And there are bad consequences. Most just go along to get along and not be singled out.

Please do not use any of my contact information.

But our family truly appreciates what the MR Freedom Foundation and its lawyers and crew do for those of us who can’t say anything.

Something had to be done and you guys did it. Our family and many others here in the 509th thank you all. Sorry you had to meet our 509th Bomb Wing family under such jacked negative vibes. We have a lot of good folks out here who don’t deserve this “Air Forced” religion mess from our chain of command.


(USAF service member’s name, rank, AFSC, unit, phone number all withheld)

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