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ALTERNET – Hey Veterans: Take Two Bible Verses and Call Me in the Morning

Published On: November 11, 2011|Categories: News|Comments Off on ALTERNET – Hey Veterans: Take Two Bible Verses and Call Me in the Morning|

by Chris Rodda, MRFF Senior Research Director

Selected Excerpt:

When I began working for the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) over four years ago, one of the first stories I heard was that of a disabled veteran named Akiva David Miller. This veteran was not only being subjected to relentless Christian proselytizing at a V.A. hospital, but had actually been denied medical treatment — all because he’s a Jew. I could barely believe what I was hearing. This was happening in America? WTF?

Unfortunately, Akiva’s story is only one of many that I’ve now heard. For our atheist and other non-Christian veterans who seek out treatment from the V.A. — for both medical and mental health issues such as PTSD — that treatment frequently includes a good dose of “all you need to do is accept Jesus as your savior.” Akiva Miller didn’t need to find Jesus; he needed medical treatment and pain medication…

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