
Published On: December 10, 2019|Categories: MRFF's Inbox|0 Comments|

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Never met an atheist in a fox hole asshole

(name withheld)

Response from MRFF Advisory Board Member Mike Farrell

On Dec 9, 2019, at 6:52 PM, Mike  wrote:

Hey (name withheld),
I’m tempted to ask what a “fox hole asshole” is. Your unwillingness to use punctuation leaves your message open to misinterpretation.
But even assuming I correctly get your drift, as they say, your eight word email is so full of assumptions
that it needs some clarification.
First, how many fox holes have you been in? When I served, we called what I assume you’re talking about foxholes. A fox hole, as you have it, opens a number of possibilities. So, for clarity, how many fox holes and how many foxholes have you been in?
Next, there is an oft-repeated old saw that suggests “there are no atheists in foxholes.” It’s not true, of course, but what it suggests is that fighting men (and today women) getting shot at and being shellacked with incoming are terrified and spend a lot of time praying.
Lastly, the reasonable implication of your message, while it doesn’t really give evidence of a lot of reasoning by its author, is that you think Mikey Weinstein or the people at the MRFF are atheists. Well, you’re wrong.
I imagine there may be some atheists among the thousands of people who work at, are served by or support the MRFF, but we know that over 95% of those associated with us are Christians.
So what’s your beef, Bill? Or are you just having a bad day?
Mike Farrell
(MRFF Board of Advisors)

Response from MRFF Advisory Board Member Martin France
On Mon, Dec 9, 2019, 19:01 Martin France  wrote:

Dearest Mr (name withheld),

As an advisory board member of the MRFF, I occasionally respond to emails sent to Mikey such as yours. 
Given the tone of most emails we receive (i.e., rude, profane, and grammatically challenged), I’d first like to thank you for your brevity–it makes for fewer mistakes and four-letter words.
Now, I don’t know how many foxholes you’ve occupied (I’d guess it’s zero), but let me assure you that there are MANY Atheists serving patriotically throughout our DoD.  They even have Facebook pages where they discuss issues like unwanted proselytization by pushy Christians and religious-based bias exercised by commanders.
I’m also well-acquainted with many Atheists that have, in fact, occupied foxholes, including my own son (Marine infantry with a deployment to Iraq) and my other son (former AF R&D engineer deployed to Afghanistan). The latter may not have been in a foxhole, but he was well “down-range” and faced enemy fire.
Come to think of it, I’m an Atheist, too.  Despite that handicap, I managed to serve our great country for over 37 years on active duty, with some success, and two times under enemy fire: in the Pentagon on 9/11 and during an 8-hour Chinook Helo mission in Afghanistan (incoming mortars on the landing pad).  During neither of those events did I consider prayer. I did, however, consider my duty and commitment to defending the Constitution of the United States–part of the oath I’ve taken many times.

Response from MRFF Board Member John Compere
Your lack of originality reflects only on yourself & reveals a foul-mouthed fool incapable of civil & coherent communication.
Brigadier General John Compere, US Army (Retired)
Disabled American Veteran (Vietnam Era)
Board Member, Military Religious Freedom Foundation (80% Christians)


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