MRFF to SECDEF Nominee Pete Hegseth: “I am Redeemed by My Lord and Savior” Did Not Answer Any of the Senate Armed Services Committee’s Questions

Published On: January 14, 2025|Categories: Featured News|17 Comments|
Hegseth at his confirmation hearing

In his Senate confirmation hearing today, Christian nationalist zealot Pete Hegseth, the former and unfortunately returning president’s utterly unqualified nominee for Secretary of Defense, dismissed his adultery and other bad behavior by telling the Senate Armed Services Committee members:

“I have failed in things in my life and thankfully I am redeemed by my lord and savior.”

Yes, Hegseth pulled out the good old fundamentalist Christian ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card, a tactic successfully used by many a televangelist and megachurch pastor caught with their pants down — just tell them that you’ve repented and Jesus has forgiven you and all will be forgotten!

But Pete Hegseth is not a televangelist or megachurch pastor. He is the nominee for Secretary of Defense — a nominee whose behavior should absolutely and immediately disqualify him, no matter what Jesus says.

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  1. Pete Hegseth January 14, 2025 at 6:40 pm


  2. J.P. January 14, 2025 at 8:41 pm

    “Hegseth” is the sound all patriotic Americans should make when they sneeze — just to remind ourselves that Mr. Sneeze should just blow on down the road!

    When “the ‘Honorable’ Mr. Hegseth” claims that Jesus “redeemed” him, I wonder what Jesus got for redeeming him. Because his record as a leader, manager and truth teller all indicate that Jesus should have stayed with Green Stamps — He’d have gotten something far better than Hegseth.

    The only thing worse than Hegseth’s performance in today’s hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee was the coddling and willful ignorance displayed by his Republican supporters. On the other hand, Democrats on the Committee were well known for their service in the Armed Forces. It makes me wonder about the service records of the SecDef’s supporters . . . .

  3. Robert Grove January 14, 2025 at 10:24 pm

    What a putz. Totally unqualified and morally corrupt.

  4. Grey One talks sass January 15, 2025 at 7:30 am

    I watched for as long as I could and then caught up via clips from bloggers. I think my personal nope and pragmatic realization Hegseth will be approved was when he disrespected Sen Tammy Duckworth. Right there he showed everyone exactly the quality of his character and MAGA swooned.

    So, service critters who despair at the news, don’t. You’ve survived worse and will face much worse in the future. I’m sorry this task is upon you but trying times beset every generation and mine (olds) mastered the art of kicking the can down the road. Foolish concept but no one consulted me.

    So, you know better than me how to survive the coming times. I’m sure you already have ‘those’ folks in your midst, braggarts, bullies, and cowards but I repeat myself. If you need survival assistance, nah, y’all are good, but if you did I’m sure the DOD has printed a book or two for your reading amusement. Just saying.

  5. Jkkjff January 15, 2025 at 11:42 am

    blablablabla 😂

  6. Synergy January 15, 2025 at 1:31 pm

    All of Trump’s nominations will be confirmed. What you’re seeing is political theater. Tune it out.

    The real fun begins after Jan 20th when the dog realizes he caught the car and can’t let go! The dog has its teeth buried into the tire and that thumping noise you’re hearing is the thump on the pavement as the dog gets thrashed every time the wheel comes around! Fucking Hilarious!

    They’re already fighting amongst themselves. So funny. A clown show, pure comedy!

    Fuck with Mexico and what does Mexico do? It can’t defend itself but …. China can!

    Mexico already making moves for economic independence in new alliances with China, China pumping $ Billions into Mexico. China already produces a $5,000 dollar fully electric commuter vehicle, US auto maker manufacturing in Mexico threatened – by America’s abject stupidity, you know, tariffs on U.S. corporations building ICE vehicles in Mexico (Ford, GM).

    MAGA is reinforcing, to the world, that independence from US hegemony is a high priority, in all aspects, driving trading partners to align with US adversaries, allies soon to be former allies, you know, two dimensional checkers!

    The U.S. is self-isolating from a global structure the people of the United States can’t do without. Massive economic impact on the MAGA base who barely have a Chinese pot to piss in!

    When the dollar falls as the world’s reserve currency, inevitable, coupled with tariffs and deportations, the isolation will be complete.

    The Trump dawg caught the car! Couple more thumps on the pavement and that meat will be nice and tender. MAGA will have something to eat!

    Get yourself some popcorn and a nice chair. Gonna be the best comedy you’ve ever seen!

  7. Synergy January 15, 2025 at 6:10 pm

    Let me give you just one small but very important example of Trump’s stupidity that’s going to hurt the American people.

    All the “America first” bullshit aside, he sold his illiterate and uneducated base on “Drill Baby Drill.” Trump is dead set against electric vehicles (funny how his co-President makes them)! He wants gas guzzlers produced in America because it’s the path of least opposition to his own personal wealth.

    You know how Putin got rich? He went after the oil and gas oligarchs, shook them down for enormous wealth!

    He can’t shake down battery manufacturers or electric vehicle producers because, aside from Tesla, no one of import in America is producing a competitive battery, China way out in front on battery technology, Samsung doing some good stuff. In other words, those companies are out of his reach.

    He’s already shaken down Elon for campaign money and Elon scored one of the biggest investment windfalls in history when he bought the Presidency. But, Elon produces electric vehicles. And, in fairness, does a good job of it. Musk’s vehicles compete in China and the Chinese are way out in front of everyone in EV technology. China’s CATL holds the largest market share in battery production at 37.6%, China’s BYD in 2nd place. And China leads the way in green energy manufacturing, battery, solar, wind. China dominates in technologies to come. Playing catch up is hard to do and Trump will push us further behind as he ignores the inevitable, his head buried in the tar sands.

    But Trump can shake down the fossil fuel industry, just like his mentor Vladdy did, so, “Drill Baby Drill!” He will receive a windfall but not you. Not to mention that Texas is the largest producer of oil and gas in the U.S. and it’s run by right-wing climate denying nut jobs. Texas will suffer as the world transitions to electric and green energy, 22% of Texas GSP from oil and gas.

    To be clear, the internal combustion engine is all but dead. And Trump can’t stop it! He can’t profit from it because we don’t have a stake in global competitiveness. He can’t do it militarily. China also has nukes! He doesn’t have anyone to control regarding green energy production. We won’t catch up, period.

    He will gaslight the American people until they finally wake up from their dream and realize yes, global competitiveness is a real thing! Their Christian homeschool educated children are dumber than rocks, Elon and Vivek has already said as much, and they’re relegated to service industry jobs. They’ll grow up to be worse off than their parents, living at home into their 30s and 40s (or maybe stay their until mom and dad dies off). The electrification of the globe is real, it’s ongoing as we speak, and the U.S. is burying its head in the sand while the rest of the world moves on. The outcome? A gaslit proletariat with a lowered standard of living and quality of life. Huge wealth disparities that will fuel revolt when his base comes out from under their anesthesia and realizes they’ve been left behind, the MAGA rubber balls on their bumper hitches disintegrating from UV exposure and exhaust fumes. But it’ll be too late!

    US global standing is soon to be no longer a thing.

    Look around where you live. Do you see new homes being built or new apartments? Ask yourself why. People don’t come first in America, corporations do! That’s why you’re going to continue to see more and more apartments going up, a corporatized revenue stream in perpetuity.

    Good luck with your new country and those shiny objects!

    But, at least you’re free! Right?

  8. Synergy January 16, 2025 at 11:36 am

    “My Lord and Savior,” says Trump’s over qualified SECDEF pick, Peter the Great! Oh, wait a minute, did I say over qualified? Well, Trump only picks the best people so it was just a guess on my part. I may have got that wrong but, I mean, he was, after all, a Fox Entertainment host! If you were on TV, you’re qualified. What more could you ask for?

    But speaking of how religion poisons everything, here we are 466 days after the genocidal assault on Gaza, you know, the one that was to rid GAZA of HAMAS fighters, and the Secretary of State of the world’s only superpower, Anthony Blinken, says in a press conference that HAMAS has recruited as many new fighters as Israel has gotten rid of!

    Goddamn! How’s that Zionist shit work anyway? 466 days of incessant bombing and you’ve got more HAMAS fighters than you started with? Fuck! Who knew?

    I know, give Israel another $8 Billion we finance through the Chinese banks. That’ll do it! Oh, wait a minute, we just did that! Darn, hate when that happens. My suggestions are always too late!

    Well, point being, the only thing that’s going to get HAMAS out is more US dollars with Chinese attributes. I’m predicting my grandkids are going to be very successful and will have lots of money to pay China back for those loans so, borrow away!

    Biden couldn’t quite get Gaza completely destroyed but don’t you worry. Trump has already said if the hostages aren’t freed by Jan 20th, “All Hell’s going to break out!”

    So I’m guessing early Monday morning the Middle East is going to be completely on fire!

    I assume “All Hell” means US attacks on Gaza? Those hosts.., er HAMAS fighters better turn themselves in! Oh, wait a minute, we already did that! OK, then hit Yemen and Lebanon. Let’s see, who else could we bomb? Oh, I know – Syria! Yeah, that’ll do it! Hit Syria! Fuck it, while we’re at it, bomb Iran too! You show them Donnie! They’ve been watching Al Jazeera and haven’t seen your warnings on Fox News so, get ‘em Donnie! You show them who’s boss!

    Just think, if you put US troops on the ground in Gaza, you could go ahead with construction of a new beach-front Trump tower!

    By Tuesday morning the war in Ukraine will also be over! Trump said he’d get it done in 24 hours. These things are just too easy when you’re a “staple Genus!”

    Get your kids ready America, Donnie’s gonna be needing some military help!

    “And it’s one, two, three what are we fighting for?”

    Those Israeli tanks must not be very good! Either that or them Palestinian kids are throwing rocks at them! That could be dangerous. Imagine being a tank Commander sticking your head up through the hatch and getting hit with a rock? Dangerous job!

    Someone tell the IDF that Christians are praying to their Jewish savior for their protection! Not sure if they really appreciate that but it’s the thought that counts!

  9. J.P. January 16, 2025 at 12:25 pm

    Synergy, permit me to offer two points. First, we’ve known for a long time that military efforts to eliminate a guerrilla force can backfire, drawing more converts to the underdogs’ side. You made an oblique reference to that with that throwback to Country Joe and the Fish. We learned that in the Vietnam War and shouldn’t have had to re-learn it in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    The second point is that, contrary to your stated position that, ” . . . religion poisons everything,” I must respectfully disagree. Religion can be an opportunity for learning about others. It can help build communities. Religions often motivate people to do wonderful things, helping those in need. It’s certainly true that religions can be abusive — especially when religious people occupy positions of power: not to help everyone, but to help themselves. That’s why MRFF — as I’m sure you’re aware — exists: to stop those in superior positions in our armed forces from abusing their power to the benefit of their religions.

    But I personally found your closing statement about ” . . . Christians are praying to their Jewish savior” particularly offensive for two reasons. First, my wife is Jewish, and NO authentic Jew will claim that Jesus was Jewish. This Jesus did NOT fulfill any of the prophecies regarding Mashiach, so to call him ” . . . their Jewish Savior” is extremely offensive to Jews!

    My second point, though, has to do with the Christians doing the praying: they don’t CARE about Israel, or the Palestinian civilians, or Hamas. They care that Israel is supposed to be the fulfillment of Christian prophecy regarding “The End Times”.

    In my experience, most Christians are more concerned with being good people than with wielding power or the end times prophecies. So, on their behalf, I protest.

    Again, respectfully,

    J. P. DeMeritt

  10. Jeff January 16, 2025 at 1:01 pm

    J.P.: I offer no criticism regarding the majority of your last post, as I don’t want to get into a debate about the merits of religion. However, your statement that no authentic Jew regards Jesus as a Jew is not supported by the facts. If you meant to say that no Jewish person regards Jesus as the messiah, I believe you have an argument to make based on the Old Testament and the current beliefs of the vast majority of Jews. But Jews do believe Jesus was a Jew.

    No less a scholar than Amy-Jill Levine (Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies and a respected authority on the history and texts of both Judaism and Christianity) wrote a wonderful book called “The Misunderstood Jew” that explains the attempts by Christian scholars through the centuries to obfuscate Jesus’ Jewish identity, while also thoroughly demonstrating that Jesus is reported in the gospels to be 100% Jewish. In fact Jesus allegedly says he intends to advocate for all of the law (The Bible that only consisted of what we now call the Old Testament) to be fulfilled – every word.

    That is undeniably Jewish. It ain’t Buddhist, and Christianity and Islam didn’t yet exist during the alleged lifetime of Jesus. So, if he existed, and if he said and did as alleged in the gospels, he was a Jew.

  11. Synergy January 16, 2025 at 1:02 pm

    So, as it turns out, 19 million democrats sat out the vote, handing Trump the win. The message being that it wasn’t an overwhelming MAGA victory, it was a repudiation of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris over …… US support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza at the hands of a Yahoo! Benyameen NetenYAHOO!

    We’ll fuck me! Who woulda thunk it! Joe Biden’s support for Israeli atrocities, himself an admitted staunch Zionist, breaking in to your kid’s piggy banks and borrowing money from China to finance the purge of an indigenous people! I wish I could attach my letters to the White House during the onslaught but I didn’t save them. They weren’t friendly.

    Not that we’ve ever done anything like that! Course, you can’t teach it in school. Heaven forbid!

    Kind of like being a founding father saying, “all men are created equal ….. except the ones I own!” Too fucking funny!

    Not to mention that the emancipator himself, “honest Abe,” owned slaves, his wife Mary Todd, the daughter of Kentucky’s largest slaveholder. A quote from Abe, “people who don’t own slaves are nobody.”

    But I digress. The upcoming cease fire deal, turned down by Netanyahu last May, is not the end of the war in Gaza but the beginning of the end for Israel. Having elevated itself to the exultancy of pariah State, Benjamin’s troubles are just beginning.

    Himself, Smotrich, and buddy Ben Gavin, all war criminals, fugitives from justice according to the ICJ.

    Lock their asses up!

    Regarding the win? Trump has 19 million democrats to thank!

    Let’s see how Little Marco handles himself going forward along with Mike Huckabee, Trump’s new Ambassador to Israel who says, “there’s no such thing as Palestinian people!” Ouch Huckman! So … you want a ceasefire or you don’t? Prolly oughta check in with the Orange Man before you open your mouth! Already off to rocky start, you know, principles!

    MAGA on the ropes before they get into the ring! The infighting, I admit, is fun to watch!

  12. Tom O January 16, 2025 at 3:36 pm

    Little-known religious history: the first Christians considered themselves to still be Jews, and continued to follow ALL the Jewish religious practices. Gentiles who wanted to be Christians had to first go through the Jewish rites of conversion.
    That didn’t end until the Jewish hierarchy condemned them as heretics and chased them out of the synagogues. After that, at the Council of Jerusalem in 70 AD, St. Peter formally declared that Christians no longer had to practice Judaism. That is retrospectively considered by Catholics as the first use of Papal Infallibility.

  13. Tom O January 16, 2025 at 6:47 pm

    Three things that confirm Jesus was Jewish: his mother worshipped him like a god; he lived with her until he was 30; and he took over his father’s business.

  14. Synergy January 18, 2025 at 4:44 am

    J.P. I don’t make claim to respect from anyone, just an old white guy stating an opinion. And also happen to support the MRFF, having served in and worked for the military for many years (much of it in the Bible Belt).

    The “poisons everything” comment was stolen from Chris Hitchens and I would argue you don’t have to hold any religion to be a good man. In fact, just the opposite, your implication that religion, somehow, provides a morality policing role. Saudi has a religious police, ref: the Mutawa. Been there, done that, beyond oppression.

    Your religious apologetics mention “the good” of religion. I would point you to Galileo and Bruno, the crusades, inquisitions, Catholic support of the Nazis, et al. Jews, btw, are not immune to religious zealotry, ref Gaza.

    Your wife being Jewish? That’s y’all’s thing bro. And before you get on an anti-Semitic trope, I would use the same language for any religion. In this case, with reference to the MRFF’s mission against proselytizing Christian Commanders, as I understand the story, God knocked up the “Jewish” virgin wife of another man so …. did I get the story right? Technically, Christ was half Jewish? By sheer strength of numbers (bandwagon fallacy), I’m guessing Christians might disagree with you – while they bomb Gaza (that was gratuitous, I know – cheap shot).

    My goal is to do my part to make this place a little better than it was before I got here, providing, perhaps, an alternative thought or two as a JV member of the check out generation, along with supporting the MRFF and other like causes. As an altruistic gesture, I’m also giving up my place in Heaven, you know, a donation, one extra spot for a Christian or converted Jew? :-)

    I’m an iconoclast by nature, rebel at heart, lifelong learner, and amateur tasseographisct! :-)

    Appreciate your thoughts. All the best!

  15. Billy Ledbetter January 18, 2025 at 5:19 am

    Most of these post are absolutly stupid! Hegset is qualified and deserving of his appointment! He will be confirmed regardless! Its amazing that adults can be brainwashed like 13 year old teenagers ! Go Pete!!!!

  16. Jeff January 18, 2025 at 5:25 am

    Technically, Judaism is a religion, not a race classification or part of one’s DNA. So Jesus would not be “half Jewish.” He went to the Temple regularly and allegedly advocated for following all of “God’s laws” – every word. That would make him Jewish, period.

  17. Synergy January 18, 2025 at 5:34 am

    What do Christians think? Not that they’re right, but what do they think regarding the “Jewishness” of their Christ?

    Headset is qualified? Of course, just like his boss, a TV entertainer! Sounds like another non-military opinion.

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