GOP Congress Shocking Disgrace!!! House Armed Services Committee Passes Amendment to Make it ILLEGAL to Communicate with MRFF!!! — With New Video from Mikey Weinstein

Published On: June 26, 2023|Categories: Featured News|26 Comments|
Congressman Mike Turner

In an almost inconceivable action, a Christian nationalist GOP congressman, Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio, has introduced legislation to shut MRFF downto make it ILLEGAL for Department of Defense personnel to even communicate with MRFF!

Turner’s legislation comes in the form of an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY 2024 — an amendment that was PASSED last week in the GOP-led House Armed Services Committee’s markup of the NDAA.

If this amendment remains in the final bill, it will become LAW, specifically it will become part of Title 10 of the U.S. Code, also known as the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). This means that if a military commander even responds to an email from MRFF, or makes any decision as a result of being contacted by MRFF, that commander can be charged with violating the UCMJ and potentially face a court-martial!

Click to read and watch (1:50) video

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  1. Suuuuure June 26, 2023 at 3:02 pm

    Lmao, get owned. Cant wait, Mikey almost done grifting his donors. Good times.

  2. Elizabeth Sholes June 26, 2023 at 3:37 pm

    How odd that the very people calling for “religious freedom” don’t want freedom for anyone but themselves. Mikey’s donors uphold the Constitution and full religious freedom for everyone including Dominionists and allied extremists. What they reject is forced participation in one view of religion, one thread of Christianity that has deviated from its own traditions and morals. Mikey agrees you have the right to your views and to exist, but you do not have a single right, Constitutionally or via any other means, to shove your views on others. One would THINK you’d be happy that your rights are protected by MRFF. But you seem to desire that others’ rights be eliminated. That’s not only anti Constitutional, it’s un-Christian. Guess you love the tribalism of the Old Testament not the inclusiveness of the New. Christianity is just your brand. Jesus has been reduced to a mascot. Sorry, that won’t fly as the only view in town. Constitution and Bible both say so.

  3. Suuuuure June 26, 2023 at 4:18 pm

    It would be one thing if MRFF fought against really egregious violations, but your donations are going to almost exclusively tearing down Christianity under the guise of ” Fighting Christian Nationalists”, as if they are a large group of Nazis. Congrats on creating something out of thin air with a complete bias. Seems MRFF days are numbered here. Good riddance.

  4. Y Autrey June 26, 2023 at 5:20 pm

    None of the stunts these asshat Christian Nationalists try to pull surprise me. Similarly, it would not surprise me at all if it turns out that Turner’s political heroes are Senator Joseph McCarthy and Adolph Hitler and the same goes for the clown signing itself Suuuuure. 🙄 Personally, I could care less what a person’s religious beliefs might be, that is up to them entirely. What I absolutely DO take exception to is when some asshat tries to push their religion off onto others, they’re right down there with the Islamic State, Warren Jeffs and similar nutcase religious zealots.

  5. An Old Army Nonnie Mouse June 26, 2023 at 5:28 pm

    Thank you for the email push with this information. I’ve written my Congressional Representative and both of my Senators and asked them to follow up with me so I can push back against this as much as possible. To that end, I’ve also rearranged my budget to donate what I can to the cause. Please keep doing what you do, you make a positive difference in this world and I for one am extremely grateful!

  6. Suuuuure June 26, 2023 at 5:39 pm

    Thank you Y Autrey for proving my point.

    just remember half your contribution goes into Mickey’s pocket for ” tellecom” reimbursements if I remember correctly.

  7. Tom O June 26, 2023 at 6:15 pm

    “tearing down Christianity under the guise of ” Fighting Christian Nationalists”, as if they are a large group of Nazis” because they ARE the same kind of group: for more info see–like-you-and-me/

    If this outrageous law does pass, during the delay before courts rule it unconstitutional, the Sec of Def could just give everyone in the military the permission the law would require to communicate with MRFF.

  8. George N. June 27, 2023 at 8:59 am

    Keep up the good work Mikey. You know you’re doing good when they want to ban you. If their god is so great what are they so afraid of? The boogey man from Mar A Lago?

  9. Suuuuure June 27, 2023 at 10:55 am

    Lol you really linked a Salon article? Ranked the most liberal left leaning outlet in media? Too funny

  10. Tom O June 27, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    What parts of the Salon article do you deny are true?

  11. Suuuuure June 27, 2023 at 1:25 pm

    Find an article about the bad man (Christian Nationalists) from a moderate unbiased news source, and Ill read it. Doubt it exists though.

  12. Suuuuure June 27, 2023 at 4:01 pm

    lol really satisfying to watch Mickey Mouse unhinged. Who would have thought the death knell for MRFF would come from a Republican “Christian Nationalist”. Extra wreaths for everyone this year 🤣

  13. Mark Sebree June 27, 2023 at 4:48 pm

    Define what you consider to be “moderate, unbiased new source[s]”. You could be given dozens of links to accurate news stories, and then you would say that you do not accept any of them because they do not meet your personal definition of “moderate, unbiased news sources”.

  14. Suuuuure June 27, 2023 at 5:34 pm

    Lol i mean just not Salon or MSNBC or anything overtly liberal.. it doesnt have to be Fox news. Just find something in the middle. My point is that this is a liberal idea that youre only gonna find in liberal media.

  15. Tom O June 27, 2023 at 8:26 pm

    The reason that the attempt by the bible-thumper fundamentalists to make the US into a theocracy is an “idea that you’re only gonna find in liberal media” is that if the mainstream covered it they’d be attacked the same way that the theocrats attack MRFF and anyone else who opposes them. As one theocrat put it, “We are the Christian Taliban”

  16. Grey One Talks Sass June 27, 2023 at 11:58 pm

    Suuuuure, it is telling that you won’t review an article because “liberal bias”. In fact to me it’s hysterical because as it is well known, facts are perceived as liberal as they dispute known conservative bias.

    No clue what source you’d believe as you’ve yet to mention one but don’t believe the media, believe the words of Nationalist Christians. They’ve been talking about Seven Mountains Dominionism since the early nineties and are not shy as they do their best to turn our democracy into a theocracy. Unlike you, I delve into sites I might not agree with to see what they are saying – maybe even learn a thing or two.

    As for why the MRFF stories are mostly about Christians behaving badly – oh Suuuuure, your lack of critical reasoning skills is on display here – it’s because Nationalist Christians are predominantly the ones breaking all the rules. When someone of a different faith behaves as Nationalist Christians do on a daily basis and the MRFF ignores the situation (never going to happen by the way) then you have room to gripe. Until then, you are only a gust of hot air in an already heated climate.

  17. Tom O June 28, 2023 at 9:30 am

    Can any of MRFF’s detractors offer even ONE example of a non-bible-thumper-fundamentalist Christian military person trying to push their religion on other military people? I asked that same question June 9 at

    Never got an answer. (BIG surprise!!!)

  18. Ironmoped June 28, 2023 at 5:44 pm

    Donations to the MRFF are tearing down Christianity? More donations please!

    ‘bout time we got rid of these religious bigots and expose American Christian Nationalism for what it truly is….. a power broker ponzi scheme for the emasculated right wing. Talk about Woke! Bible study for warriors? Hula Hoops for Christ? Commander prayer vigils? “OK, let’s talk about Jesus now!”

    The irony of their religious leaders in congress, the vast majority of whom would never think of military service, passing legislation to protect warriors from the boogeyman MRFF. It shows just how fragile our military really is. “Let’s all hold hands now,” in their Wednesday night Commander-led prayer meetings. “Let’s all pray that the Mikey Weinstein NDAA legislation passes so we can have even more prayer meetings!” “Wouldn’t that be special? You’ll be able to opt-out of military training to learn about White Jesus!” “Prayer breakfast, prayer lunch, prayer dinner. We can pray for all those little kids that got their faces blown off in school!”

    The right-wing in this country are trying to wrap the entire military in a Woke Christian pride flag! Albeit in Taliban colors!

  19. CmonManYouKnoeTheThing June 29, 2023 at 5:44 am

    Two things to look forward to this year. Brandons bribery indictment and Mickey’s unemployment.

  20. ironmoped June 29, 2023 at 8:48 am

    The best two things to look forward to this year, Trump’s 1st jail sentence and Trump’s 2nd jail sentence!

  21. CmonManYouKnoeTheThing June 29, 2023 at 8:56 am

    Maybe so, but Biden is not far behind.They can be cellmates. Toss his Bozo son in their with em.

  22. CmonManYouKnoeTheThing June 29, 2023 at 8:56 am

    there*. whoops.

    wheres jackie?

  23. ironmoped June 29, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    You smokin something again?

    Arkansas sunflowers?

    Maybe Eric and Don will do conjugal visits.

    Jackie O?

  24. Tom O June 29, 2023 at 2:14 pm

    “Two things to look forward to this year. Brandons bribery indictment” (5:44AM) Not likely, because the “bribery charges” are based on info provided in 2019
    by Giuliani from a source in Ukraine who overheard a conversation between two other people whom no one can find. That info was passed in 2020 to the Trump-appointed federal DA in Delaware who was investigating the Bidens, and is the ONLY Trump appointed federal DA who’s STILL on the job. He apparently found the info not credible at the time, and 3 years later hasn’t found any reason to charge Joe Biden with ANYTHING. More about this is at

    including this
    “A Ukrainian oligarch who ran the energy company that hired Hunter Biden to serve on its board told associates of Rudy Giuliani that Burisma never had any contacts with then-Vice President Biden while his son worked at the company. The conversation with Mykola Zlochevsky, part of the package of information received by lawmakers during former President Trump’s first impeachment, was highlighted by the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee as evidence undercutting a GOP-led probe into an alleged bribery scheme.”

  25. ironmoped June 29, 2023 at 2:38 pm

    Tom O,
    Appreciate all your comments and insight. Always very well thought out!

  26. Tom O June 29, 2023 at 3:25 pm

    Read the rest of the article I linked, and see even more about how phony Comer’s “investigation” is. If (highly unlikely) CmonManYouKnoeTheThing reads it, he will still keep accusing Biden of bribery, in spite of all evidence to the contrary.

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