MAGA Commander Gleefully Terminates Female Navy Pilot’s ‘Top Gun’ Application — Unveils and Enacts Stomach-Turning Anti-Diversity ‘10 Commandments’, Trending #1 on Daily Kos. (NEW VIDEO FROM MIKEY WEINSTEIN)

A female Navy fighter pilot told MRFF her ’Top Gun’ application had been terminated by her ecstatic MAGA commander for no other reason than her being female, writing:
“He smiled as he spoke to me and then rationalized this decision because ‘women won’t ever be in combat again’ and I ‘should not be taking a male Naval Aviator’s place.’
On the same day, this same MAGA commander also unveiled his new anti-DEI ‘10 Commandments,’ laying out his MAGA screw-everybody-who-isn’t-white-and-male-and-Christian agenda:
(1) No more Black History Month
(2) No more Women’s History Month
(3) No more Hispanic History Month
(4) No more LGBTQ recognition
(5) No more talk about “Transexuals” anywhere in the military workplace as “they do not exist anymore than leprechauns exist”
(6) Female personnel will participate in “female pursuits only” for sports teams on his military installation
(7) “Female pursuits” for female sports include only badminton, bowling, tennis and golf
(8) Female military personnel will no longer be allowed to participate on installation teams for rugby, basketball, flag football and mixed martial arts. They may run track but not participate in any field events
(9) No more “holiday parties” as all events will be designated only as “Christmas parties” during the end of the year season
(10) Bible studies in the workplace “are highly encouraged though no one will be forced to attend”
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- February 5, 2025 | 14 comments
- February 5, 2025 | No comments
I have just donated $100 to the MRFF after seeing the video re the rejection of a female pilot wanting to join the Top Gun program.
Well, there you have it. A Navy MAGAT gets to throw away the tax payer investment of seven or eight years of training and education to become a fighter pilot, the pilot’s hard work and career, not to mention the experience lost and negative impact on readiness, unit cohesion, and combat capability.
One particular thing the MAGAT got wrong, badminton is reserved for Navy Christian Commanders! He should have had his barefoot and pregnant wife proofread that one before he put it out!
The good thing about him wearing the Trump hat? Easier to spot stupid in a crowd!
Bible studies encouraged in the workplace? I’d rather see you honing your MOS skills rather than learning about Lot screwing his own daughters! I thought we hired and trained these folks to fight wars!
Course, the Commander In Chief, Donnie Bone Spurs, wouldn’t know anything about that would he? Club 54 in New York his own personal Vietnam he claims.
This Commander will weed himself out, both personally and professionally. Just a matter of time.
He’ll self isolate, relegated to slapping at imaginary flies in his old age, lonely and remorseful, the hate in his heart destroying the vessel that contains it. He’s already a shell of a man, hollow. He’ll never know respect, it’s earned!
Support the MRFF!
As a former Navy helicopter aircrewman with multiple carrier deployments from the South China Sea to East Africa to the Gulf of Oman, with numerous CSAR exercises at NAS Fallon, NV., I am outraged at this MAGA commander’s actions regarding the highly qualified woman applicant to Top Gun school. Plenty of men wash out before they ever get near a flight deck, yet she qualified and excelled. She graduated from the Academy yet plenty of men wash out from there. She flew combat sorties where I doubt the troops below cared that she was female, only that she completed the mission.
The recent election has given the green light for misogyny and fascism to come out into the open. I was wondering when the time would come that I felt I had to speak out.This is that time. It sure didn’t take long.
Best of luck with this one, Mikey. I look forward to reading about the commander’s demotion and reassignment.
Donation to follow…
Commanders with hubris like this usually get too close to the sun and eventually crash and burn. All eyes will be on him now and eventually he’ll have an alcohol-related incident or a credible allegation of sexual assault or marital infidelity.
I like the “marital infidelity” of Bilbo’s comment! Yep, pretty par for the Christian course! Don’t have to look further than the Republican House Reps sexting Cassidy Hutchison, a 26 year old White House aide and “fresh meat” in the Republican cockus, their signature old-guy move. You know, ALL young women that come to Washington are there to be “taken care of” in their sexual fantasy club, new perverts, er, I mean, converts to Biblical studies.
Didn’t Lot have sex with his own daughters? See, just goes to show you, God called Lot a “righteous” man. Of course his daughters were little trollops, you know, like all women in the Republican fold. Not their fault. They’re good “Christian” men.
Remember (showing my age) Newt Gingrich telling his wife on her death bed, dying of cancer, that he was divorcing her? Who the fuck does that other than a good Christian Republican, wanting to see the look on his dying wife’s face as she checked out while having her dignity stripped away before she died? Here’s to you Newtie Boy. Hope you get to see that vision again as you slip away from the land of the living. You know, a little desert before you meet your Heavenly Father!
Course, that behavior is normalized under the current administration. Women – “Know thy place!” And it ain’t flying F-18 Hornets in the Navy! It’s on your back with your legs spread or barefoot and pregnant, in the kitchen, handing out cold beers without having to be asked!
With the new SECDEF, Little Peter Headset, we’re gonna get women back where they belong!
“Peggy, is your sister coming over this weekend? You need some help being 8 months pregnant an all! Get me another beer honey! I’m working on some new Top Gun candidates! Belch!” As Peggy brings him a beer, “Hey honey, check this out,” showing her the clip of Donnie Schittsinpants saying, “I moved on her like a bitch! And she was married! Ain’t that some funny shit honey?”
“You feeling OK baby? You’re walking a little slow. Your sister coming over this weekend? Can’t wait to see her! Oh, they’ve asked me to give a sermon at chapel this Sunday!”
Yep, good Christian family values!
“What goes around comes around!”
Support the MRFF!
Speaking of planes, Mexico refuses to let a C-17 full of deported immigrants land?
How dare they! See, that’s what you get with a woman President! Must be her time of the month!
Don’t put up with that Donnie! You need to move on her like a bitch! Show Mexico who’s boss! Get rid of them farm workers! We’ve got white Christian kids to do those jobs. Oh, I hear we’ve got oranges rotting on the trees, migrants afraid to come to work. Fucking egg prices already too high. Now orange juice? C’mon Donnie! Send in the military! To hell with commie pussytatus!
And get Seal Team 6 into Mexico City so those planes can land! Damn Mexicans! Who do they think they are?
P.S. I’ll bet that ex Naval Academy fighter pilot can land a globe master? Will need a little training to get current, you know, new platform an all, but I’ll bet she can do it while her bosses are playing badminton!
“Pitch for airspeed, power for altitude!” Unless, of course, you’re on final approach. She’ll make the adjustment! They’ll move them fire trucks on the runway when they see a globe master coming at ‘em!
I am as outraged as anyone else here, but FULL STOP!
Who is this commander????
I research news like this that shows up on the Internet.
When I googled it, your site was the only link that showed up.
Please authenticate your post.
Thank you.
I hope his daughters and all his heirs .for centuaries are under the ancient culture and never have a MALE in their lives. . As for this piece of trash, he will encounter the ancient culture soon and be surprised
Sooooo refreshing watching the entire Orange Klan being dressed down publicly by an Episcopalian Bishop, JD Vance trying to get his wife’s attention but she’s not having it. Vance glancing at Trump trying to figure out where the smell is coming from, wondering if he has a clean up job to do after the sermon, given his boss’s Adderall leakage!
The only thing the bishop left out in her castigation was the part about supporting those that this nation has invested in and are called upon to put their lives on the line to prosecute this nation’s wars! Specifically, in this case, women in the military, particularly, seasoned fighter pilots!
Team Trump rails on about this being a new “merit based” era as he fires his own appointed Inspector Generals because they didn’t have “supplicant” in their titles!
Orange the new color of fascism on full display with the “merit-based” appointment of little Peter Headset, you know, a “Top Gun!”
TV personality gets you a ticket to the ball, fealty gets you a seat next to the Dear Leader!
Go Navy?
Co-President Elonia gets his ass kicked out of the White House, Vivek having already been fired from Elonia’s Dept of Gormless Epiphanies (DOGE), progress of a kind!
Be interesting to watch senior military officers at the Pentagon cock-blocking little Peter Headset picking his next conquest in the halls of the Pentagon.
Wife number four on the way for little Peter? You know, a man of his stature? He gets bored! Or she does!
Great family man, good Christian values, a pretty good badminton player ….. when he’s, allegedly, not drinking. But, you know, kind of tracking Donnie’s own history minus the alcohol, Adderall the preference according to Noel Casler. Game, set, match!
U.S. Marines on the border already saying they’re there for show – with nothing to do! Full per diem but bored to tears, not what they signed up for. That oughta help recruiting!
Gonna have to change those Marine Corps recruiting ads.
You know, show an Eagle, Globe, and Anchor tatted muscled white bicep wrapped around the neck of a nine year old little brown girl that just swam the Rio Grande, sopping wet, terror in her eyes, gasping for breath with the caption, “First to Fight for Rights and FREEDOM!” Oorah!
Use similar for Army captioned with, “Be All You Can Be!”
Put a cross on it to get Christian Moms and Dads to sign their boys up!
Full on MAGA – Coming to a town near you!
This originated at Daily Kos, but there are absolutely zero sources regarding this. Most likely it is fake.
This originated with a call to the MRFF by the female Navy fighter pilot, the “who” protected by confidentiality for obvious reasons. She’s an active duty fighter pilot! Her career on the line owing to the prevalence of retribution faced by these MAGAT Christian nut jobs in our military.
The article on Daily Kos came from the MRFF’s Senior Research Director Chris Rodda. You have to be able to read bro! It’s a prerequisite!
There wouldn’t be any other sources – yet!
The MRFF exists to counter the retribution military members are subjected to as a result of the abuse of power coming from the Christian Right hell bent on creating their imagined “Army of God;” their modern day Knights Templar imagined version of their own masculinity.
If it doesn’t come out on Fox Entertainment it didn’t happen? Get a grip bro! Get some fat on your head and use it for something besides a hat rack!
Permit me to address this first part to Caryl Brt and Kent Adams. It’s early days yet, and Mikey and the MRFF are obliged to keep details private at this point in order to prevent any further adverse actions against this and other dissenting officers. The story only hit Daily Kos yesterday, and it may take a bit of time to make it into the mainstream media. I urge you to be patient and not be too quick to accuse MRFF of promoting a fake story.
That said, I think Mikey said it best at the end of the video clip. And I certainly hope this naval aviator gets her chance to p!$$ in her CO’s Cheerios!
I’ve known and supported MRFF over the years and also have followed Chris Rodda’s journalism for about as long and have never known them to be anything but forthright and on-point. Of paramount importance is the privacy of the officer who contacted Mikey and the MRFF, and as stated above, it is early yet in the evolution of this story. If Chris and Mikey are the source my bet is that it is verifiably true.
The language of the email is off. The timelines career vs family life are off. The chains of command are off. If you want to see Kos, see Fffflats piece regarding this story. It is highly suspicious as someone trolling MRFF. And if it were legit, MRFF shouldn’t have published it as the community is too small and identifying the victim becomes too easy.
Jim, I get the small community part, fair enough, point made, but where else would she go? Her Commander?
Her Commander’s boss?
The IG? Now beholden to full on MAGA?
What’s her remedy if not the MRFF?
Put yourself in her shoes. What would you do?
I’m betting what she gains by going to the MRFF is the rest of her career. You can bet this is not this Commander’s first foray into this type of behavior. She may not be flying fighters any more, but given this Commander’s misogyny, that was gone anyway.
Easy for all of us to give advice over that which we have no responsibility, but I’d be interested in knowing what your solution is, “take it like a man?” No slight against you intended.
What advice would you give this Naval aviator?
Given the MRFF’s track record and integrity, Mr. Weinstein, an attorney, Air Force Academy alum, Air Force JAG officer, served in the White House (Reagan admin), his children also Air Force Academy alum, one a State Representative, with Christian Nationalism in the military on the rise fully empowered by the current admin, across all branches, Mr. Weinstein having 20+ years fighting to protect the constitutionally mandated freedoms for all religions, there’s no doubt in my mind the client was vetted and the story is true.
And the Air Force caved like a wet paper bag.
Per a post on Joe My God this morning: “Lesson plans about the Tuskegee Airmen, groundbreaking Black pilots known for their service during World War II, and the Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASPs, the female World War II pilots who were vital in ferrying warplanes for the military, have been removed from the U.S. Air Force curriculum, a U.S. official confirmed on Saturday to CBS News.”
So…the oh so White males in positions of authority in the Air Force as so threatened by the fact they aren’t the be all and end all of amazing pilots that they banned HISTORY of anyone aside from themselves excelling?
Here/now our trolls are so triggered by the idea a female pilot dared to speak out against the illegal and immoral acts of their commander that they just had come here to cast aspersions on both Chris and Mikey? Without a shred of evidence?
I understand, Not All White Men (trademark pending) but certainly the White men currently stepping into positions of authority in both the military and our government are behaving like fragile little beasts. Almost as if all their claims of machismo are merely a smoke screen to mask the fact that they are in reality tiny toddlers who are totally in over their head.
Nah, what do I know? I’m just part of the females of the world – heaviest of snarkiest snarks.
Also, no one rescue these Nat C’s other than to prevent their actions from causing harm. An addict must hit rock bottom before any healing can begin. Tough Love 101
Caryl Brt:
Do you honestly think the affected pilot would have alerted, say, the FTNYT, before contacting MRFF? Or think that MRFF would, concurrent with the pilot’s email, announce this to the public? OR that MRFF would even site-publish this without the pilot’s OK?
There’s a lot of commentary in sites about the validity of the pilot’s claim — much of it based on the language, especially some jargon used; since MRFF hasn’t yet retracted their words, I’m going with them; IF MRFF does that, I’ll then FULL STOP.
Welcome to Trump’s “Golden Age of America!” Sorry, I misspoke. It’s a Golden Shower!
Drink up MAGA!
Grey One, my wife worked at the Blagg-Huey Library at the Denton, Texas campus of Texas Woman’s University (TWU) before taking her current job at the Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA). Working at the TWU Library’s Women’s Collection, she worked with the Official WASP archive. In her current job, there’s a close connection to the Tuskegee Airmen (imagine that!).
If we’re going to ignore the contributions women and people of color have made to the construction and use of airpower because the new boss (same as the old boss . . .) doesn’t like to acknowledge anyone but old white farts, we’re not going to get far in our futures.
. . . And my wife may need a new job. AFHRA may not have much in the way of futures if this $h!t keeps up.
One week in MAGAritville and Trump’s got his first (of many) trade wars – with Columbia! It’s two biggest exports to the U.S. oil and coffee. Did someone say coffee? Uh oh! You know how cranky MAGA gets without their coffee!
Did I leave out cocaine? Oh, sorry, not subject to tariffs. The party crowd in DC will be happy to hear that.
And ….. China says, “Hey Columbia. We’ll take your oil and coffee! No worries. You can even join the BRICS! As a bonus, we’ve got $4,000 dollar electric vehicles for you and can help you with your infrastructure and power grid! We can even put a rail line in for cargo to bypass the Panama Canal – cheaper than canal passage!”
Columbia – Latin culture with Chinese characteristics? Too funny!
Golden showers MAGA!